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O R ti OP 0 íl fe 'xtíy ti X! ■- xk y , leasaní I ic fiom tlie jalee n l une.' v.i ü ' -rmless ibl inaredients of well kncwn and liiglily meuicinal qualities, pjit up iu the forn of CREAM DROPS, Making a very valuable preparation FOR 1NFANTS andCHiLDREN, Aiïmilating the food nnd Regulating the Storaach ftiid 'cw Ís. tt Pron.otes Digestión, Cheer-fulnoss and Rest IT ÍS A WflrDERFüL REÍ.ÍEDY ?orO N8TIPATI0N, S jUR 8TOMACH, COIVULSIONS, LOSS SLEEP WORMS, FE ERISHNE3S, Etc. P 'ce 25 Certs. BRIOCiS MEOICTT CO., K'.-cabeth, K. Jk FOR SALE . EIíERBACH & SON. - ANN ARBOR. iJBÖW. Httle fort unes ha e been made at HfH w"11 l"r '", y Anua Page, Auslin, ZKrTeRKnHBS I'''IH' 'l J"0. lionn, Toledo, Oliio. PCfeiaMIWi3cg Otliers aro doing as well. i, y T -vou'' Home rarn over f500.00 a l 7 fSMwi""""1'' Y" """lfl Ilie vvork ani! liva t ffS i'fth lEBH'tt lionio, ivln-r-ver yon are. Even bc jMBWkíiiiuts are chnüv eurniiic f rom #5 lo L_ i CtHv Allappn. Weshowyonhow Ifc Lfc JpMSM nfl 'tnrt 'on. Can work ín pare tima í -p( -E?y A t-M, i i f uí '■ QDknown kinoBff i h' m, U.IIallettzCa.,hxto"Í-úrr'tluml',CMano I K(ft Apamphlet of tnformation and b-fÊ& HbStractuf the laws.sbuwing Ilow toJuf BUffc Obtain Patents, Caveata, TradeJBk A Marka, Copyrights, ent Jree.mËÊm 5SB& N cw York. Hm XlUIlcSL W "■■ . """'e by earnest meo aihl women. Wt furnish tl" capitall If vuii mean business, drop na a cmd and pet Borne (acta that ill open your evos! A legitímate line of goods, anti honest men wanted to introduce them in town and country. Don't Waitl Address ftt once, P. O. Box, 649, Clnclnnati, O. Insurance, hú Estáte and Loas Agency OF HAMILTOÏU GREEN. OFFICES : NO. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK FIRST FLOOB. Parties desiring to bny or sell Real Estatei wlll flnd it to thelr advantage to cali on as. We represent tbefollowlng Brat-clasa Pire InBurance Companles, baring and aggregate capita) of over $8,1)00,000: The Geand Kapids Fibk Ins. Co. The Oh io Faemebs In.-. Co., (inaures only dwelllngs). 'lui; GlRU VN FlKB Ins. ' 'O. The People's Fire Ins. i o. The CiTizEN'a Fibe [ns. Co. Tui: WestchebtïB Fuik Ins. Co. Tuk Mii.wackkk Mechanics' Fibe Ins. Co. Tuk New Hampshiee Pibe Ins. Co. ÍOBTHWESTBBN FlKE IN3. Co. "" Ratea loiv. Losses Uberally adjuste'd and pald promptly. We also Issue Life and Inyestmenl Policles in the Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. Assets $50,000XK). Persons desiring Accident Insurance, can have yearly folíeles vrrltten for tlu-ni or Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets [ssued at low ratea In the Standard Accident Insurance Company of Detroit, Mich. M to loan at current rates. üiliee hours from v a. ui. to 11 m. and 2 to 5 p. m. HAMILTON & CREEN. SAW MILLS, ENGINES, Improrpd Variable Frlotlon Feed. i for catalogue and Bpeclal prices. A. IJ. FARQUHAR CO., York, Pa. EBERBACH &.SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T ATTT7C! T11Y LADUB'S "PEJ-JXi.XyJ.JliO RIODICAL" PILLS from Paris, France. Establlshed in Europe ISS9, Canada In 1878. For Suppresslons, Irregularltles, and Montkhly Derangements. A rellable monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any drugglst, $2. American PUI Co., Proprletors, Spencer, Iowa. Robert siephenson & Co., Wholesale agents, and all otner druggists in Ann Arbor. These pilla are warranted to briug on the " change." THE GRBAT EGLfSH RKMEDY. Fsed for 35 years - rfrs of Youthful folly by pMf "li and the exoesses eessfully. tfflBSr "f lter y ars. anteed to cure all 3 Aft a íííw mmediaitj formsof Nervous Vvli2S3' strenoth andvigWeakness, .KJflT or. Ask druRKÍ3ta slons, WtWmmm for Wood's Phosrhea, Impotency, „T -" T,l phodine; takeno and all tntt pfrrfg Photo from Life. K„hstitutft. Ono package, $1; slx, $5, hy mail, Write for pamphleU Address The.Wood Cbemtcal Co., 131 Woodward ■c, Detroit, Micli. ! Eoolc's CotrfcOïï. Boot KW$& COMPOUND B SBp? Composcd of Cotton Root, Tansy and % y yS Pennyroyal- a recent dlscovery by au .Jokl physician. Is successuüy ucd montlily-iiafe, Eifectual. Price fl, by mail, sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook'a Cotton Root Componnd and take no substituto, or inolose 2 stampa for sealed partioulars. Address POND L1Í.Y COMFANTf, No. 3 Fiiher Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mico.


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Ann Arbor Courier