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The Weekly Inter Ocean

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A REUABLE FA&1 i LY NEWS PAPER. That ís the Chaiacter Almost Universally ai vso to So crroat is lts popularity that for years it has had the LARGEST CIECULATION of aoy Chicago weeKiy ne 3paper. ia every dopartment with a sr.ecial view to it9 asefuinesaia IHL HOML, Tai; WOBKSHOP, and THE BUülN L83 OFFICE. It is a or}5istei}t Iepublioai) ffevuspaper, Butdlscussesell public questions candidly and ebly. Wbüe it Qives fairtreatmenttopoliticalopponents, itis bittarly OPPOSED TO TRUSTS AND MONOPOLIES as antaaonutic to both public and pri-vato interests. THE LITEHAEï DEPAHTMENT cf the paper is ezceüervt, and has amoncf lts contributora soma of the MOST POPULAR ADTHOHS of the day. Tha POREIJN ANfD DOME3TIC COERESPONDENCE, SEHIAL AND SHORT STOHIES are tha equal of thoso oí aoy similar publication in the country. Tñe Yotith's Bepartisnt, curiosity Shop, ffciai's Kinadom, and # Tie Home ARE JV THEXISFJ.VES EQUAI. TO A MAGAZhXF. In addiiion to all thi9 the K2W3 OF THE WOELD is oien in lts columns evory veelt. In ali dspartmenxs it is caiefully edited by competent ruen employed tor that purpoao. THE PRICE OF THE WEEKLY INTER CCEAN IS $1.00 PER YEAR. THE SEMI-WErKT.T INTER OCEAN is rubllshad each Monday and j.nur3:iay morninrr. and is an e::.cül]3nt pubHcation lor tnose woo can not secure a daily paper reculaiiy and aie not saüsöed with a Tíeelily. THE PRÏCE OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN IS $2.00 PER ÏEAR By Special Arrangement with the Publisiisrso That Maoazine and The Wéekly ínter Ocean are Both Sent to Subscribors One Yearfor 2'wo Dollars andNinety Cents. TEN" CESTS LESS THAN THE PRICE OF TUE MAGAZINE ALOSE. LIBERATj COMMISSIONSoiven to active aersnts. SAMPLE COPIES sent teneveraskedfor. Address all orders THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago.


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