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Epitome Of The Week

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On intials l the new San ators froin Idaho were presented to tho Srnuto and the nomlnation of Henry I. Brown, o Michigan, lo be Assoclate Justioe oí (lio United States Supreine Court, wn conflrmed. Tlie elections bill was discusscd. A bilí was intro duced for the construction of a railroad in Alaska. . . . The House was not in sesgion. The time was oecupied tn the Si-naïe on the 30th nlt. tn discussing the il. ...In the Hou-e the Journal of the last tiay's was réad and approved and then an aJjourn ment v:is taken unlil Janoary 2. In the Sonata a rosoiutlon was adopted on the31st uit. directing Uie Superintendent of the Census to report at the earliest posstble rno ment the population of the United States ac cordingto the census of 1890 by Congresslqna dlstricts and oountles. The elections bill waa further considfVsd. Adjourued to theüd ...The House was nol in session. Ho BUSINESS was transaoted in the Senata on the 2d, and an adjournment was talten to the 6th . . . . Xn the Houso bllls wpre introducec to reduce by one-hal( the charge of registration of domeslic mail matter, and directlng the Secrctary of the TreaBury to print fraetiona currenry uf the United stalr to tüe amount of 150,000,000. Adjourned to the Sta. DOMESTIC. The wif and 3-year-old child of Peter Boose were asphyxiated b.y gas trom a stove at their home iu Lima, O. MlCHAEI. ('riii.KV, a saloon-keeper at Broderick Patch., l'a., hls wife and Micliael tfodek were murdered by John Tirello, a II tingarían. The murderer escaped. When an attempt was made on the 39th to disarm Koot's band, reeentl y captured by the Seventh Cavalry near the head of Porcupine creek in South Dakota, the Indians resisted. and a battle was precipitated in which Captain Wallace, aeren soldiers and mixteen redskins were killed and Lieutenant (arlington and twenty-fivc soldiers were wounded. the year 1890 there was 358 embezzlements. the total amount of money taken being $8,633,950. l'ennBylvania Leada in the gTeatest amount of funds embozzlod - 83,3:26,837. New York comes second with $1.939,270, Missouri is next with ft";)ü,:;S4. while Illinois ranks íourth with a total oí 0406,938. A man named Helliet, who had been in Boston selling horses, was robbed of 87,400 while asleep on the night Pullman train. Tuk business portion of San Augustine, Tex., was d'estroyed by lire. Miss Maby Morris, of Dubuque, Ia., who for tliree years had been unable to talk, suddenly regained the power of speech after a iit of cougliing. J. Eldjiidoe Pierce, secretary of the City Building and Loan Association at Wilnving'ton. Del., was s:ii(l to be a defaulter to the extent of 845,000. The visible snpply ol' gniin in store in the United States on the th was: Wheat. 2,763,997 Bnshels; ebrn, 2,tíáO,1T( bushels; oats. 3,7Q5,5ö7 bushels. Thk Second Adventista in State convention at Hlnrt'ton, Ind., annoimeed that the year 1891 would witness the overthrow of all worldly kingdorns and principalities and the establishment of Chrisfs reigu apon the earth. Thk schooner Lucinda It. Potter capsized oft' Barnegat and sevea men perished. ApviCES of the 30th uit. saj; that the recent baltic in Boiith Dakota between the Big Koot hostiles and the Seventh Cavalry resulted in the killing of twenty-four and wounding of I three of 'the eavalry troopers and the almost out of tlie Inrlian village, composed of about 110 warriora and '-;"!i women and children. Half a dozen Indian children were all that were left of the entire hostile camp. The Indians fired one of the schools at the Catholic Mission near Pine Ridge, and in the fight which followed six soldiers and many 1 vore killed. Thk Mai (lóiise at Marysville, Kan., was total ly destroyed by an ineendiary fire. An explosión at tlie power-house of the Louisiana Electric Light and l'oivcr Company at New Orleans wrecked the building and killed ten employés. It was ascertained that over 20,000 stamped envclopcshad been stolen from the Government stamped envelope ageney in Hartford, Conn., and sold by one Fay, a íormer employé of the ageney. Tur; census bulletin shows that the Mormons are carrying on an extensive system of education. They have ninety-six teachers with 5 , 0'JrJ pupils in Utah, Idaho and Atizona. Utah alone has 4,2s; Morman pupils. Hexrv lii'rz, aged 83, was arrested at Illick's Mills, Pa., charged with murdermg a fainily in Germany thirty years ago. John J. Rked was sentenced at Troy, N. Y., to seven years' imprisonment for misplacing a switch on the New York Central during the strike on that road. THREF men entered a passenger car at Columbas, Ind., and robbed a passenger of .$00. By the cotnbination of eighteen harvesting inachinei-y manufacturies into one monopoly known as the American Harvesler Cornpany 10,000 men are thrown out of employment. At Tocsob, A. T., Tax-Collector M. S. Snyder was attacked in liis otlice by two ma.sked men and robbed of $4,000. A pire at Milton, Del., nearly destroyed the business portion of the town. President Harkiso.n signed the commission of Henry 1!. Hrown, of Michigan, as Associute Justlce of the Sapreme Court of the United States. Tin; ni'icury at Richford, Vt., registered 40 degrees below ?.ero on tlie SOth uit. Th REK unknown Polish laborers were Etmck by the fat mailtrain on the New York Central trucks In l'.ufl'.tloand instantly Ifilléd. Tmo bahtiing and brokerage firra of A. IC. BaUmaB & Co., o!' X..v York. f a 'I. d !■■ M lioo.OQO.


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