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A Memory of Early Das. Bañe of chiklliood's tender years. Hwallowed olt witli groans and tears, How It raade the flesh recoll, Loathsome, greasy castor oü! Search your early inemory close, TI II yon flnd another dose: All the shudderlng frame revolts At the thought of Kpsom salts! Underneatb the dlll-box lid Was a greater horror hld, Climax of all luward ills, Huge and grlpicg oíd blue plus! What a contrast to the mild and geutl action of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgativ Pellets, sugar-coated, easyto take, cleans ing reeuperating, renovating the sj-ateni without wrcnohing it with agony. Sok by druggists. FIaintifl"s Attorney- Your honor, move to diamiss this case. It h:is bee settled in the pellet court. Jadge- ImpoBsible. There has bee no appeal taken. Plaintilï's Attorney - I know, hut th plaiutifi' setlled it tlils rnorning with charge ot leailen pellets trom a snotmin -WestShore. Gen. B. F. Botlcr ! Still lives, so do hundreds of otliers wh have been cured of Kheuinatlsm an( Neuralgia by the great blood purilier Sulphur Bitters. Send for testimoniáis Firat Medical Student - Do you know I have a suspicion that this fellow isn' dead ? Second Medical Student- He certainly does bcar some resemblance to life But we've tried everything withou avail. The Dead Man - I wish you fellow would quit talkiog, or elae eenct me boe to PhPadelphia.- Life. Hetler Thnn Ever. The Southern Pacific Company hav expend.d large suma of money on th track and snow sheds during the pas year In improving their line via ügde to San Francisco and these improvement in connection with themagnificent equip ment of the Union Pacific gives the tiav tling public a well nigh perfect servic from the Missouri rlver to the Goldo Gate. All of the details have been so ar ranged as to inake tliis trip the very lux ury of travel. Takm f; om China- Consommé. What wc export to Spain- Gnibh. "A Spcll of weather"- W-ea-t-he r. Fine Playlug Cards. Send ten (10) cents in stamps coii to John Sebastine, Gen'! Tkt. and Pas? Ag'c Chicago, Kock Isf,and & Pacific Rr., for a pack of the latest, smoothest slickest playinjr cards that ever gladdenet the eyes and rippled aloug the liners o the devotee to Hlgh-Five, Seven-Up, Ca sino, Dutch, Euchre, Whist or any oih: ancleiit or modern game, aiul get jou money's worlli live times over. ! ..: LtTEfiATURC FOR ALL Tlll'.i.JKiUCAN PliOTICl [Vi:T.IUFFl.KAQtr Is publwbing ii most valuablo sertas of Tarlfl documente. These are prepared witti a view to stute the facts mul urgumcnts tor Prote tion, wlicther in the interest ui' farmers, laborera, iiHrrliunts or professional men. Kuch issue of the series aupeals to tliose enKHiml in mcliistries.andpresentsindismituble facts - coinparisons of wages, cost ot' liviiijf, and other urg:umeut3 sbowing the beneöts of l'rotection. Any single one will be fent on recei'pt of 2 cents in stamps exeept " Wages, Iiivin(f and Tariff," wliich will lie sent for 4 cents. The whole list will be sent for 30 oents or any twelvo for 20 cents, or any flve for 10 cents, postagc pald. Urdcrby uumber. No. Pages. 1-" Wage-, ! ; . ■ : ■, I Tailfr." E. A. HartsBOB. .. 104 3- "The Ai!v!„t.i... .-. of a l'rutictivc Tarllt to LAwur Bod ii.diitries of the Uulted Btfttea." i'irn Prlze Kssay, 1887. CrawFORD D. HKNMNU 32 Í- " Home ProdUL-tlon ludlHponsable to a Supply, at Low fricas, of the Manufacturad (.'iiiiiiiniilltiii rcqulroil for the 1 'copie of the Uniu-d Btates, and Adequate Huma Productlou of these ('oiiuiuHlItlcs Iinpoafllble without a 1'roU'ctive TarliT." Flrut lrlze Kssay, 1S8K. C. D. Todd 32 i - " WhatareRaw Materials? Would KreeUaw MuUTlal: bc Advanlaíít'ou.s to the Labor and lmlusirkD of tl; United States." First l'rlze Ksaay, 1KMI. HdmkrB. OnttlLl. 33 5- "Fallacleu of Kree-Trade." E. f. MuxKR... 8i ö - "Somi1 Views on Ihe TaritT ly an Old liuslrir.-slun." Geo. Duai'KR 32 7- "The'lTotiitlve TarliT: lts Ailvuuum's for tlie.-outh." C. L. I'Dwards 32 8- "TheWool Interest. " JuJKPWM.L.vwutscï 24 w- "I'rotectlon rs. Free'l'rade."- A Illstorli il Heview. D. U. IIahiciuan 20 10-" The Farmer and the larltl" Col. Thomas H . Duiïley 16 11- " l'rotection asa l'ubllc Pollcy." UeorueS 1ÍOUTWEI.L 16 li'-"Hiply to the 1 resident' FreeTrade Jleuace." R. i'. roRTKR 8 !'!- WorkiiiKiiit-u and the Tariff ." 8 il- "The Vital yuestiou: Shll American ir ■ w ADunuontM una Aiiivrican Aiarkrts Surrpncloroil ' & 16- Saint ín (Jermau, with Addltton .. 8 10- "The i'nvrrs of Ono Uundred Yeara." IÍOPEKT 1. í'OHT'.U 8 17- "Protoction for AintrKan Sliiniiliiíf." g - TheTariff Notaïax." Hom H DELt.i 8 :i-" why iriHtinu'u Sbould i e lotectíonlnts.M s .' - " I'rotwtioii." E. II. ammiiiuwn i il- What Is ft TarilT?" AnsweistoaWorkinniii ii m 'h 1 iuii i 23- "The Aniciíiaii Wuol l&dustry,H E.H.. AmM1DOWN 8 " n'iueB auu Costof LJvlng." J. D. Wkeks. 4 'Southern Fuiiniug lodusfrios."., 4 AShortTalk to Workingmeu." 2 ' l'M.twlion and the Fainier." houuror S. JI. I1' I.I-OM 13 np American Ec( somist, weekly. devota! to UN iOQoi'all pliases of the TarlrT qut'stlon. $ tyear Sampk copies frec. AfldressAnimk'aaPro toe el t Tan. 1 Ler t Bt..Vew York.


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