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Thb elections blll and tho resolution to amend t'.w rulos of the Unitcd Siatcs Senate by providinír a method of closing debate wen: Bhelvril om the l!isth by a vote or 85 to 3-1. The apportionment blll was dltioassed, and the army kpproprtstlon btll ((84,578,080) was reported; also tho House bilis to pension General Nathaniel P, Banks and General Franz SlgeL The credentials of Mr. Vest (Mo.) for his third term, commencing Marcb nnxt, were presonted. A resolution was afreed to calltng on the Secretary of the Treasury for Information as to amounts of cnin and paper money in exlstence in t!,o United States. ...In the House the naval approprlatlon bilí was oonsidered and flnally passed. The credentials of Mr. Stanford and Mr. Irby as Senatorseleot from California and South Carolina for the term beginning March 4, 1891, were presented In the Senato on the S7th and Bied. The Congressional apportionnient bill n . iii BV !ed In the House a bilí was passed for a rallwaj bridge over the Missouri between Counoll Blalfa Mini Omaha. The military acaücniy appropriatlon bill was diacussod. The Congressional apportionmont bill was considered in the Senate on the 38th, and House bilis were passed for publlo buildings at Rock Island, 111., and Kockford, 111 In the House the journal was approred wil, .out question. The resignation of John S, MoCarthy, a RepreBentativu from the Kighth District of New York, was presented. The Senato on the 29th passed the Congressional apportionment bill exactly as it camc from the House by a vote of yeas 37, nays Ï4. This gives the House 356 members. The bill creating the office of Fourth Assistant Postniastor-ííent'ral was also passed In the House the time waa oeeupied in discussing the Military Aoadem; appropriation bill. Senatoh Moimn.i. announeed In the Senate on the 3Oth uit. the sudden dcath of Secretary Windom, and in respect to his meinory the Senote adjourned for the day In the House, after a few atlectint; words of tributo to the worth of the deceased Secretary of the Treasury by Mr. Dunnell. of Minnesota, the House, on motion of Mr. McKinloy, as a mark of respect to his memory, adjourned. DOMESTIC. Wilson Howard, aocusod of the murder of eight men in Kentucky, was arrested by .Missouri officials in California. James of Kokamo, Ind., was sent to jail for thirty daya for refusiag to answer the questions of a census taker. Miss GbaOE GriDLEY, of Amboy, 111., aped 18 years, awoke f rom a tranee, of nine nionths' duration. She lost a little flosh, but was unable to talk. Fouktken Masons at Springfield. O., contributed pieees of their skin from their iirms to cover a sore on a brother llason's legf. Tuk man who committed suicide by jumping over the falls at Niágara has been identifl d as ('ar! Stevens, ag-ed 18, of Bnffálo, N. V. Mus. Robebt Mii.r.KR was burned to death at Lima. O., by her dress catchinff ílre from a gtste. Josbf MaDUKGA, a Polish miner at Monnt Pleasant, l'a., secured the 18year-olcl dáúg-liter of John Rifehalf for a wife by payingher failier 5:100 for her. The Michigan Masonic Home at Grand Rapids was di-dicated by the Grand Lódje of the State in the presenet1 of ü5,O0 ) peójfle. It was rèporteii that Captain Godfrey and sis soldiers of the Seventh Cavalry were fatally jyured, besidea the four tratnmen killed in the recent Union Paciüc wreek at Irving-, Kan. The will of the late Oeorg-e Baneroft was placed in probate ;it Vashiugton. The estáte is jjiven in trust for the benefit of relatives. Two mií.n were burhed to death in a lodtfing-house at San .ose. Cai. lx the II. e. Fricke Coke Company'a mine ten miles froia Mount PÍeaeant, Pa., an explosión occurred that caused the de&tti of 1 10 mea. A vKiN of silver sixteen inches thick was foüna on the farm of A. C. Brandt, near Fairport, la., at a depth of 320 f eet. The eleventh annual meeting of the National Farmwrs' Alllance convened ab Omaha, Neb., on the 47th. JXmks Horton, a tramp arrested at Tama, la., confessed the raurder oi ' ( lonductor James O'Neü at Long I'oint, la., a few days ivjo. Many negro families in Alabama were movjtagf to (iklahoma. 'l'nr, p:ier mili at Rock Falls, 111., was biowD mi IV ui explosión and five work n were killed. The stimated loss to the telegraph and telephone oompanies by the late storm in New York was 86,000,000. ' Tiii:Vr;'ii, ron work-s at Catasuqua, Pa., ngxt to the largest pig-iron producin;_r establishment in Eastern Pennsylyania, svéresold to an Engliah syndicate lor Sj3,500,000. _ Duiünh i tiiv at the Louisville (Ky.) iron works Joe Sume, Joe VVeaver and Bud Adains (firemen) were fatully injured by falling waDs. Thk New Vork livening Post says that "there is :i prospecto! lower rates of intorost in 1893 than for several reara past." Tuf. boiler of tho.Reed & Jlenry sawmill at Overton. Tex., exploded, killingGUI lienry, Dan Tucke and John Austin. Fukthkk advices of the 28th say that 151 men lost their lives by the recent explosión in the. Mammoth mine ten miles from Mount Pleasant, Pa. Wiiat was thouo-ht to be an earthquake shock was 1VH near Lathrop, Mo., but later it was found that a meteoric body of ore six feet in diameter had (allen, Subsbon Wiu.iam 1). Dbitz, of the Fifth ArtUlery, stationed at Alcatraz island, (al. shot and killed hls wlf e and tlnn killed himselt II. ■ was insane. THBbodyoi Benjamin II. Campbell, a Chicafro mlllionalre, who had been missing since November 26, was discovered floatinf? in the rhrer. The State National Bank of AtchiKon, Kan., unit Into voluntary liquidaHon. Il was orgunized n January, 1887, with a capital of 1350,000. Couhtkbfkit tückela yeere in cireula, tion at Brownsburg, lnd., supposed to have been made in thetown. Jonv Babke whilo machinery at Pittaburfjh, Pa., was caught by a haft and whirled around until his legs were thrashed oft' above the knees. A Bon,EB In ;i saw-mill at Meredfth, Mich., exploded, killing two men aud íatiilly Injxiring tíx othcrs. Aptbr twenty years of litiR-ation the oelebrated .iones ('ounty (Ia.) oalf oase was brought to a close. The .calves over whien the Mtigutlon ensued were aally -, orí h 846, and the total cost oí the caae was over 915,000. 'I'lie plointift won 1 he rictory. Teh tran pi attempted t take posMBsion oí i pa senger train at Tippeoanoe, O., bal the train crew Qnally drove the tranif.i oui oí the car af ter ahootii of tlii'iTi. two mortally, T. A. M Winden, Neb., becoming enraged a1 ;i oow tied her In a ■tal] and savved her legs off. lic was compelled to lee t'i escape lynchiny. 'i" 1 1 1 : i : i ; i tera unv arrested at Kalkaska Mich:, and a quantity of dies. casis and Bpurioua nickels were found 'm their possession. Tin VYinona Paper Company of Bolyoke, Ma nded payment. The liabilities amount to nearly 9600,000. Wmi.i. ! ■ ■ 1 1 ■ takeo (rom their vessel ti land in a boat three sailors of the slii Etence, a1 anchor in Par Francisco bay, were drowned. Cb LKLES ( ÍOBLH!, OÍ Kansas ( 'y, Mo., mortally tvounded Anna Luther and tln'ii killed him elf. The young lady had refuscd to mari'yhim. Alarse Ladle oí molten steel in the Duquesne (Pa.) steel works was aocidentallj up I and the c-onu-nts ponred out upon four men, burning them to death. l ;i collision on the Utah Northern roacl oear Honeyville, U. T.. ten [tallan laborera were fatally Lnjured. A BHOBTAGB of 904.SO0 was discovered in the ofliue of the State Treasurer of Arkans.-is. John Niltüs and three other horsetliii'vcs were fatally shot in .Montana while resisting arrest A man ih'i'iI 'o years, ri&me unknown, was robbed of 81,000 in the Washington si reet tunnel on an Ogden avenue car in Chicago. Jn tlie United States the business f allures dnrülg the seven days ended on the 80th uit. numbered 320, against 380 the preceding week and 201 the corresponding- week last year. At Drexel, Wis., two children of William Belnert - a boy of 3 years and a girl of 'J months - were burned to death while alone in the house. The weekly review of trade by a New York commercial a#eney says business continúes unprecedented in volume and satisfactory in character. Measured by clearing-house returns, trade exceeded that of a year ago by 2) per cent in r„mount, and that meant a volume of business larger than in any other year at this season. The tone in commercial cireles throngbottt the country was hopeful, and the money markets were comparatively easy at nearly all points. Safe-bi,(iwkrs in Chicago robbed exMayor John A. Roche of 35,000. Whii.e crazed with drink Sebastian Peters, of Lima, O., murdered his wife by hacking her nearly to pieces with a large knife. Thrkk HUHDBBD building and loan associations in New Jersey formed a State league. A fire at Cygnet, O., destroyed nearly all the business partion of the town, and two men and a 3-year-oïd girl were bnrned to ;i cri;p. At Denison, Tex., eight persons were poisoned by ontinfj bread made with cotton-seed oil. Owneks of twenty-one furnaces and rolling milis in the-Mahoning and Shenondoah valleys, representing a capital of over 6(5,000,000 and empioying ao,OOO uien, forined a combination. Ln:nnAT Fredbrk b Schwatka, Uie arctic explorer, feil down-stairs at a hotel in Masón City, la., and was probably fatally Lnjured, A ('ASE of leproSy was reported to the Wiaoonsin Board of Health from Buffalo ('ounty. The patiënt is a Norwegian woman. Jbbemiab Babbett and Thomas Edwanl.s lost tlicir livcs in the fire at the Chapín mines near Iron Mountain, Mieh. Jamks H. BotCÉ, Jn. & Co., a larg-e dry-grods house at. Btltte, Mont.. made an assio-nment vrtth assets of 8125,000 and liabilitiea oí 8100,000. . Losan Mo&fisb (oolored) whilewalking1 along a Street in Indianapolia witli his wile shot and killed her and then blew hl braina out Jealouay was the cause.' Joux Akiikk.v, a stockman who was a passenger on a train wrecked by an open switch near Brasas City, died of fright Colónel C. G. Cow, proprietorof the horn factory at Elkhart, Ind., has appointed six of his employés a board of managers of bis establishment and proposes to divide next year's profltS witli hi.s hands. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Jubge W. A. Pbffbb, editor of the Kansas Farmer, was aominated to succeed Senator [ngalJs by the Alliance members of the Kansas Legislatura. BEV. JOHN N. VTktohT and wifo, oT Crawfordsvüle, Ind., celebrated their golden wedding. John Woodbeck, age'd 101 years and a veteran of the war of 1812, died at Pewamo, Mich. lic was born in Columbia Countv. X. Y. In grand committee the Rhode Island Legislatura declared Oscar Lapham (Bern.) elected to Congress from the First district. Therewaa no electionin tli Second district and a new eleotion would l)c ordPEcd. In both districts 2,040 defeetive iallots were cast. An Australian voting bill passed the Oreg-on Legislatura Thb result of the canvass conducted by two farmers' papera slums tliat Cleveland was the choice oi Democratie iarmers by a vote of 71,787 to 17. lis for Hill. Republicana were for Bládse by 89,809 to 81,018 lor ilarrison and 20,740 for Iiusk. Db. Sri. i. iva v Wiiunkv. the first man to manufacture homeopathie medicine in America, died ai Newton, Mass., ;ij-mI 88 years. Db. A. I!. Chkbsmobk, president of the State Board of Heoltih of -n. died al St Ibans. asred 50 rears. Mb8. Eusicb Bbebs died nt ümaha Neb., ao-cd 101 ycars. In the earlv hia. tory of the Territory of Nebraska Bhe was Lnfluentia] n a number of Indian massacrea Wil. MAM F. Vu. ah was on the 28th foriniillv declared United .States Senator from Wisron.sin from Marché, 1891. At the session of the National Vaanera' AlUanqe in Omaha it was deeided to nominale oandidates for President and President of the United States 1 lnjL98. AVii.i.iam Wihdom, Seoretary of the Treasury of the United States, died at I o:o: o'clock on the evening of the 29th in tho banquet hall at Delmonico's in New just as he had oonoluded iiis speech at the Board of Trade dinner. Heartdisease was the cause. Mr. Windom was 64 yeara of age. He was a raember of Congress twenty yeara, ten in the House and Un in the Senate, and was President Garfleld's Secretar? of the Treasury as well as President Harrison's. Geobgb 10. Cbawfobd, ex-Governor of Kansas, died ai Grand Junction, Col. John i'. Jones (Rep.) was re-eleoted United States Senator f rom .Nevada on the 29th for the fourth time, receiving 54 votes out of 00. WlLLIAM K. Coi.i.ins. editor of the Washington Evening Star, died at his home in Georgetown, D. C, agcd 68 years. .Ioiin H. Powers, of Nelraska, was re-elected president f the Xational Farmers' Alliance at Omaha. GFenbkax C. B. tToBTOH.ofNew York, the distinguished authority en world's fairs, died in Chicacfo, aged 65 years. Coi.onki. Gbobok s. .Ma.w, a veteran of the Mexicas :v. died at San Francisco, aged B8 years. FOREIGN. An avalanche at Floresta, Italy, destroyed eleven and killed Dineteen persons. Spain has accepted the proposal of the United States Government for the ne gotiation at Washington oí areciprocity treaty relating to American trado with Cuba. The cashier and clcrk of the People's Bank at Csaba, Austria, committed suicide on the diacovery of extensive einbezzlements by theiu. A.v old convent building at Rome, Italy. ! i. and sis persons rere killed. THH world's fair at Kingston, Jamaica, was formally oponed on the 28th, the (íovernor-íioneral offlciating. It was reported that vvolves, maddened by hunger. attacked bands of . dians near Lake Winnipeg, and that many of the red men were killed and devoured. Bï the of the steamer Shanghai on the river Yangtae, in China, 300 Chinese lost their lives. Two larok new g-old flelds were discovered on the Turner river in Australia. Advicks from Massowah, on the Red sea, say that a terrifie storm caused enormous damage on the island of Massowah and that over 100 persons were drowned. An avalanche in Greece. destroyed eighty houses in the town of Atharaana, and twenty-flve persons were killed outright and many injured. Thk missionury ship Phoebe C'hapman, whieh left Honolulú a year ago in charge of Eider Cudony, has been given up for lost. Charles BbadlaüGH, member of Parliament for N'orthampton and one of the most uniquo personalitk-s in En[i-l!sh political life, died in London on the noth uit., aged 58 years. Java advices roport serious earthIjuakea in Uatavia. The town of Joava was in ruing and many Chinese were killed. LATER NEW3 Iirthe United States Senate on the Bist uit. bilis were passed to prohibit the salo of tobáceo to minors under 16 years of age in the District of Cohimbia; to amend the inter-State commerce act of 1887, so as to allow the taking of depositións of witnesses before notaries publie: a port of delivery at Des .Moines, Ia.; for the explorátion and survey of the interior of Alaska; the army appropriation bill and 110 pension bilis. The message of the President in relationtotbe vacaney eaused by the death of the Seeretary of the Treasury was read and referred. A bill was introduoed approoriatinsr f25,000 tor a monument to Chief-Justice ('liase in the city of Washington. In the Heuse the Military Academy appropriation bil] was passed and the diplomatie and consular appropriation biil ($1,604.925) was considered. Man-v business houses at Ronceverte, W. a.. Were destroyed by fire. 'I'iik revolutidnists of Chili were said to Eave oarried eyery thing before thein and President Bálmaeeda wassuing-for peaee with the rebels. Flames destroyed the flonr mili of Everett, Augenbngh & Co. and the two Btore-houses of the oompany at Waseca, Minn.. eausinga ]ssof 8100,000; Insurance, $75,000. [ a quarrel overa ealf near Marathon, Tex., 1'. Gilliand and '1'. T. Cook were killed. Mus. IIknky, living near Horton, Kan., took the Uves oí her two UtÜe children and then killed herselt Poverty was the canse. I a six-day match atMinneapolis. Minn.. Ctourtwright won, makin4' 524 miles. The wife of Jacob Perew, a farmer living near New Albany, Iml., was dragged trom her bed by White Caps during her husband'a absence and whipped nearly to death. A hospital at Shopin, Russla, was destroyed by ftre, fourteen patiënte perishing ra the Barnes. Kon; negroes were shot dead and fivo othera (atally wounded at ('arbon lüll minea in Walker Cpunty, Ala., because they took the places of white miners during a strike. Mki.ii: Bkbtband BKBTHBT, the Prench novclist, died In London, a fed 7ü years. At the leading clearing-houses in the United States t he exchanges daring the wi'i'li i-ikI. 'il on the Slsi alt. aggregated 1,000,883,900, against $1,087,778,585 the previous week. As compared with the oorresponding ook of istM) thedecreasa amounted to i".4.


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