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Lucy hnd a 11 Mie lamb And whcn she sold lts lleeces, SUe blessed Ihe great McKInley bill And feit as rlcu as Croesus. There nre hnrrying times at City Tre ifurer Watts' office, these days. The supervisors meet lu Bpeclal sossion at the Court house, Monday, Jutiunry 5. The Business Men's Quartette sang for the G. A. K. banquet at the rlnk Monday eveniiifr. Iiistflliation and banquet by Arbor Tent. K. O. T. M., No. 296, on Wednestlii.v Jan, Ttli. Uobert L. Warren and famlly are airnin residen fa ot tliis city, Uring en Vollaud street. Nexl week the CoüRIBR will appcar in lts new and cnlargud fonn. Xow Is the time to subscribe. MiísAda Gilbert of this city. isoneof the clerks tlinl Auditor General Stone haa uotllied tbat lic will retal n for a time. Ann Arbor raerebaota enjoyedthe best holiday tracie they have had for years; und are coiisrquently vüty happy jast 11 OW. On the evenlnff of January 13th the Kniyhts Templar of Jacksou will visit Ann Arbor und cxemplify the work of tlie order of the temple. The 7(ith birtbd ly of Jicob üeinzman, of W. Liberty st., was celebrated Sund.iy by the ratlifcrlnji of hls childreo and grand-chlldren at lila home. The Board of Director? of the County Mutual Fire Ins. Co., met yesterday at Hecrctary CUIld's oliice to settle with the auditoisaud adjitst some losses. The M. C. R. R. commenced Cuttlng ice yesterday on Cornwell's poiKÏ. Tliey would like to out 4,000 car loads if possihle, and want all tlic help lliey can get. Judjre Xilino will hnld court in Monroe Momlay, and in Jackson Thursday, and as lie went to New York last eveni "tr it will make ït pretty lively for him. The fire department wascalled out Friday evening by a burning chimney In the Cbrlstmnn block, on S. Mals street. The chemical engine put ill the (lames and Mved what might esisily have been a dangerous blaze. The annual meeting of the Presl)yteiinn society will be held next MoDday night, J mi. 5tli, at whlch time two trustees will te elected in place of James H. Wade and Geo. L, Moorc, wliose term of office then expire3. There wül be a regular meeting; of the board of managers of the Waslitenaw County Fair Associution on Thuríday, Jan. 8th, In the liasement of the court linuse, at 10 oVlock a. in. sliarp, for the purpose of eleoling departmeiu superintendents. The week of praycr will he observed with meetings as followg: On Monday evening, Jan., at the Congregatlonal chuicli; Wednesday evenitiif, at the M. E. cburch; Thursday evening, at the Baptist churcli; Friday evening, at the I'resbyterian churcli. A concert Ie to be given at Azalia tbls Wednesiiay evening, for tiie benefit of the tire sufferers of that place, and the liusimen's Quartette of this city, consisting of Dewitt C. Fall, Alvin Wilsey, Eugene Mutschel and 15. St. James, will go there to assitsl. Tliey dónate their services and expenses to Ihis most woithy cause. Tliere will be an open meeting of the Carpenters' Union on Tuesday evening, Jauuary, at 7:30 o'clock, at their Ilall on South Main st. Program of the evening will be au open discussion on the subject, " Resolved, that elght liours eliould conetitute a day a work.'' Prof. E. S. Spencer and W. J. Colgrove wil] take tlie BÍÜrmative, and be opposed by any who wish to join In the debate. Al are cordially iuvited. Admission free. To-morrow the old county offlcers will retire and tlie new ones be usliered in. As tlie old nfficers succeed themselves in every instance except county clerk, tbere wil] be Hule confusión. Tbe retiring clerk, Fred A. Howlctt, lias been one of the most obliging and prompt officials ever in the office, and hls successor, Mr. Arlliur lirowii, who lias been deputy clerk for four years, will certainly keep the ollice in the same groove. Mr. IIowlett will be the deputy clerk. The Supremo Court of Michigan has rendered a decisión in the case of the Ypsilanti Savings Bank vs. Miss Rebecca Henriques of this city, sustaining the decisión of Judge Kinne. Tlns case is one that lias grown out ot the famous "financiering" oí Dr. Samuel Earp, formerly of this city. Miss Henriques had signed paper, through mlsrepresentatlon and fraud, sbe claimcd, to the total aniount of $6,500, whlch the bank held as collateral security. Jud;e Kinne held that under the circumsUnces Miss Henriques was not liable and the supreme court has taken like view of the matter. What the ncxtstep will bc is a mere conjectiire, but It is rumored that tliere may be criminal proceedings Instituti-d against Dr. Earp. This inorning, ju-t before going to press, we learn of tUe smldcn doftth of Mrs. Hctseyl-'.OileB at her home on Fuller rt. It seems tliat Mis. Giles complaincd ot not feelinj; well this morning, and at ubout nine o'clock ahe sank into a chair and appurently dropped to sleep, but it was the i-leep thal kncw no wakln"í, and slie breatlied tier last as peaeefully and calmly as a child in its slumberg. 'i'be deecased wíis bom In Helchertown, Mass., .luly 15, 181.", and was consequently over 73 yeiira old. She leaves two daughters, Jlss Louisa and Miss Surab Giles, wko jiaye been with the Coukiek forcé a number of years, and one son, R. D. Oiles, of Detroit; also two sisters, Mrs. jObapln, o Cblcopee Falls, Mass , and M ip. Weila, of Ctnclnnatl, O. She came t MicblgHü in October, 1830, settling in Anu Arl'ir, anu whs mairied to Orson S. iiilea in 1838, in the öth ward. Funeral services will be held Friday afternooo, at 2 o'clock, at the realdence, Xo. 27 Fuller ttreet. Communion at the Presbytemn cliurcn next Sunday. The annual meeting of Forest HUI Cemetery Co. will be held Tuesduy Jan. Cth. Blanclie E. Jolly files a bilí for divorce againat Wm. C. Jolly, on the ground ol extreme cruelty. Dr. W. V. Nlchols 3 putting in about 200 tons of ice for his fruit farm, cutting the same at Ueddes. The report of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank, to be found in another column, is one to be proud of. liead it. Ex-Sheriff Walsli seems to be currylng favor wilh theGermansnow, for his name is spelled on his sign "Walcli." A decree of divorce was granted by Judge Kinne to Mary Welcli f rom JollO Welch, Monday, on the grou-id ot desertion. Luick Brothers have taken the contract for all the doors, sasli, window trame, cases, mouldings, etc, for the new liospital building. The year 1890 commenced on "Wednesday and ends on Wedncsilay, consequently we give our readers 53 papers iustead of the usual 52. Frank Wilson and Thos. Baxter wcre fentenced to jail for five days, by Junice Pond, Saturday, for stealing from Mack & Schmid's store. V. W. Watts, at the city treaaurert office, wants everybotly holding tlie senatorial slips from the Kvening News, to hand them in and get their picturcs. All of the Ypsiliinti papers have resolvtd to charge for notices of church fuirs and like buíiness entcrprises, the same as the merchants have to pay. "The Knights of Reciprocity" are the latest, viz: "Vou ask me to have something and I'll treat to the cigars." The membership is said to be rapidly fermentlng. The directors of the Ann Arbor Ajiricultural Company yesterday elected Evart H. Scott, president; Fred Schmid, vire president; John Flnnegan, secretan' and treasurer. The newest organization in town is tlie Huron Valley Building and Savïngs Association. A Iare nutnber of oiir good business men and substantial citizens are going into t. Christmas Day WM a cold, quiet every day port cf n day out doors, but quite general ly a waim, light-heaited, tenderturkey, plum-puilding, merry rollieklng sort of a day In doors. The following are the ofllcers of Ann Arbor E ïcatiipiuent No. 7, I. O. O. F.: C. P,- Chas. H. Jones. II. p.- Henry Richards. S. W.- Frank Looker. J. V.- W. H. Kelley. Treas.- Chris Schlencker. Prof. A. A. Stanley feels greatly pleased witli the brinainf' out of Dudley Ruck's "Liglit of Asia," at Detroit lust Frlday ereuing. The au'Iience was a large and critical one, and the entertainment pronounced bymuslcil people a very great success. Mrs. Ann Rothan, of the 6th waid, No. 41 E. University ave., üied Uec. 27UI, aged 84 years, 1 montli. Tlie deceased was boni in Lincolnshire, England, and was a sister of E 1. E. Moorp, of S:lo. Funeral services were held at 1:30 o'clock at the house. Miss M;iry Sullivan, the i fficlent and greatly respected distributing derk 1" the post ofllce was made the recipiënt of a Iiumlsonie gold pen with gold aiul peail handle and also a pearl handled gaye buttoner, encased In a hindiome plusli cuse, on Christmas, the gift of the clerki in the post office. Tlios. Boliner died at 7 o'clock last evening, ut his liome on S. Ingalls st., of paralysls. He has heen ill for some time. Funeral services wlll be held Friday at 9 a. m., from St. Thomas churcli. He leaves a wife and tliree childien. "Torn," as he was taralliarly knosvn, formerly clerked for the Two S:tms, and was a genial, pltasnnt geutlera:in. Wm. R. Henderpon, forraerly of the firni of Douglass & llenderaon, of this city, but later of Cleveland, ü . dled last Saturday at Wheeling, W. Va. II w. Henderson telegiaphed for the body of her soe to be sent here and lt arrlved here yesterday morning. Funeral services were held yesterday from the re-idence of Mrs. Henderson, on E. Washington streef. A course of lectures have been arranged fnr at Di'xter by the Catholic Mutual Benefit Associntion of that place. Jan 14th, Hev. L. Cook, subject, "C-itliolic Sucieties." Jan. 2St.h, Hev. M. J. üowling, "Faith and Worldliness.'1 February l!)th, ]it. Rev. Bishoj) Folev, "Church Unity. Muren 4th, Bey. P. Cooney, of Xotre Dme, "Catholics In the late War." The young boys who c.ompose the vested choir of St. Andrew's church had a memorable eveniiijf last Wednesday, Chriatmis eve. Tliey met at Dr. Vaughnn's and from tliere proceeded to Rev. Mr. Waters' the auUtant rector of St. Andrew's church, and the trainer of the choir. ïhey presented Mr. Waters with a handíome gilt, and were royally entertained by himself and wife. Froii tliere they went to Dr. Tatlock's, to II. J. Brown's, and a few otber places, sercuadiiifr them in a dellhttul manner. The f.imily of Win. C. Lateon, of Webster, held a family re-union last Sunday, tin; 28th. Tbere are six boys and six girls in Mr. Latson's family, as follows: Frank A., Neltie E., Geo. H., Alvin C., Ada, La Rue, Elmer E., Jennie, Edwin, Anna, Lottie and Lizzie. George and Alvin are marrled and were accompanied by their wives. The corabined weiglit of the boys was 941 lbs. and the girls 768 lb. (in each itistance before dinner.) MissNettie 8 a teacher in the school lor the blind, at Lansing; George and Alvin are botli farmers living near Howell; and Elmer and Jennie are students at the High School in this city. In the annour.cenwnt of committees to attend the work of making the 25th hational G. A. R. encampmetit to be held at Detroit, August 3-8, next, the names of the following Washtenaw county people appear : 4tb dist. vice president, James B. Angelí, Ann Arbor. Cotnmittee on Reception- Judge Thomas M. Cooley, Col. H. 8. Dean, Oov. Alpheus Felch. Ann Arbor; Capt. E. P. Allen, Ypsllantl; Frank P. Glazter, E. P. Negus, Clielsea; Hon. J. V. N. Gregory, Lima, Bon. J. 8, Gorman, ï.yüdon; Hou. J. L. Lowüen, ïpsllanti. On Pres-- Junios E. Baal. of Ann Arbor, On Invitatlon- Uov. Alplieus Kelen, Ann Arbor. By a somewhat extended article in tbe Ottumws Courier of Dec. 23J, we lenrn that on the day previous that our fellow citlzen, ex-mayor V. B. Smith was presented with a beautlful ebony gold-lieaded cane by the pupils of Irving School. The cane was inscribed : "To Dr. W. B. Smitli, from Irving School." After beiiifi inveiglcd into the school by some excuse, the pupils of each room were arrayed in a circle around the large lower hall, and a presentation speech made in a very neut maoner. Tuis was responded to by Dr. Smith in a few approprlate words of thanks. It seems that the doctor bas been engaged in the ame work that he bas alwavs eiven much of his time to here, natnely, In dolüg good work for the schools. It is neetlless to add lluit the recipiënt feels very proud of hls present. On Friday evening the Lindwehr So ciety, composed of veternns of the Frati CO-Praulan war, celebrated tlie fall o P.uis by a CUristmas festivul atthcir lial over the jewelry store of Huiler & Son's A number of inspiriting songs were sung by the Harugarl Manneehor and Instru mental miisic furnislied by Oïto's band Among otlitr things was an address b; Louis J. Le'isemer of the Washtenaw Pos who portrayed in pleasin;; terms th glory and splendor of the achievement of the Germán armies on the tífiy battl lields on French soil. It was these battle that made Germany the ereatest militar power of Europe, and Iierlin the capiti ot tlie ola worlu. Mr, beisemer, nowever contended that all German-Americiins slinukl look upon Washington ns the capital of tlie world, and while tliey 6liould admire the Gcrmnn fliï tliey sliould loye the sturs and strlpes of their adopted country, and stand ready t tlie in their honor. In clising he pakl a, glowin? tribute to the Chrislinas tree, which he said was a Germán cu-tom, and as beautiful a custoni as could be found in the world. At E. F. Mills & Co.'s store all of the adv clerks receiveil for a Christmas prestí t etght yards of any 75 cent goods in he store, and the gentlemen each a $5 lili. Quite a fine Christmas there. On January Oth, Henry M. Stanley will lecture before the Student'3 Lectura Association at Universily hall, on "Huw fouiul Hmin," The people wlll all want 0 liear tliis great oxplorer who 18 cnown aiul honored whertver eivilization bounds. Uey. W. W. Ramsay, formerly pastor f the M. B. cliurch of this city, now of he Central M. E. churcli, Detroit, has eceived a unaniínous cali to hecome pasor of the Tremont street church, Boston, ylass., boginning witli the next confirnce year. He will probnbly g out for tlie cnKlne when tlio bell Inga." The track Is belng put In runniiiK orerT switches placed, etc., and the hour U earwhen Y pul. and Annle wlll "llke klnred diops be mlngled tuto one."- i psllanti enllnel. Oh ! yiim '. yuní! IIow sweetly Annie alls on Ypsi's neck and gently careseea lis hoary oíd whiskers. S D McNeal, an Insurance ageot, may yet e postmaster of Jonesvllle. Any ort of material, oven an insuraoue auent, la gcjod nouRti for a republlcan postmaster.- Adrián 'rt'Hs. Etight yon are. Some of the best men 1 tire country are insurince asenta, oil nspectors, and sich. IIow niucb hhall ve vvrite yotir policy for? At County Clerk Ilowlett'a on Clirist-nas Day, was held a fainily reunión at liich forty of the reiatives wur gatlir-d. It was a notable event in the .iinily and very enjoyiible also. To show ie c:uacity of Mr. Howletl's hospitaly it is but necessary to state ttiat áb í tliefrueets were conifortably cared for nd loded that night at bis borne. The Ypsilantian gives notice tliat bcrefier cliurch faire and entertainnienta whicli are purely business cnterprises will have to pay for their notices and adcrtising, the same as the merchants o witli vhom they coine in compeon. But noticcs for the benellt of liurch societies ottier than bu-iiiiü33 enirprltea will bc inserted gratis as has ecn customary. Oa the first of January, to-morrow, amea N. Uiley will enter the firm of Vagncr & Co. as a partner. Mr. Riley as beon wlth thls fmn for the pist year. omine from the house of V. V. Heald f "SYilliamston, where he had held a poItlon for eiglit yean. 1$ -ing a pleHS:int, ctivo young business man he will add trenath to tbis alrearly exceedingly :roQf tirni of clotiiiers. The following sugsesïion from th Sane Observer is a wise one if notlilng ver comes from it: 'It i sugsrested tbat ie three fiir associations of tbis county oln hunils and have one rousing jrood fait !nc!i year, alternutely at Ann Arbor anJ 'pallnnti. A sensible suzgestion and o:ie liat wouid notonly glvti Washteniw a air o be proud ot but wouUl also be a nancial advantage to the societies. Win. S. Frost. law '88 secretary of the tate Agricultural College of Soutli D iota, at Brcokines was married on Dec. S, 1890, In New York City, to Miss Tile Conrad, forincrly of thi- city. The ouple hav.; lie :n vi-iiting bis m ther. Ir. J. D. Frost, of 8. IngalU st., and í t Tnesday for their Dakota home. At lie samo time of the above wedding the rlde's sister, Miss Bessie Conral, was iso ni irried, tne groom being Samuel Jrigs, a mer,:liant of New York city.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier