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For Farmers Ooly. In planning the first fquipmentof the Ann Arbor Central Mills, we airaed to secure a complete outfit for doing all kinds of farraer's work in our line. As time has passed, many improvcments have been invented wuteh have been introduced into our mili. The latest of these is a power cleaning machine, desigDed to replace the fanner's faniiiug mili. It is the íirst to be placed in :iny mili in this part of Michigan, but we have put t in operación only after thoroughly gatisfying ourselves that the inachineiy has proved a marked success in many parte of the country. The entlre working of the machine is open to the inspection of all farmers. It cleaus wheat exactly as a fanning mili does the work, only with less waste of goml grain and very much moie rapidly, its Capaclty beiiiff 400 busliels per tiour. All screenings are run into the f:inMir't )ir4 t } irrfnmd inr t'n 4r taken home by him, as he sees flt. This machine is now ready, without charge for its use, for those who wish to arall tlieinselve9 of it. 4w AU.MENIJINGER& SCIINEIDEU. Montana, Oregon and Washington. Colonista for Montana, Oregon, Washington oí' lrii.-ii Columbia points should tako no other route than the Northern Pacific Iliilroad. 'l'liis railroad, witli itsmainand branch lines, lia brought into communlcatloii wltb tlie eastall prominent sectionsof tiie great northwest. It is the only line traversing Montana and Washington. It Is the only line running through train 8 f rom the east to and through the state of Washington. It is the short line from 8t. Paul to lSutte City and Helena, Mont., Spokane Falle, Wash., and Poitland, Oregon, and the oniy all rail line to Tacoma, and Seattle, Wash. Under present car arrangements Pullman sleeping cars and furniehed tonrist sleepers are run via the the Wisconsin Central, and Pullman Palaoe Sleepers vla the Chicago, Millwaukee & St. Paul, and Northern Pacific from Chicago through to the Pacíñc coaat without change. In ndditiou to th is service the Northern Pacitic runs on it through express trains regular day coaches, dining cars and free colon ists sleepers from St. Paul to Tacoma and Portland. The Northern Pacific line nllows the lioliler of cecond class tickets to stop at Spokane Fallí, Wash., and at all points west thereof, ten days at each place desired. This will enable settlers to thoroughly examine all lands for sale in the new state before selectinar a permanent loctttiiui. No other line oflVrs holdcs of second class ticki-ts an opportunity of ex amining all wtctlons ot this grrat state Without the p'iymcnt of adtliü farei of from $5 OU to $20 00. Por M'ipx, Time Tables ind ü'ustnited l'aiiiili]ets, or nny sp'i' Information (lesip d, aiklres your nenrest ticket ftïeiit, orCiiAs S Fke, Gen'l P.iss. aucl Ticket Attent, St. Paul, Mitin. A Safe Investinent. Is ore whicli is guaranteed to bi ing you satisfactorj' results, or in case of failure a return of purchuse price. On this sife plan yon can buy from our ndvertised Drugííist a bottle 'of Dr. King'u New Discovery for Consuuiption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used fur any afl'ection of Throat, Lungs or Chesr, such as Consumption, Intlammation of IjUiigs, lironchitis, Astluni, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and trial bottles at Eberbnch & Son"s drugstore. Do not fa il and look up the announccment of Martin Haller for Christmas. A Glorions Country. Helen Hunt Jackson uscd to say that we Americans took our pleasures sadly. Keflecting on the manifold discomforts of railway travel twenty years ago, one does not wonder that we were saddest when we traveled. For $uch objection is now heard from the thousands of tourists on the original overland road, the Union Pacilic where every detail for the comfort of travelers has been supplied to the utmost. The California trip of this winter is one of the most charming in Americu. The Union and Southern Pacific Rallroads have made vast improvements upon the line via Ogden, and the journey now to San Francisco Is accompliühed witli the greatest posslble eaie and comfort, without the delay formcrly incident to winter travel. Everybody gets a guess this week at the two Sjiiis on any article purchased In the house. Remember any article In any deparluient. A $6.00 book with every 20.00 worth of goods purchased at C. F. Staebler's, Xo. 6 West Huron st.


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Ann Arbor Courier