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The Weekly Inter Ocean

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A RELIABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Tkatis the Ckaracter Almost Universally Givento So oreat Is it3 popularity that for yeare it haa had tlie LARGEST CIHCULATION of any Chicago weeJüy newspaper. It is ably and careruiiyedited ín every department with a special viewto lts usefulness in THE HOME, IHE WOEKSHOP, azid THE BUSINESS OFFICE. It is a (Lr)si8tei}t Fepublioao JVeuispaper, But discusses all public questions candidly and ably. Whiie it gives fairtreatinent to political oppon ents, it is tltteriy GPFCSED TO TRUSTS AND MONOPOLIES as antagonistlc to both public and private interests. THE LITERASr DEPARTMENT c the paper is exceilent, and has amono lts contributors soma oí toe MOST POPULAR AUTH0ES of the day. The POREIGN AND DOMESTIC CORRESPONDENCE, SERIAL AND SHORT STORIES are tce equal of those of any similar publication In the country. THe ïouti's Depanment, Cnriosity Slop, Womas's Kingiloni, and The Home ARE IN THEMSEI.VES EQVAI. TO A MAGAZINE. In addition to all this the NEWS OF THE WORLD is (jiven in lts columns every week. In all departments it ís carefully edited by competent men employed for that purposs. THE PRICE OF THE ÏÏEEKLY INTER OCEAN IS $1.00 PER YEAR. THE SEMI-WEEELT INTER OCEAN is pub'.ished each Monday and Tnursday morning, and is an excellent rublication for those who can not secure a daily paper reaularly and a:e net satisfied with a weekly. THE PRICE OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN IS $2.00 PER ÏEAR By Special Arrangement wlth the Publisñers o That Magazine and The Weekly ínter Ocean are Both Sent to Subscribers One Yea.rtor Two Dollars a.ndNinety Cents. TES CENTS LESS THAN THE TRICE OF THE 5UGAZIXE ALOSE. LIBERAL COMMISSIOKS piven to active SAMPLE COPIES sant "shene ver asked for. Aadress ali oraei s THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago.


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