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Armed at all points - porcupines. A "bear" existence - some brokers. The great popularity of Ayer's Pilis is a cathartic is due no leas to their iromptness and efficacy thau to their oating of eugar and freedom from auy njurious effects. Children take them readily. See Ayer's Almanac for this year, just out. PROTECTION OR FREE-TRADE. WHiCH ? Do you want to keep thoroughly pc3ted cm the effects of the New Tariff Law, as shown from week to wcc fc ? I i ; i u want to know all about the po!:cy of Protection and have an answer to every false statement of the Frce-Traders? Ycs? Then subscribe for your home paper and the AMERICAN Economist, published weekly by the American Protcctive Tariff League, New York. (Sample copy f ree). The Economist is an aclcnowiedged authority on Protection and should be widely read. The yearly subscription of the Economist is $2, but we have made a sptcial arrangement with the publishers by which ve can send you the Economist for one year and Ei77r? Greatesi Blood PurifieriQ KNOWN. # I I This Great Germán Medicine Ís the#L. III ■II eheapest and best. 128 doses of SUL., II lIPHUUBITTEUSforíl.OO.lessttmn "3 II III"], i cent a dose. It will cure üxem g jj Q worst cases of skin dlsease, tromW pj a common pimple on the tacem Jf Bu H to that awful disease Scrofula.# í? IIISULIMIUR BITTERS la the# ,? II best medicine to use Ín all# " III I II cusca oí euch etubborn and#y01]r ka II I lilctp scated dlseases. Do#nevsareoutl Illuot ever tako #of order. IieelU BLUE PILLS iur rnuKg lpÚLPHuVl!ITTKRS íníatter wuat alls MI I 1 the purest and bestíf yu' us0 J medicine ever made flaUn,. BittírS ! j IwithayellowstlckyDon't walt untll yOTi U Btilistaucc? Isyourare unalile to walk, or ITI breath íoul ánd#are flat on your back, offensive? Yourbnt gct eome at onco, ltl stomach Ís out#will cure you. Sulnhur of order. UseÏTBitters la aol]ÚTT KHsThe Invalid's Priend. W ItmniedlatclyThe younp:, the ajted and tL ís your l'r-terin aro soon made well by 1 1 lne thck,t6 use. Kemember what you II i ropy, clo-read here, it may eave ynur Udy, orjife, It has saved liundreds.ll Lr Dou't wait until to-morrow. ƒ i Try a Bottle To-day ! Q I o M Are yoii low-splrltert nnd wonk,[j cè mor suffeViiij? frmn the oxceSBOB oflil r-Wyouth? If so, SULP11UR lílTTKHtil I Wwill cure you. Seml 3 'i-cent stanips to A. 1. Onhvay Á ('o., Boston.Alass., for Uest medical work puulishoür GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. Ï. Baker & Co.'s Dr63KT3Si Gocoa from wliich the excess oí oil lias been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of ! Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot j or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing lens than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strcngthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons iu health. Sold by Crocers cverywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorcbester, Mass. RBAtl pilnn lie earned.tourSEW lint ofwork, EmII I Rl H V iil"TM,yoontoc old.and iii thrir BWllflcl I ownlwaliiiei.vihcrevtrlheylive. Anjr Bil W I 1 %m I one can do the ork. K.y to lf.rn. 1V( furoifth evrrylhinp. V't tart to. Nü rik. Vou uu devola y.ur ire moment, ar all your time to tlie work. Thii i in enlirely new lend.kiid brinj; wondrrful ttirceiB to every wurker. 11. rliiiHT re r urn i tip from V2& to f 50 pñwMk and upward, and more after a li t Lie ezpeñence. We eau furnith yuu the eml.loyment and teteh ynn Kltre. Ko ipace to e].lain here. Full lufoimaliou HlKt. 'l'KUE d CO., aIULSTA, -lllï. THIS PAPER syw?■ IIIW I ffll kil Kowüxr. Co KewspapeT Advertlstoff Bureau (19 Spruce ggssrs?yg NEW YORK. USE DR.CRAIG'S OliICJrNAL, KIDNEY AND UVER CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. They aro only Snfc Kcincdics to use for those affllcted with Brlght's Disease, Liver Complaint and Urinary Affections. Only those prepared in the dry foum ure the orisiinü and the only Kidney and Liver Cure that wil) restore you to perfect health. ALL LADIES USE O. Et. R.. J3L. SOLD B7 ALL DBÏÏC3I3Ï5. THE CRA.IG MEDICINE CO., PASSAIC, 3ST. ,T. 150 DOSES QUE DOLLAR. "F L1TERATCRE FOR AL!.. 0 gv TIn . . íricanPuoteciiveTarifpLe,,cí le publtebing a most valuable series of Turifl documents. Tliege ai-e prepared with a view to iiate the facts und arguments for Protection, whether in the interest of farmers, J:il4)rer3, merohants or professional men. ï.ai li issue of the series appeals to those gaged in separate industries, and presentí indisputable ïaets- comparisons of wages, cost of living, and other argumente showing the benents of Protection. Any eingle one will be Bent on receipt of 2 cents in stamps exeept " Wages, Living and Tariff," whieh will be sent f or 4 cents. The whole list will be sent for 30 oents or any twelve lor 20 cents, or any flvo for 10 cents, poscatru puid. Order by number. Ko. Taoes. l-"Vges, Llvl , -r :.,i,l TarilT." E. A. HartsIlOKS. 104 2- "The Aii..!„lsu( u Protectlve Tarltt to the Labor aud Industries of the Uuited Siates." lir.-i rrlze Essay, 1887. C'RAWfokd D. Hensinu 32 8 - " Home Production Indispensable to a Supply, at Low Prices, or the Mauufactured Cummoditles requlred for the People of the Uuited States, and Adequate Home I'roduction of these Commoditiis Inipoasible without a l'rotective Tarllt." Hrst Prlze Essay, 1888. C. D. Todd.. . . 38 4- ■' Wliat are Raw Materials ? Would Free Raw Materials be Advantageous to the Labor and Industries of the United States." First Prlze Essay, 18a. HomekB. Dihhu, 3S B- "Pallacies of Fref-Trade." E. P. Milleu... 'ü tl- " Some Views on the Tariff by an üld I1uííuessMan." Geo. Drai'Br 32 1-" The Protectlve Tariff : lts Advantages for thesouth." C. L. kdwauds 32 8- "The Wool Interest." Judge il. LAWRBHCB 24 Si- "Protection ia. Free-Trade."- A Historicul Review. D. O. Harkiman 20 10- "The Farmer and the TariiT" Col. T110MA8 H. Dudley 10 11-1 Protection asa Public Pollcy." Geohge S BOUTWELL 10 12-" Eeply to the President' Free-Trade Message." R. P. Porter 8 13- "V, orklngmen and the Tariff." g 11- "The Vital Vuestion: Shall American Industries be Aoandoned and American Markets surreudered ? 8 15 - Kamt in Germán, with Additlon 8 1U- "The Progress of One Hundred Yeare." Hobert P. Porter g 17- " Protection for American Shipplm? " 8 IK- ■' The ïariir Nota Tax." HomerH. Dibf.ll.. 8 1:1 - " Why Irishmen Should líe Protectionists " 8 20- "Protection." E. H. Ammidows. . 4 2 1- " Wbat is a Tarllï ? " Answers to a Workingnian's yuestion 25- "The American Wool Industry." E.H. ÁiiM1DOWN 8 S"!- " Wages and Cost of Living." j. D. Weeks. 4 ■ -ourbern Farmliig Industries.".. .. i 1 " A Short Talk to workJtagmen." 2 --'-" l'ioteetion and the Farmer." Senators. 51. LLLOM 12 lue AMf.RlcAS Economist, weekly. devoted to in I wuHslon of all pb ases of the Tart question. f,3 : !.■.! i .- free. Address American Pro1 I .il. 'iue. 28W. 23d 8t..New York. The Courikr and the Amerloan Econonlet one yeur lor 2.mi. Tkc Finiere' Si Mochanics9 hú CAPITAL $50,000. SUEPLUS $10,000. Additional Liaïilitïes of Stockholflers S5O,OOO. Report of the condition of the FARMERS MECHANICB' ANK tAiiii Arbor, Michigan at the close of business, Dec. 19, 1880. RESOURCES. Loans and disoountl $230,401 80 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 74,421 56 Overdrafts. 4,159 89 Due from banks in reserve cities 8.(595 77 Due from other banks and bunkers.. 5,959 04 Due from Wnshtcnaw Couuty 28,225 60 Furnitureand flxtures 3,500 0 ('iirrent expenses and taxespaid 1,807 59 Interest paid 3,110 48 Clu'cks and cnsh items 9im Mil Xickt'ls and peunies 0S8 (8 old 6,782 50 Sllver 1,720 15 r. 8. and National Bank Notes 5,600 00 Total $876,517 70 LIABILITIKS. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 10.000 üo 1'iidividi'd profitH 11.917 21 ( 'oiiiiiieri-ial deposits 255,806 11 Savlngs depogits 49,825 71 Due to banks and bankers 4ti9 64 Total $j75.517 70 STATE OF MICHIGAN, j OOUH 1 Y OF W'ASHTENAW, ) I, F. II. BELSER, Cashier, of the nhove najned ]!mk. do somenly swear tliat the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledee and l.ulief. F. II. BBL8BB, Cashier Mihsi'ribed and sworn to before me, this' 30th day of December, 1890. WM. W. WHEDON, Notiiry Public. Ci r.i'.EcT- Attest : Chas. E. (ireen'e, Keuben Kempf, 1. F. Behalrer, Directors. Th Farmers' & Mechaiiics' Ml having dled thelr certifícate with the State Banking Departnent are qow authorized to do business as a Savlnga Bank, mul in pursuanoe thereoi have openq a Savings Department! Interest allowed in tlio gavincs department on il deposite oi $i and upwards, Interest paid June 11 and DeOi lt, ofeach year. 'L'Ih' Bavines department is open Satnrday nlchta from 7 anti) 8 o'olock. Momy to in siuns of $35 to ,000 secired by anenenmbered real estáte or approved secnritirs. MRECI'ORS- Reiiben Keni])f, Chas. E. (Jreeiip, K. DufT.r, Ambruse Kearney, Win. C. Stevens, W. F. Breakey, J. E. Beal, John Hurg, D. F. Scliairer. K. KEMI'F, Pres. E. UÜFFY, Viofl-Prps. F. H. BELSER, Ca-liier. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ÜCHIGU FURN1TURE CO. ÓF ANN ARBOR, MICH., oiñt o"A.üT"CJ.ia"y" 1, i89i. JTIatle as Requlred by Law. EESOÜBCKS. Merchandlse, Lumber, flnished and anfinÏRhed work on hand as per inventory $19,921 46 Real Estáte 13,3; 88 MiU'hinery and Tools 4,475 15 Hook Accounts 19,380 12 Cash on hand 6,382 52 $68,49863 LIA11ILITIKS. Capital Stock $40.000 00 Surplus Fund 16,SS3 52 Dividend due January 10 4,000 00 Bills Payable 3,165 11 188,498 63 We do hereby swear that the above Is a correct statement of the conditlon of this Company. Wm. D. Harriman, Leoshabd Gruner, Mosks Seabolt, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9trt day of January, 1891. Miciiael J. Fritz. Notary Public At the last regular meeting of the Directora of this Company an annual dividend of ten per cent. was declared, payable to stockholders of record on January lOth, 1891, at the office of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. CHARLES E. HISCOCK, Secretary. C. H. WILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Huron St„ 2 doors W, of Harrls Guild. The oldest agency in the city. Established over a quarter of a century ago. Representin g the following first-class compnnies, with over 60,000,000 Capital and Assets. Hom Ins. Co., of New York. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Niágara Ins. Co., of New York. Gibard Ins. Co., of Philadelphia. Oiuknt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London. Liverpool, London aud Globe. Rutps Low as the Lowest, Losses Liber ally Adj usted and promptly Paid. C. H. MILLEN FkrLo1s Shoes o for the b rehif ly fliW"BoxTip" School Shoes %V tor Boys and Girls, ?Jo" Heeled or Wedge Heel. p ♦SÖ1SX_ Sizes-8tolO"3 91.BB ' 'övJFtidF litoi3ü Wmféstite mto rK3 3.0 föT FARGO'S ■Wm V $2.50 Calf Shoe fftiEavAis. for Gentlemen, twAJlpoON UiK-qunlcd by any shoe W-v.. . r CiiAtf f n Anifiica at tlio samo ■HgfpsJMOfcJijrire. in Congreso, But■"..L-- míí ton lid Luce. Men'síuid Boy'Hsizes. -fl FARGO'S W, ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT f %öL V Dongola or Goat, Button, ÍVe Opera, or Common Sense. jffcr-fSAe Tackless and ïlexible. Í.lSxSrLAÍrSígíS_ Wnrranted the most Ml sSissWsísi01iuU inLoOiesand iUssc.s DUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOW OF EVERY SHOE. DOTY & FÍ.INER, AGENTS, - ANN ARBOR


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