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1891. HARPER'S Y0UN3 PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The Twelfth Volume of Hari-ers Youxg Peoite beglns on November 4, ]8ü. ïhis best aml most comprehenslve weekly in the world for y omm readers presents a rlcli and attractive programme. In flêtion there will be "Campmutes: A Story of the l'lains," by Kirk Müsbos; "Men of Iron," a romanee by Howakd Pyi.e, with lllustratlons by the author; "Flylng Hlll Farm,1' by Soi'HIeSwktt; "The Moou Prinee," by K. K. Munkittuu k; and "Yellowtop," by assik Broxson King. In acUlit ion to these live seríais, there will be storles In twoor three parts by Thomas Nelson Paqe, Hjai.mak HjoitTir Boyeson, Edwin Lassettkh Bynner, HarrietPhescott Spoffobd, Mary E. Wilkins, Noha Pekry, and olhers. Short stories, and anieles on sclence, blstory, travel, adventure, games and sports, wit li hundreds of lllustratlons of the hlghest character, will render Harfer's Young Pkoi'I.E fur 1S91 unrlvalled asamlscellany of the best readlug for boys and girls. "The best weekly publlcatlon for young people In existence. It Is edlted with scrupulouscare and a'tentlon, and instruction and entertainment are mlngled in lts pages In Just the rlght proportlons to eaptlvate the mlnds of the young, and at the same time !■ develope thelr thinking power."- N. Y. Observer. TERMS : Postase Prepaid, $2 Per Year. Yol. XII. begiru November 4, 1S00. Volumes VIII., X. and XI. of Harpeu's Youííg Peoplb bound in eloth will be sent by mail, postage paid, on recelpt off'i.50enoh . The other volumes are out of print. Specimen Copy sent on rece'tpt of a two-cent stamp. Sin'glk Numbers, Five Cents each. Remlttances should be made by Post-ofHce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspdpers ars not to copy thls advertisement loithout the express order o) Harper & Brothers. Address: IIAltPER 4 BROTHERS, New York. A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoms ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to diraes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZEL &c CO. Plumbera and SteamfilUrs. ANN AftBOR, - - MICH. 1 Michigan (Tentr al " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taklne effect Nov. 30. 1890. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. BTATl'S 5 S ' & % =jjj iH H zj w Lw "" si A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P. M F.M. A.H. Chicoffo Lv.. 705 900 122U 8 10 9 25 10 10 Kala'uo 1145 2 17 358 TOO 33 1 7 15 Jacks'n 3 00 4 25 5 35 817 4 40 15 9 40 t'helsoa 3 59 5 30 7 13 10 31 Deïter 114 5 45 728 10 43 P. M.P. M. P.M. P. M. A.M. A.M. A. . AnnA'r 4 42i 5 29 BSO 8 45 6 05 7 50 1100 Tpell'ti 503 543 956 (i 23 8OS1113 W'eJc 527 (47 835 1132 De'i Ar 6 15 6 45 7 30 10 45 TM 9 2u Vi 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. _-- 1 1 & 'U i ís á A.M. A.M P. M.lF.M. A M. P.M. P.M. Detroit.. ..Lv 830 7 50 120 745 9 23 9 15 4 45 WayueJanc. 08 82-i. 954 521 Ypellanti.... 9Ï8 841 805 845 10 15 5 43 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P M. P.BI. AnnArbor... 9 43 8 57 219 858 1019 1030 555 Dextur 100) 9 15 608 Chelsea 10 13 9 30 6 19 ' Jackson 11 OH 1000 3 17 1020 1115 1145 655 Kalamazuo.. 2 05 12 12 502 1245 1255 217 930 Chicago.. .Ar 7 35 i 35 0U ti 40 4 50 8 05 O. W. RUGÓLES, H. W. HAYKS, G. P. & T. Asent, Chicase Agt.. Ann Arbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor S Nortli Michigan Kallway. riMB SCHKDULK. Taking effect October 12th, 1890. Traína ron by Standard Time. Qoinij Xorti. la si íifc I 5 STATIONS. g S A. M.IP. M P.M P.M. 6 00J 3 30 Lv Toledo Ar 1 10 II 15 6 47 4 10 Dundee 12 16 10 23 7 OS 4 31 Milán 11 57 10 02 7 20 4 45 Urania 1145 9 46 7 27 4 55 Pittstteld 1137 9 40 7 41 5 07 Ann Arbor 1125 9 26 7 55 5 25 Leland 11 13 9 10 8 06 5 3 Wtaltmore Lake 1100 8 55 8 55 6 8í Dowell. 10 25 8 JO ' _9_40 7 85 Durand 9 40 7 20 11 05 8 45 Kast Sagiuaw. 8 10 5 60 Ï02Ö 8 10 Owoeuo..... 8 55 6 30 1180 9 12 Ilhaca 7 45 5 18 125 10 13 Mt. Pleaaant 6 45 4 15 3 35 Cadlllao 10 35 5 20 Copcmlüh 8 56 6 35 .... Ar Frankfort Lv 6 &5 P. M. P. M. A. . A. M. go"? Sottti. H. W. ASHLBY, General Manaíer. A. J. PAISLBY, GKO. H. HAZLEWOOD, GenM. Pass. & Ticket Aeent. Local Asent RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conetantly on hfind, BKEAI), CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retall Trade. We Bhall also keep a snpply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Osborn's Gold Must Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Fced, Etc, At Wholenalc and Retall. A general stock of GROCERIES aifl PROYISIÜNS Conatautly on hand, which will be sold on ae reaBonable terina as atan y otlicr hoose in the cltv. Caeh paid for BUTTÏR, KQQS, and COÜNTRÏ PRODUi:B ffencrally. QoodB dclivorea to any part of the city withont extra charge. RINSET & SEABOLT. THIS PAPER Ti m v rnitn nowELr. cos Kcwspapcr AlTcrtislng Bureau (10 Spruce 6treet),wheroadvcr. ■■■■■ lff#lfll# he maüe for tt in II Elf I Ulll%


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier