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Supervisors meet Mondny, Jauuurj1 5. Dr. Darling has a fme new operating table in bis office. The coroner's inquest in the Dcnnison case cost the state $190. The city will own its own wagon to deliver wood to the poor in hereafter. Hev. J. M. Otlston supplied Dr. McPlierson's pulpit in Chicago last Sunday. Marthn C. Laabengayer npplies for divorce from John Gcorge Laubengayer, allegiDg cruelty, etc. A very pleasant reception was given by tin; memben of Hobart Gaild at llarris hall Monday evening. A Christinas celebration is to be held by the L&ndwehr Verein at theil hal] Dec. 2C, in the even taf. On Friday, tlie lOth inst., the pul lic schools will close for two weeks, opening igitin on Monday, Jan. 5th. Hon. Erastua V. Prek, Julge of the Jackson circuit will exel a'ie henches with Judge Kinne, next week, comuiencing Monday. The Unitarian, wliicli has been published by llev. J. T. Suuderland, has been sold to a Boston firm and will be removed there. There will be a convention of farmers at tlie Court house in Ann Arlior, on Friday. Dec. 19th, at 10 o'cloek a. m., to perfect the orgunization of tlie county association. Taxes are flowing into the treasury in this city at the rate of $1,000 a day. City Treasurer Watts thinks they are being paid too fast. There won't be enough left for January. Next Sunday evening tbe M. E. clioir are to give a choral service at the churcli In place of the regular evening service In the morning, Dr. Rust will preacU a Christmas sermón. The Presbyterian Sunday School is getting up a fine program for Cnrlsttnaa week, a prominent feature of which will be to present tlie poor children of the city with useful and appropnate gift?. The fire department was called out Thursday evening by a burning chimney in the Buchoz biock on Detroit st., and 2ain Saturday for a like occasion at Werner & Brenner's on S. Main st. Postmaster Beal will receive bids up to Dec. 24ih, to carry the U. S. mails from Ann Albor to Geer via Dixboro, thiee times per week each way. The contract will cover from Jan. 12th to June 30, '91. A new engine, designed by Peter M. Miller, an engineer on the M. C. R. B., has been put on tho Michigan Central, and is said to be the fastest locomotive in existence. It is a ten wheeler, of the compound design, and is expected to average sixty miles an hour. On Wednesday evening of next week the regular Christmas festival of the 11. E. Sunday school will be held in the Sunday school rooms between 7 and 8 o'clock. A short program has been arranged, and old Santa Clauae haa sent a cablegram tüat lio will be present. In looking over the list of couuty oflicers elect the other doy a singular coincidence was noticed. Every man elected on the county ticket (with one exception) had no second name or initial. Everv man defeated had two glven names. Here is a pointer to mothers who are namin" their children. On Friday morning last, Paris Banficld of Summit Btreet, got up about C o'clock, built the kitchen fire, and as was his wont, went back to bed agaln. In a little time the house became filltd with smoke, and then tliere was hurrying to and fro. Probahly a spark f rom the stove caught something in the kitchen, and the house was only saved by lively work of the fire department. The contente of the house was pretty much saved, but it will take $300 or $400 to m;ike everylhing good again. Insured. Fraternity Lodge of Masons had a notable lnltlatlon Friday night, at the raising of Profs. M. VV. Harrinaton and V C. Vuughan. Grand Lecturer Clark, W. C. Sprague and J. E. Grifliths of Detroit with about 150 others assisted. The workers were in full dress and wore sonte elegant robes which have just been paren ased, whlle the work, as every one testilied, was about, the best that had ever been given in this city. At the banquet whlch followed, bright, witty speeches were given by the Grand Lecturer and Messrs. Carrovv, Rev. Rust, Dorrance, Goodrich, Sprague, Griffiths, Whitman, Davison, Harrington, Vaughan and Christopher. A. F. Freemanof Manchester has been in the city this week in attendance upon court. Minis' Orchestra will plny at the Stevens house, Whitmore Lako on New Yeais. Klizabetli Parker, of the lst wan), died Dec. 9lIi, asred abont 69 years. Ilemains tiken to Flint for interment. Mattliew Ilinoü, wlio rcsiaeil at No. o H:ll st., dieil D.'C. llth, atred 2ö year?. Funeral was held Suturcl.-iy froui St. Thomas churcli. The official count at Lanstug gave Mr. Allen for congres In thU district 14,508; Mr. Gorman. 16,471; plurulity on the wrong side, 1,903. President Ashley of the T. A. A. & N. M. H.. estimates tiiat the net earninga of the road will be $115,400 more for 1890 than they were In 1S8S). The Sons of Veterans elected the following offlcers Friday eveniug: Captain- A. C. Pack. ll Lient.- Wm. Fislier. 2d Lieut.- Claude F. Gage. Sunday Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Derby were called upon to pirt with another son, Kdwin W., who died on that day wlth diphtheria, and was buried on Monduy morning. Tlie wheat, corn and oats raisod in thls county this year are worth $1,710,000, divlded about as follows: wheat $825,000; corn $540,000 and oata $;i45,000. The Anti Arbor Street Rallway will commence to-day extending tlieir track from the fair grounda to the city limits on Paekard Street, g)ing east of C. Eberbach's residence. Justice Pond sent Joseph Wilson to ail for ten days for stealiDg a shirt from 3oodvear & St. James, and J:imes Schaffer and Frank Jordán three days eaoh for vagrancy. Cards are out for the marrlnee of Kittle Marip. daughter of Mrs. A. M. Ft-H, f 104 W. 84th Bt, New York City, to Ferd inand W. BI as, formerly of thls city, on Wednesday eveniug, Jauuary 7th, 1891. One week frotn nc-xt iSunday tlie M. E. Snnday scliool wlll have charge of the service at the M. E. church. There will be a short address by Dr. Ku9t, and lie little folks will complete the program with pleaslng recitations and etc. All the papers have extended notices of tbe hite Capt. Thayer, and the people generally reirret his dea tb, yet there were only 1" or 20 who attended hls funeral at ;he Preabytcriun church yesterday. And t does not speak well for our citizena either. Bev. Dr. McPherson was greeted by a very large mulienee last Sundny morning at the Presbyterian ehurch. His text was What thiifk Ye of Christ?" which was reated In an eloquent and original style very much to the dellcht of his interested learers. We understnnd the followin? is the result of forced coraposltiou writing in a district school in Sharon : O that I was wnere I would be.then I woulri Bte where I am not. But here I am where I nust bc, und where I would bo I can't be. The Stockbridge Sun gets oñ the folowing which is applicable all around: Oh dear, what can the matter be? Dear, Dear, what can the matter be? Dear, Dear, what can the matter bu? Parenis, don't vislt the school? 'hey vislt the drill to soé murderons sabera. .'hey vlslt the circus, they vislt tueir neigubors. They vlsit tho flock, and the servaut who labors, Xow wliy don't they vlslt the school? The following from the Pinckney Dis)atch is worth your perusal: "The farmrs of this part of Michigan ought to make an organized eflbrt to induce the egi-lature at its next session to pass a av providing that all highway taxe shall be paid in money and all highway woik shall be done under contrct. The roads fill around u?, like most country roads iu Michigan, are relios of the dark asre. and ought to be bettered, but never vill be uiuler the present !aw." The Ann Albor Lodge No. 44, Knighta of PythlaR, h:is elected new officials and roposes to boom for the coming year. l'he following are the oflieers chosen : Ohancellor Commander- .1. L. Rose. Vlce Chancellor- Fred Barker. Prelate- Émü Baur. K. of R. and 8.- James Ottlev, M. of K.- Sldney W. Mlllard. M. at A - "-'rank Feiner. M. of E. - John Lucker. Representativo to O. L.- Fred Barker. Altérnate - John Llndcnschruidt. Trustee- J Li. Kose. The followinj: are the appoiiitraents for he High School junior cxhibition, to be held March 15th, '91: Gertrnde M. Case, South Lyon. Daniel E. Carinan, Aun Arbor. Heleo ti. Douglaes, " Conrad Georg, Jr. " Tueresa A. Grube, P. Mabelle Halleck, Eunlce A. Janes, ' Kmraa C. Klats, " Johanna K. Neumatin " Edaon R. Sunderlaud " Besle B. Stevens " ïheodore C. Williams, Stoekbrldge. In the death of Capt. Charles Thayer, ast Sunday, one of the few remaininfr inks ttiat uniteJ the early days of A.nn Arbor with the present, ia broken. C ipt. Fliayer was the lirst pustmaster Ann Ar)or ever had, and was a mnn greatly repected by our citizens. He was 89 rears old, but had been ijuite autive until vithin a few weeks. Funeral services are to be held toduy. To Capt. Thayei's nfluence, in a measure, wns (íue ttie looaon of the University in this city, be )eing a meinber of the Ann Arbor Land o. that üonated the forty aerea that now com poses the campus. My dear young man, you probably .hink your eighteen-year-old sweet heart is very dear, delicate and ethereal. It may pain you to learn that she lias jrobahly eaten aii averaire of a tbird jouud of beef. mutton, or otber flesb very Jay of her lite, making, 2,190 pountls of mear. She eats the same weight of vegetables and quite as much of bread, so Mere are two and oiie-fourth tons more. Then she drinks every dny a qnnrt of coíiee. tea, milk, making a ;otul to date of 1,642 {rallona, or over 2C liocpliead of liquid. Taken in all, dear Doy, she is quite substantial. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Tiie Webster Fanner's Club met at the residence of Win. Latson last Saturday and elected as offlcers for the ensuing year: Alanzo Olsaver president; W. E. Boyden lst vlce and E. A. Nordnian 2d vice president; Irving Ball cor sec'y; Ray McColl recording sec'y. After asumptuous dlnuer, and some pleasing music a recitation was given by Misa Mary Backus, and then a very interesting discussion followed on "System in the Household," AIrs. Robert bears taking tbe affirtnative and Miss Allie Olsaver the negative. Rev. S. T. Morris of Dexter, and Ilev. Geo. Lincoln of Webster, were elected honorary members. The next meeting of the club will be held at W. E. Boydeu's on the second Monday in January. On Thursilay, Dpc. llth, Sedgwick James died at his residence at the corner of Huron and State streets, of consumption, aged42 years, havii'g been born Oct. 13, 1848. He was buried Sunday, p. m., the funeral services occurring at 2 o'clock from the residence, undor the auspices of the masonic fraternity. At the dence the Knight Templar service was observed, and at the grave both the Templar service and Blue Lodge service were read. The K. O. T. M's, of which he was an honorary member, turned out about 150 8tron(L. Mr. James leaves a wifu and two cl üdren, one boy and one girl, who have much sympathy in tlieir afll :tion and soitow. Mr. James will be missed from among the ranks of Ann Arbor's business men. Dick Trevellick, at present of tliia city, is one of the leaders of tbe Farmers' Alliance, and has signed the cali for tbe convention to iorm a new party. Dick never wore out his hands very much by sturdy toil.but the callouscs on his mouth and the polisbed condition of Iiis teeth frotn the incesaant workiiiff of his tongue lits Iilm for a leider of the laborera. But mtnd you bis leadership 8 never gratuitou9. It alwuys costs money. Tlmt'a bis method of makiug money. He isn't a producer exactly, but he makes the producers produce wliat their producís have broaght thein if be uses his inllacnce la their behalf. That is all right, of course, If he can ouly make theni tliink eo, and be bas a taking way of putting things There raay be a sí Klit inconsUtency, however, In bis representing a constituency of laborers.


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Ann Arbor Courier