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A Cure or no Pay. is spiaranteed to those who use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for catarrh in the head, or for bronchial or throataffections, or consumption (which is lung scrofula) if taken in time and given a fair trial. Money promptly returned if it does not cure. RIGHT NOW, Indar Mili FEBRUARY 2, '91. WE BEGINATEN DAYS SALE OF White Goods, Sheetings, Embroideries, Laces and Giughams, that will tower head and shoulders above any sale of the kind ever attempted in Ann Arbor. Yard wide 6c Unbleached Cotton, 4 l-2ca yard.' Lawrence LL. Fine Bro. Cotton, 5c a yard. Argyle Unbleached 8c Cotton, 6 l-2cayard. Continental C. Bro Cotton, 7 c a yard. Fruit of the Loom Bleached Cotton, 8c a yard. Lonsdale Bleached Cotton, 8c a yard. i case soft finish Bleached Cotton, 7c a yard. i case Lonsdale Cambric, 10c a yard. i lot Plaid Dress Ginghams, Spring stylesy 8c a yard. l,ooo yards fine Apron Check Ginghams, 5c a yard. 50 pieces Wool Finish, 8c Indigo Jlue Prints, 5c a yard. White Shaker Flannel worth I2c, o go at 5c a yard. 2,000 yards Gray Shaker Flannel, ,0c a yard. 25 pieces Plaid and Check Nainooks, 6c a yard. $1,000 Worth Embroideries. 200 pieces wide Embroidery, worth 5c, 40c, and 50c, now 25c a yard. 300 pieces Embroidery, worth 25c nd 55c, now 15c a yard. 150 pieces Embroidery, worth 20c nd 25c, now 10c a yard. 200 pieces Embroidery at 3c and iC a yard. Point De Jene Laces, worth 50c, ow 25c a yard. All Ladies' Pure Wool Vests and ants in Gray and Scarlet, worth 1.00 and $1.25, now 75c each. In Oüf Cioak Department. ]L off any Garment in Stock, 3lushes, Cloth Jackets, and Newmarvets, Misses' and Children's Coats. A general clean up of the entire stock. The above prlces ?ood for thla sale only. CHAIBEB & MILIEU. GRAND OPERA HOUSE JUST ONE NIGHT. Thursday Eve., Feb. 5. Tlu rcianiiii: fuvorite of the oomedy stage. The öharmlng and glfted comediene, MISS VERNONA JARBEAU In her Brilliant Musical Comedy STARLIG-HT, Replete " itli all the latest opera gems! PRETTY FACES! EXQUISITE TOILETS! A COMPANY OF ACKNOWLEDGED COMEDY ARTISTS. Cate hy Songs 1 Original Mu sic ! New (ïuvotte by Handsome Girls, Beautifully Costumed Witty Saylngl ! Funny Situatious I That's Edough, Daut You Think % Jeff D. Beunstkin, Tro'p aud Mauagcr. Prices, - - 50c, 75c and $1.00 Seats now on sale at P. O. News Stand. ANEWSUPPLYOFTHE G-LAJIMIIIE OF Tiddledy-Wlnksl JIST KF.CEIYED AT Wahr's BOOK .- STORE OPPO8ITE COURT HOTJSE. Main Street, Ann Arbor. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AM. FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hnnd BREAD, CRACKERS, K1. rtc, for Wholesale mul retail trade. We shnll alao keep a Bupply of S1V1FT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOED DDST l'I.OIi:. BTJCKWHKAT KLOUR, COKX MÉAL, FEED, atc, at Wholesale and retail. A general stock oL GROCIRIES and PROVISIÜNS Constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house In the city. c:isli pald for BUTTER, ECiliS. and COUNTRY PRODUCE Renerally. tioods delivered to auy part of tne city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEA3OLT. HU f kil I IwCflv this paper, or obtain es; ■ on advertising space whon in Chicago, will fmd it on file a 45 '0 49 Randolph St., An S TMftBflOC theAdvertiiingAgencyof LU 11 SJ IX I nUEBAdr LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building, cali at FERDON'S LDMBEB YARD ! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and.get our figures for all of LUMBER! Wc manniactnre our own Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PRICES Uk. Gtlve na a cali and we wil] make it tn your interest, is our large and well graded stock fully siLstüius our assertion. Telephono Connections itli oflice. T. J. KEECH. Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop j HANGSTERFER'S French Hand-Made Bon Bons 25 Gents a Box. Put up in one-pound Fancy Boxes. Sold elsewhere at 40 and 50. Candies made every day. 28 S. Main St. TÏÜWMGE! Xmv we are ready with a new Brick Storehouse foi the Morage ot" Household Uoods, l'lauos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS UB HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS All kinda of beavy and Ugh Drayiag. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone S2. Res. and Offii-e M X. Fourth Ave.


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