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OCR Text thlng for the Jicw Year. The worïd renowned succesa of Hostetler's Stomach Bitters, and thelr contluued popularity for over a thlrd of a centary hm a stomachlc, is scarcely more wonderful thaa Uie welcoine ttiat greels the aunual appearance ol Hostetter's Almanno. TiiW valuable medical treatlse Is publlBhed by The Hostet ter Corapauy, Fittsburgh, Pa., under thelr own lmmedlute supervisión, employlag i;n hands In that department. They are running about 11 months in the year on thin woik, anti the Issue of same for 1891 will be more than ten inilllons, prlnted In the Rngllsh, Uerman, Frenoh, Welsh, Norweglsn, Sweeditth, Holland, Hohemian and SpanlHh languagefi. Refertoacopy oflt for valuable and lnteresting readtng coucernlng healtli, mil numerous testimoniáis as to the efllcacy of iiostetter's Stomach Bitters, amusemeiit, varied Information, astronomlcal calcula tions and chronologlcal Items, e., whlch can be depended on Tor corréeme. Tbe Almanac 1801 can be obtalned free of cost, from drnggists and general country dealers In all parts of the country. Dyspepsia Makes the livcs of many people miserable, and oftcn lr.-nk to sclf-destruction. Distresi after eating, sour stomacli, sick headache, hcartbnrn, loss of appetite, afaint, " all gone" fceling, bad tasle, coatcd tonguc, and irrcgu_ . larily of the bowcls, are Dl StrCSS some of tho moro common Aftcr syinptoms. Dyspepsia does _ .. not get well of ltself. It fcatlng n.qUrcs careful, persistent attention, and a remedy üke Hood's Sarsaparilla, which acts genlly, yet surcly and f mciently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestión, créate good appetite, and by thus Sick overcoming the local u . toms removes tho MOaCiaCnO thetic ettects of the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes tho tired mind. " I havo boen troublcd wilh dyspepsia. I had but littlo appetite, and wliat I did eat Uaort distressed me, or did ma "art littlo good. Ia an hour DUrn after eating I would experience a faintness, or tired, all-gone ieéllng, as though I had not caten anything. My troublc, I think, was aggravated by my business, whieh is that of a palntcr, and irom being more or less sluit up in a Sour roomviithfreshpaint. Last -. u spring I took Hood's otOmacn rilla- took thrce bottles. It did me an immense amount of good. It gare me an appetite, and my food rclished and satisfied tho craving I had previously experienccd." George A. Tage, 'Watertown, ïlass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all rtruggisU. (1 ; slx f or ?.'. rrepared only by C. I. HOOI) Sc CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mast. IOO Doses One Dollar Tú Califoria, Oregon, Washington and Othcr Points in Pullman Colonists Sleepers. The constant demand of the travelling public to the far west fur a comfortable and at the same time un ecouomical mode f travellnff, has led to the establi9hmenl of wbat is known a3 Pullman Colonist Sleepers. Tlicse cars are built on the same general plan as the recular firstclass Pullman Sleeper, theonly ditTerence belng is that they are not upholstered. These enrs are furnished complete witl good comfortable hair ruattresses, warra hlankets, snow white Unen, curtains wlilch secure to tlic oceupant of a berth iis imich privticy as is to be had in firatclass sleepers, plenty of towels, combg, brushes, fco. There are also separate toilet rooms for Indies and gentlemen, and smoking is absolutely prohiblted. K.icli car is in charge of an experlenced uniformed Pullman Porter, who Ís required to keep the car in good order and to look after the wants and comfort of passengers. Auother fact not to be overlooked la that these Pullman Colonist Sleepers are atUehed to the claily fast express traine, tlius enabllng passengere oceupuying these cars to mke the same time as occu pants of firstclass Pullman Sleepers. Passengers holding both first and eecond class tickets are allowed to ride in these cars. A charge of $3.00 for a lower or upper doublé berth is made between Council Bluffs, Omaha or Kansas City and San Francisco or Portland. Fifty cents per berth per night between intermediite stations. For thosc furnisbiug theirown bedding free berths iré giveu In Pullman Colonist Cars running bdtweeu (,'ouncil Bluffd, Ka'ifns City HDd Portland. The Pullman Colonist Sleeper is especially coinmeiulcd for the use of the bomeaeeker who is movlng t the West with bis tainilv, and who desires comfortable slee])ing accommodations enronte but cannot iift'ord to piy the firstclass Pullman Sleeping Car tare. For matten dt-scriptive of any state or territories througn which the Union Pacilic runs, or for rates, time of tralng, etc., etc., anply to D. VV. Johnston, Pass. A;'t, 6S ürisvvold st., Detroit, Midi. Montana, Orrgon ana Washington. (monista lor Montana, Oregon, Washington or Brltish Colunibia points should take no other route tlian tlie Northern Pacific Railroad. This railrond, with itsmain and brnnch linos, has brought into communlcatlon with the east all prominent sections of the great northwest. It is the only line trayersing Montana and Wasiiington. It Is the 011I3' line running tbrough trains frotn (lie east to and through the state of Washington. It is the short line from St. Paul to Butte City and Helena, Mout., Spokaue Falls, Wash., anil Poitland, Oregon, and tlie only all rail line to Tacoma, and Seattle, Wash. Under present car nrningeraents Pullman sleeping cars and furniehed tourist sleepers are run via the the Wisconsin Central, and Pullman Pal ace Sleppers via the Chicago, Milhvaukee & St. Paul, and Northern Pacific from Chicago throujjh to the Pacific coast without change. In adjitlon tothis service the Northern Pacilic runs on its through express trains regular day coaches, dining; cars and free colonists sleepers from St. Paul to Tacoma and Portland. The Northern Pacific line allowa the holders of eecond class tickets to stop at Spokane Fallí, W.ish., and at all points west thereof, ten dnys at each place desired. This wil] oiiüblc seltlora to thorotighly examine all lands for sale in the new state before selecting a permanent location. No other line oft'ers holders of second class tickets in opportunity of ex iimmiiig all sections ot this great state without the payment of additional fares of from $5.00 to $20 00. For Map?, Time Tables and Illustrated Pamphlets, or any pjclal informatlon desircd, address your nearest ticket agent, or Chas. S. Fee, Gen'l Pass. and Ticket Agent, St. Paul, Minn. The M. C. R. R. will sell round trip tickets on account of Chrlstmas and New Years and the Hol day season, on December '1 Kli, 25th and 31st, and on Jan. lst, Kood to return until January 5th 1891, at one anil one-third fare for the round trip Tor Farmers Ooly. In planning the first fquipment of the Ann Arbor Central Mills, we airaed to secure a complete outlit for doinj; all kinds of farraer'a vvork iuour line. As time lias passed, many improvements have been invented wliich have been introcluced into our mili. The latest of tliese is a power cleaning machine, designed to replace the farmer's faniiinf; mili. It is the first to be placed in any mili in tliis part of Michigan, but we have put it in operation only after thoroughly satisfying ourselves that the macliinery has proved a marked siiccess in many parta of the country. The entire working of the machine is open to the inspection of all farmers. It cleans wheat exnctly as a fanning mili does the work, only with less waste of good grain and very much moie rapidly, its capicity belng 400 biuhels per hour. All creenings are run into the fanner's bags to be ground for (eed or taken home by liim, as he secs fit. This machine Is non raily, without charle for its use, for tliose who wish to avail tliemselves of it. 4vv AIXMBKPINGER& ScIINKIDER. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARMI BEREïTlANTS, FRUIT AND ORnrAMENTAL TSSS8 Pcars and Grapevines a Spocialty! SYRUPS AND HOME MADE WINE. Syrnps of Raspberry and of Bartlett l'oaro. Bonesett, Oandellon ad Kaspberry Winen and Hlirubs. Sweet Red and white Concord, and MarthaQrape Wines.especially prepareu for Invalida. Order trees and planta early as we get most of thein from the best Eastern Norserles. E. K A I IC, WEST HIKI) N'l'KKK'l'. JAN. 4 to 10 Blanket Sale! ioo pair full io-a size blankets at 70c per pair. 200 pairs large, extra heavy, colored blankets worth f3.00 at $1.40 per Pair. 150 pairs coarse, Heavy Blankets at 75c per pair. KEEP WARM. MK&fflllI) THE CHEAPEST AND ■ Best Place in the City TO BUY HOLIDAY GOODS IS AT GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE 5 S. MAIN STREET. Ann Arbor, Mch. FOR THE Holidays Wahr's BOOK .- STORE Offers 500 volumes in l Russia binding, the best authors at 48ceach. 1000 volumes in best cloth binding at 38c each. An immense stock of 25c books. Fine editions of Longfellow, Whittiers, Holmes, Lowen, Taylor, and all the Ieading authors. Fine plush goods, games, work boxes, stationery. Fine illustrated books a specialty. Sole agent for the celebrated Egres & Spottiswood, Bagster & Oxford Teacher's Bibles. Bargains in Catholic Prayer Books. See our immense stock before opening. een iiimi. Opposite Court House, Main St., Lisrisr arbor W. F. LODHOLZ IS OFFEROG BARGAINS! iy GROCERIES ê PROVISIONS F1RST-CLASS GQOOS A SPECIALTY. New Teas at 25c, :t()c 40c and TOca pound. Kettles, Porcelaln Liued, FREE with I lb. Baking: Powder at 50c. China Ware FREE witli 1 lb. Cuffee it - " per pound. The Best Goods at the Lowmt Prlces. Ahvuys Full Welgrht and Measure. AU GMds Freslt and Warranted. Delivered to any part of the City. You will save money by trading wlth W. F. LODÜOLZ, 4 AM) 6 BROADTTAY. uaa


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