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JOSKPR üiumpiirky & Cd., corn factors and cominisslon meicliants at Liverpool, faiifcd for $850,000. 'i'WKNï'V Chinase C'hrisüans woro massa:rfi at Hoong 'l'uy Tuin by membersof tlio r,oo Muy Sos Society during a celebration in honor of the soclety's patrón deity. The inission buildings and many olbnrs wore btirnod and the corpscs thrown in the dames. Foyn's 1)1 iitilicr-lioiliiijf factory at Toensbci'i, Norvvay, was dostroyed by firn, caUfllng a loss of a million crowns. A WEDItINfl prooession at Clermont, France, w;is on i-ts way f rom tho church whpr the ccncinony had leon porformed when Uib liride and groom woro shot dead. 'I'Iip assassin escapod undotected. but it WM snpposed the awTul act was commiucit by a rival suitor of the bride. Tuk li.alian Parliainfint i:onvRiied at Kome. In bis spocob opening tho session King 11 iiiniii'! i said the recentelectlons for inombcrs ot tho Chambor ol Doptitins liad rendered the stato more solid Iban over. Sfnou Antonio Vexio, a Cuban planter vvtio was kiilnapod by bandlts, has been relitased on payment of $5,0UU. Tirr Brillsh stoamor Westburne was hemmud in by i c in the Black soa and twenty-one of Ihj9 crew were f rozen to death. Haksuam. F. Cir.f.ou and bis wife wore fomiil ili'inl in l.ho woods near Halifmt. N. S., aml Ix'sirje them was au empty laudanum IiouIp. (iillou was the man who oblaimid üionsands of dollars f rom the Nomlrrim (Mass.) widow who DOUgtlt to duist iani.e li in. Mit. I'ak.nki.i. and his party arrivod In Dublin on Uie lOtb. Mr. Parnoll solead plant f Hie Unitod Ireland, ho lininf a dii'Pi'lor of the company owniinf thf paptir, and doposed Acting Etltlor ItodUin. The anli-l'arnellites sci uri'd assistanco and roturned and reoaptnrrd Iho newspapor (1ïi:o. Mi!. Paknm.i. loft Dublin for Cork on tlii 1 1 1 li. l'rt'VioiiH to his doparture ho and lus fncnils slorini'd llio odice of UnlU-d lichiinl, wliicli bad bion rccaptiircd l y i lic l'arnolliLos, and once niiMC look posstissiun of Mtft p;ipor. Dn. lias Ixíenoloplod ('resident and M. lluusoi' V'li'.o-l'residtMit of the .Swiss r public For IBIM. Kuaji pdtscins losi ihi'ii' Iivü8 by the burtiiiiffol a (.ulory at ('anicilow, Poland. Wii.i.iam Wai.i.ack Bi.anciiard was haiifid .it Stmrbrooke, Onl., for the murderuf rii.n-ins A. C'alkinson Xovembur is. I8S9. Ki.r.vKN pnriionx woro killed, fifty inJiircd and many lionsos and vossels wreikfit by lioavy storms on the coast of Üarüinia.


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Ann Arbor Courier