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Merry C!;rstma- to yon all, and mnny of ihuin. C'ompiinv A gives a hop at tlic armory to-nilit. Kemember tl. e ctaoral .-( rvicc at Ihe M. E. cbureb Sunday eveuincJ The Bparrow orders pald lust week were $52.81. Boya were gettlng hollday inoncy evidently. Morninsr service, appropriate to ClïHstmas, will be held at. St. Andrews' E.iiscoprl church, at 10:30 o'olock tomorrow. The BotM'-hem Sunday school chlldren will be made bappy to-nlgbt, and Zlon'a to-morrow uiht, wlih Cii ristmas trees. Prof. .1. B. D.ivis ha lost R ninch prized Family dog, of the Bhepberd breed, whtch hewould üe glad to have returned to bina. One yoong lad BUggestéd that tl e rnson po iiiany cliiniMcj s burued out yettsrday was to glva Old Santa Claus a chanre to-niglit. The OlirUtmaö ierytce and tree at Oeddes mleaion will be held tiext Alon day fvenln;; and nt Fostei's fcr Fofter nul Delhi mUston Ibis eveninp. The Sunday ppiinol of the M. K. chiuch will liold a Cbílítmaa festiva) to-nigbl in th Sundaay School room; and the cliiiilren of St. AndrewV Episcopal clmrch wil] htve a Chrtetmai tree at Hiirris hall t 4}L o'clock, p. m. The liltlc hamlet of Azulia, on tlie line of the Toledo & A mi Arbor road, was nenrly wlped out by tire yesterilay. Two stores and 18 dwellings were burned to the grouud, and very little iHSiirance was held up'n the property. A valuable typewriter was stolen from theT. A. A. & X. M. R. R. office last week. Sottie one unlocked the door and walked oll'with it. Station gent Hazlewood would like to interview the enterprising cbap for a lew minutes. He has job for liim. The Washtenaw County Battallion G. A. R. meets in this city on Monday, the 29tb inst., in G. A. R. hall. K ach post in the county will send thrce delégate?. The supper and campflre wlll take place at the Rink Monday evening, commencing at 7 o'clock. The wind yesterday was destructivo in more ways than one. A prominent merchant of our city remarked tbat the loss to Ann Arbor mercliants yesterday, by reason of the wind keeping the people at home, was not less than $5,000. He probably bad the figure ratber high, but itcertainly was considerable. On Monday there were 1160 pickages recelved and sent from the post office in this city, and ycslerday 1224 packages were received and sent. As the stamp clerk bas to welgh each one of these and and compute the atnount of stamps Uncle Sam charges to carry the same, you can imagine the boys were busy. Tlie pluck of Miss May E-tey in pursuinjr a tramp wbo bad sneaked into her house on S. State st., next to the Congretrational cburch, and stolen her pocketbook, saved tbat yalued artiole for her yesterdiiy morning. Slie chased the thlef until the attention of some stuileiits who were passing was attracted, when tbey took after him, and being bard pressed be threw the pocketbook at tbem and kept on his way, wliich lie was allowed to do. The new city directory has miiny amusing crrors between its covers, but probably the one most appreciated in university and city circles is the one wbich converts our renial fricml, Dr. Vaughan froin ui M. D. to a I). 1). It is aeserted tliat several of the ecclesiastical gentlemen of the city look with frreen eycs upon the advent of this rival, us he lias the entire Board of Health of the State back of him, and would niake an extremely licalthy pulpit orator. The lire department was eulled out yesteiday roornlns by n blaze at 20 Lawrenoe st„ the Mis. Buchoz house. The roof was quite badly burned but the department wis on hand too quick for a very íírt'at dettructioo of property, tliough the wind was Mowlng a guie at the time. The house was occupied by two tenante, who will lose hut sllghtly by the fire. The departnvent liad only got back to iheir quarters when they were called out afratn'by n burninjj chhnney at Fred. J. 5cliie'le' rwldence on X. Ashley gL A ttiird i'.uni iinmediately following was cuuscd by u hnming chimney at Salyer's bakery, on C Washington st., and a fourth iiliinn by a cliimiicy in Mrs. Ooats' liouse, at the corner of V. Huron anc First Btreetx. 'l'liese were alj in qulek Èiiceession. .Mr. l'reston has opened up tho rink again for roller skating wlien it s no rented lor other purposes. The streets are full of people and very business like, nothwithstandlng the stn denta are more thau huif oue. The safety deposlt boxes for thc Farm cr' & Mechanica' Bank have airlvetl, am will lie ready for use about Jan. lst. Fred SMmson is uow running tlie gro eery on Ñ. Muin street alone, linviii bouglít out his partner, Mr. Hurlburt. A new hilliard parlor und tobucco store will he opened ut No, 92 East Ann strect by Frank O'Hearn, in a few days. The marble works of the Inte Sed James have been purchased by Mr. R. C'. Barney, formcrly n partner In the business. The Hule ones composing litas Taylor'a kindergarten had a very enjoyable time last Fiiday, a, m , in their Christmas excrclses. Win. Otis DePuy, of Bismarck, Norlb Dakot, sends us a copy of the Bismarck Daily Tribune, containing a complete and minute account of the dealh of Sitting Buil. The correspondent of the Ypsilnnti Sent i nel has a lively lmaginntion as far as thu Daily Times and Mr. lieal, the editor of tliis paper is concerned. Hls talk was all imuglnatioa. Tlie conrrecratioii of St. Andrew's churcli will pay their a:nniil Cunstmits visit to the county house on Frlday, p. ra , makiitg tlie inmutes glad witli kind remembratice8. Monday Paris S. Banfield received from the Security lusurance Company through tlielr agenta, Beal & Pond ofthis city, f353.20 in full payment for his loss on the 12th inst. Thls is prompt work. The express wagons thec days are a siííht to behold, piled not quite as hiffh as the. K i 11 e I towtr, but pretty hiffb, with Christmas boxes. It makes the me.aenfert work lively to meet all demands ipon them. An elegantly printed book frotn Ottumwii, Iowh, ha9 an engraving aocompanied ly a highly eoinmendatory article on our i-llow townsman Dr. W. B. Smith, teling how he has built up the soutti p:irt of tliat city and made a good strike. Tliis week is the last one tomeel townliip treasurers at the comity treasurer's -.flice. To-day the treasurer of Scio, on F"rlday Anti Arbor town, on Saturday Ann Arlior town, Pittstield, Webster and Xortlifield treasurers will be on hand. Lust wepk the followlng amounts were aid In to Coiinty Treasurer Brehm: Scio, ■Ved Jedelc, $300; Superior, Jas. Gates, 42Ö; Ann Arbor town, Charles Britun, 476; Websier, John A. Cushing, $1,100; iorthfleld, B. Coraiskey, $G25; Lodl, 41. Sagan, $375. Calvin BIUp, who has been here since 832, says that Anson Brown was the fitst otmaster at Ann Arbor, holding that (Hce when hecame here in that year, and hat the otfice was in the 5th ward. That vhii9. Tlmyer was the secoud postmuster nstead of the first, as stated last week. Services nppropriate to Chriítmas day vill be held to-raorrow in botli Bethlelem and Zion's J.utheran churches, and lie Germán M. E. church, in each intance at 10:30 a. ra., and at St. Thomas' here will be three, the first at 5 i. in. the second immediately f"llowiüg, lid the l)i ii d at 7:3U a. CD. Editor Schemerhorn of the Hudíon on Oa.ette keeps right up with the times vith his paper, wliich his father founded liirty years ago. His latest enterprise is n Immense Christmas number on tlnted aper, full of Rood holiday readin;;. We varrant that all the Iludson people who now wlien they have good tliing take he Gn.ette. Monlhly meeting of Washtenaw 'omolosrical Society, Januury 'i, 2 p. da., u the Court House. The 19;h eport of the 8tate Horticultural Society vill be distributed. 50 cents entitlcs to niiual membership and for this very inere8ting report, lieports of commlttees, )f papen; S)ecialties by W. P, Bird; 'ear Blight ly J. Ganzhorn; Curled eaf in peach trees by C. C. Clark. Exïibit of dried and preservd fruit. All re cordially lnrited. The Ypíilantiati remnrks: '"The care were shipped from St. Louis on the 8th nd are pist due. The motor is to be hlpped on the 20ih, and outfht to be heie y ëhrlstmaa. Then "we'll all take a ide. When the curs ahall be in operaion, brinuinu; the people into Tpsllanti 11 the wiy from Ann Arbor city limits, erhaps that city will think best to tnktown the buis at their end. Eut if thcy hould still decide to dam tlm stream and nake it all run this way, we will try to tand it." The hfinusome cottage show case Iti wliich Hlitz & Langsdorf have diplnyed goods Por some time was blowu over and iearly demollshed yesterday a. m. The one .- i 1 1 ü u ! ti i" thing about it is the fact hat tlie gla9S In the door was not injnred wliile all the rest whs shivered to atom?. ,,os8 nbont $50. Along about the same Ime the post bearing a large hand in ront of Kandall's blew down, and a liiinney on J. E. Harkins' hardware tore on Huron stieet tumbled otit, creting considerable duat. Other cases are eported of chimneys, windows, bllnds, te, being detnolished. The paper published by tlie Society for he Prevention of Cruelty to Animal?, at ioston, Mass., known as "our Dumb Animáis," has a retnarkably lurid decriptiou of the celebration of the law tudents on the evening they serenaded Jrof. J. C. Knowlton, upon liis being lloren Dean of the law faculty. A peron readlng the article, purporting to be aken from an Iowa college paper, would iave good cause to think the student.) iere a lot of cow boys let loose. It is ucli overdrawn articles, having little ruth in tlicm, that hurts the unirersity in he estimatioii of the public, and it is such articles that no true friend to the students vill wrlte for publication. It is no wonler that the president of the society raenioned, Mr. Geo. T. Angelí, urges upon he college authorities here the civilling nllueiices of the Humane Society, and oints out the great need of lts establishment here, A very pretty and artistic party was ?iven Thursday evening, at tlie Lidies' íibrary. It was styled a cobweb party. n the center of the room was an urnrella from vvhich spread an immense cobweb, the ihreaels being of 3'ellow twine. Kach guest had a thread and the one getting the same wound first was entitled to a prize, which in this instance 'DiisHtcd of a beautiful yellow sacbet, worked in cobweb paUern. Another of he amusement of the evening was a fuessing contest, the seeds of a handsomey decorated pumpkin being the thiim deslred to be lound out. The winner was lirt'seiitcd wlth a f iiihII pumpkin artisticilly hollowed out and filled with bonboners. A history ot the club was re;id and .he historian was presented with thc fl )vcrs whtcli rraced the room and tables that evening. The room was bfautifully decorated for the cccasion. The floor was covered with rugs and cushions, all yellow. Yellow spreads covered the ;nble9, the plates were trimmed wltli yellow ribbons, yellow canilles were supplieil in the yellow candle stlcka. The alcovi s were hunj; witli lawo tennl nets wbicli made very good itnitations of webs, and iltogether it was very yellow cobweby arlistic affalr, highly enjoyed by the forty (ir so membera of the club present.


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Ann Arbor Courier