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Ilenry Genrge hascancelled his engngoiiitüit at Vpsilanti. Howell is soon to have a state bank with $50,000 capital. Somebody steals the South Lyon town pump cup all the time. A unión teachers' meeting Is held at Dexter every Friday evening. J. C. R. Diy, who died at Alpena recently, formerly Hved at Dexter. Kev. Mr. Slinnnon will berenfter act as pastor of the church at Peeble's Corners. The Dexter M. E. church peoplc wil 1 watch the olil year out and the new year in. Habbit hunting is great sport for the boys ttiis fall, and there appears to be plenty of them. Andrew Butler, of Hamburg, liad b valuable killed by a barb wlre fence last week. The Ypsilanti Ladies' Library Associaflon have expended $2,000 iu titting up their rooms this year. "HoIUlay exercises" are to be held on Fridny, Dec. 19th, by the rtinitry grades of the Dexter school. Pred Wyman, one of the stoutcst of Dexter's many stout men, acts as niglitwatch for tuut town. Joseph Pray, of Whitmore Lake, is spending the winter with his duughter Mrs. Stiles, in Colorado. There are many who do not know they are Hable to h fine it they drive a fleigh or culter hitched to a borse without s'eiirli bella. So the law readí. - Dexter Leader. D. A. Wltbur, of Normal street, bas bought the real estáte and insuraucu bu-intss of F. P. Bogaidua and Mr. Moorehouse, of Ypsilanti. We are paliied to liear thatjay Worden has experienced another attack of apoplexy. It occurred at Monroe, yesterday and he was brought home last night. - Yp-ilantian. The Stockbridge Sun braiied abmt 38 teams being hitclied on her rapid transit streets one Saturday p. in., and now tlio Dexter Leader lauglis the statement to scorn and comes 8inilnj;ly forward with 125 teams. F. A. Martin lias returned from Los Ali{LeU'8, Uttl.,where he has been the past two y pars an engineer on the Los Angeles, Glendale nnd Pacadena li. E., and will resume his residence hero. He brlnjis a wife whom he secured moni; the orange grovea of SouthemCAllfornia. - Ypsilantian. The Stockbridjfe Sun gives the follow ing flsli story as the latest : "Freddie Artz says thnt whtle out huntlng one nifílit a short time ago, he shot a coon in o. tn-p. nlinut. cpviüi roila frorn A. T. Oorton's fish pond, and when it feil it dropped a carp (the kind of rish tli it are bied in pond) tliat weighed l'nn pounds." We hear some complahits among f.irmrrs to the efft-ct tliat inany huntet3 are dlsrciüiidinj: tbe trespass luw, and also in regard to shooting the qaail. They say that in early f uil there were inany quaii, but now only occaionally on! is to be Been. There is also complaint that luiiitliiL' is done on Sunday, but we think that will soon cease, as only the lowest class do that. - Stockbridge Sun. Il may be Interestlng to some readers of the Hun to know ihat Btockbridge was nained after Stockbridge, Mass., by Jonathan Field, one of Michigan's territorial surveyors who vas a brother of Cyrus W. Field of world-wlde fame - being the man Wlio laid ttie Atlantic cable. Mr. Jonatb iD Field owned a large tract of land in l.liis vicinity which he at one time contemplated converting into a dairy farm. The little huddle of houses where Stockbridge now stands was origiually called P.kln. - Stockbridge Sun. A M. C. R.R. p issenger conductor who undcrlook to cake an excursión party out for a sleighride a few days ago, while ciossing the new grade north of town, the horse reversed his action, precipitating the party down the embankment into a snow bank. Witli the exception of being badly shaken up the party escaped to the neighbors to arrange their babilammits and bnifcli ofl" the snow, while a wiecking torce j icked up the horse and wrecked cutter. Il is considered almost a mirarle that it turned out as it did, when the great depth and sharpness of tiif ent is taken into consideration. - Wnyne Keview. The boy or girl who is a regular newspaper reader will grow up to iutelligence and will use good languagebotn in speaking and writing, even with a limited education. It is news, ecience, grammar, history, eeography and spelling combined. The local paper is first to attract their attention. Incidentally they flrst read of some local event whlch came under their observation. Becoming regular readers of the home paper they soon branch out into the itiiirs of the world and read the general news of the day,and finally become competent to discuss matters of public interest, and are meful, intelligent citizens. But the local paper is the Ht-irting point and therefore the most important. - Es. riTTSFIELD. Miss Besse Sutherland is on the sick Hst. M. H Isbel and wife visited Detroit last wetk. Newion L-"wis is entertaing liis brother Reece trom K maas. Waker Fosdlck bus sold hls f irm to Emanuel K ■ cii for $(55 per acre. Nithan Hamllton nccntly lost two good cows by accidental poisoniug. The 1'. U. S. S. gave a social at the residence of John E sworth list Friday evening to mise fuuds for furnishing the new Sunday school room.


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