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BTUOÜSNESS, 8ICK HKADAOHB OTEARTBURN, IJVER INDIOEST1OH JUSPEFSIA, COaiFLAXST, JAUMHCB UT CSCiG THE GENTJTNB Dr.C.McLANE'SIS ' CELEBRATED HBLIVER PILL81 rEEPAEED ONLT BT FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa flyüíTOre of Cocstesïehs mads In St LouK"H CARTERSL [IVER pilis. "Hl CURE Bick üeadaclio and rellovo all tho troubles taddent to a bittous state of tho syntem. such aa Elzzinoss, Nausea, DrowsinosB, Dístrtm nftor eatlug, Paiu In tho Sido, kc. Whilo tueirinost remarkablo Buccesa has been Bhowu In curing SICK Tloadaclie, yöt Carters Little Llver Pilla ara equ&Uy valuablo in Constipation, curing aud pro venting thisannoylnfïcomplaint,whilotheyal80 correct all tliHonlors nf tho Httjiuar h, sü mulata tho livcr and regulato the bowela. Even il" they only HEAD Ach o thoy would bo almos t priceleea to t h oso wha suffer f rom this diatrosaing complaint ; brft f ortunatdly theirgoodneBS does notend horo.and thoao whooncetry tbem will find tlieso llttlo pillRvalublelnaoniany waysthat thoy will not bo willlag to do without them. Uut after allslck hoad ACHE Is tno bane of so many livea that here Is wherê we mak e our grcat boast. Our pilla cura it wtiila otbers do not. Carter'a I.itllo Lirer Pilis are very Bmall and vory eaey to tako. Oue or two pilla mako adosa. Tliey are atrictly vegetable and do not gripa or purge, but by their gontle aetion ploaae all who uselliom. Invialsat25cents; flve forti. Sold by druggiata overywhcro, or stnt by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE WHAT SCOTT'S CONSUMPTION Otll ' T SCROFULA EMULSIÓN ggSSSS1 AlinPA COLDS üUnCO VTasting Liseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many hava gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsión Is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulating properties of the HypophosÏ hatea and pure Norwegian Cod Ter Oil, ths potenoy of both being largely increased. It is used by Pliysician3 all over tho world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggista. SOOTT A BOWNB. Chomlsts, N.Y. To cure Biliouancss, Sick Ileadache, Constipation, Halaria, Livcr Complaints, take the safo and ccrtain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Use the SMALI, Size (40 little Beans to the llUttle). TIIEY AUE THE MOST CONVENIENT. SuitAblo tor A.11 Ages. Prloe of fit her Hizo, 25c. per Bottle. niWWIIlll'Wur'U. (co[))iTorstIiiin). J.F.SMITH&,CO.Makcrsof"BILEBEANS,'ST.lOUIS MO. CREAM PRUNES A very [1easant Laxativo, Dtftdo from the juice of h'rsh combined vith ■ t. . ' armless vecetabl ingredieuta oi well I a va and liighly medicinal qualitics, put up in tlio forn uf CREAM DROPS, Making a very valuable preparation FOR INFANTS andCHILDREN, Aastmflatlng tho food and Regulating the Stomach and ' 'cv Is, tt Pron.otes Digestión, Cheerfulness and Rest IT IS A WOMOERFUL REMEDY ForCNSTIPATION, S3UR STOMACH, CONVULSIONS, LOSS SLEEP WORMS. ' FE EfïISHNE-S, Etc. P ce, 2G Cert. ÏSIlK.tiS MKDIC!-: CO., l.'.:il)eth, N. Jk I-OR SALIi :' i:jm:i:i!A( ii & SON. ASH iïiïoi:. RObtoer Show nnlwa worn nnoomfortablj tlgbt, tenöraUy Hip off tho foet. THE "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO. make all thrir idioes with hulde of heel tlned wlth rubber. This oIIqkb to Uie iiioo ctnd prove ut Uit rubber trom llpplng off. Cali for tho " Colchester " "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOR SAI.E BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO., DOTY & FEINER, A.D.SEYLER&SON. AWN ARBOR.


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