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OOMFO'CUiTO CREAM oí PRUNES A very pleasant Laxativa, made from the juice of Fresn Primes combiued whh ! ai vegetabl ingredients of well-known and highly medicinal qualities, put up in tliu forn of CREAM DROPS, Making a very valuable preparaticn FOR 1NFANTS and CH1LDREN, Assimilatíng the food and Regulatïng the Stomach find ''úw Ís, tt Prort.otes Digestión, Cheerfufness and Rest IT IS A WOHDERFUL REMEDY orC N8TIPATION, S OUR 8TOMACH, CONVULSIONS, LOS8 ClF SLEEP WORMS, FE ERISHNES8, Etc. P Ice, 25 Certs. BRIGGS MEDICI 15 CO., FOR SALE Lk.' EBERBACH & SON, ■ AM JRBOR. jfiff&ffiBfcv pne liftte fortunes have been made at MPEj&jteíjB Hee cui. Otheriaredoingasweíí. Vfhy v9m7 gimiere are emily ekrninp frora f 5 to 0' ymÊr 11lday.Allifei. Weshow you hovr ifc fc Bm n( 'tart you. Can work Ín pare time flPSHk eri' F" f 'ure unknown amon; them. _ "" NEW and wonderfut. Particular free. H.Uttltt&C.Bux8HOPurtlandMaiuo . Bu, Aparopbletof Information and Iw JK stract uf the laws, shuwing How iolMÊ S Obtaín Patenta, Caveats, TradeiMW. .MarlLs, Copyriffhts, sent recMBw Sl361 Broadway. ÉB I XlUIieSl W OrK. 1 made by earnest meo and women, liv furnuh the capital! IÍ yon maan business, drop us a card and get (acta that wil] open your eyes! A legitímate line oí goods, and houest men wanted to introduce them in town and country. Don't Walt! Address at once, I'. O. Box,C49, Cincinnati, O. Insurance, lú l iú Loan Agensy o p HAMILTOJT& GREEE. OFFICES : NO. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK FIRST FI.OOR. Partlea desiring to buy or sel] Real Estátewlll nnd it to their adyantage to cali on us. We represent the followiug first-class Fire InBurance Companies, having and aggregate capital of over $8,000,000 : The Grand Rapids Fire Ins. Co. The Oiiio Farmers Ins. Co., (insures only dwellings). The Gerhan Fire Ins. Co. Tuk Peoplï's Fire Ins. Co. The Citizkn's Fire Ins. Co. The Westchestek FIbi Ins. Co. The Milwalkee Mechanics' Fire Ins. Co. The New Hampshihk Fire Ins. Co. The Northwkstkkn Fike Ins. Co. Ratea low. Losses liberally adjusted and pald promptly. We also issue Life and Investment Policios in the Conn. Mutual Life Iusurance Company. Asseta JO.OOO.OOO. Persons desiring Accident Insurance, ean have yearly Polloles written for them or Truveler's Coupou Insurance Tickets issued at low rates in the Standard Accident Insurance Company of Detroit. Mich. Money to loan at current rates. Office hours irom S a. ui. to 12 in. and 2 to 5 p. in. HAMILTON & CREEN. SAW MILLS, ENGÏNES, Iinproved Tariable Friction Feed. Send for catalopue and special prices. A. B. FARQUHAB CO., Vork, Pa. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A"nTT?Q TRY LADUE'S "PEi-Ji.J XÏLlij BIODICAL" l'ILLS from Paris, France. Established in Europe Lsi9, Canada in 1S78. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Derangements. A reliable monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any druggist, (2. American Pili Co., Proprietors, Spencer. Iowa. Robert Sephenson & Co., Wholesale agents.and all other druggists in Aan Arbor. These pills are warranted to bring on the " change.' "WoodL's :Pia.oss3a.ocL:nLe. THE 6BEAT KGI,IH RKMEDY. üsed for Só years, - . of Youthful folly by thouiands BF and the eicesses ceasfully. JnaMii of later yeara. anfeid io curf all tLM (ii tmmeíiaí forms of Xervous %JjjtZ3 strenjth andvigUeakness. Emlv KflBJ ""■ Ast drueglsu Bloni, WB'-IP' for Wood's Phond all tbe -ITert8lpb' trom 'mihntltnm. Ons package, $1; sii, $5, by mail, Wrlte for pamphlet. Addres Tlie;Voo4 Chemical Co., 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Jlicli. I ygfoolfc's Oo-trfcoia. Eoot gflm& compound I iKS; Composed of Cotton Boot, Tanty aï V vJ Pennyroyal- a recent discorerr DT a Cjold physician. Ja íuíctssuiiy ut 4 morUUii- Safe, Effectual. Prio $1, by mail. sealed. Ladies, aak Tour draggiat for Cook'n Cotton Root Compound and take no substituto, or inolose 2 stampa for sealed partioulara. Ad-, dresa POND LIÏ.Y COMPANT, No. 8 Ftaha Blook, 131 Woodwv4 ". Detroit. Iftek.


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