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Detroit ought to import some of Koch's lymph and inject .it into hcr consumptive "hoss-curs." Itniight revive them. Gov. Hill's presidential boom appe ars to have passed under a cloud. At least the Sun doesn't shine on it any more. Statistics show that more people are killed by walking on the railroad track than are by railroad accidenta. It is a dangerous practico. A pastor oí one of the Detroit ehurches created duite a sensation by the assertion that "religious men are needed as candidatos for office. " And this in the face of that pure( ?) and lanib-like Jacob who runs Detroit's politics añil arl'airs. Ilenry Waterson is given the credit oí convincing Gov. Hill that his presidential boom should be killed off in the interest oí Mr. and Mrs. G. Cleveland' Henry is a very convincing fellow. He couldn't convince the people of the north that the lost cause was right a few years ago, however. At aliuost everv public place when j Gen. Sherman makee liis appearance I the band invariably strikes up "Marchng Througb Georgia," and the (eneral recentlv remarked hile listening to the air for the millionth time, "I have often thought that when I was marching to the sea it would have been well had I marched on into it." Tlie Attorney Genera) lias decided that the state and judicial tickets for the spring electíon must be ])rinted under the supervisión of theSecretaryof State. The municipal and township tickets may be printed at local offices. The booths will have to be used the sanie as last [all, and the same general provisions of the election law complied with. George L. Yaple has nlways borne the reputation of beiug an lionest man. When he commenced a contest for Mr. Burrow's seat inCongrcss many donbted his honesty, aud thought that his desire for office had overeóme his integrity. Now that he lias abandoned-the content with the ststemeut that he does not believe he is honestly entitled to the seat, it will go a long way toward restoring him to his oíd place iu t lio publk estimation. The recent reciprocity negotiations with Brazil have been successfully terniinated, and unrestrictodtradebetween these two great American nations will doubtless be the result. But unless some inducements can be offered by this goyernment to American merchant marine, we can hardly see where a very great benefit will be derived. If England and Franco, by reason of their lame subsidies, sball still do the carrying trade, they will work to the advantage of Knglish and French merchante and manufacturera every time, and the American traders will havo to tuko what is left. The tendeney, however is in the right direction, and in conree of time wo shall hope that the great oceans will le dotted with ships canying the United States flag. " The vanishing surplus" s the title of an article from the ]en of Senator (ai lisie in the current number of the Forum and it is consequently the theuie harped upon by nearly all the Democratie papers of the country. But while the surplus is vanishing in the miuds of the Democratie leaders it is augmenting iu the National Treasury. Washington dispatches yesterday announced that the revenues during the past four weeks had accumulated to the aniouut of $40,000,000. While the McKinley bill was being framed, its author,with the assistance of the most experienced experts of the Treasury department, was carefulljconsidering the subject of revenues for the current expenses of the government. Thero will be no large surplus of money ]iilcd up in the Treasury and withdrawn from the channels of business and there will be no lack of funds to redeem bonds and to defray the necessary expenses oí the government. Oue of the resolutions adopted by the Farmers' Alliance convention at Omaha affords a curious illustration of the mannerin which such unthinking eeonomists and would-be reforniers as the Alliance leaders ascribe to the government powers whollybeyond its grasp. The resolution in question was as follows : Resolved, Tliat we favor the freo and unlimited coinage of ailver and that the volume of currency be increased to $50 per capita. We further demand all paper money be placed on au equality with gold. Congress can provide for the free and uulimited coinage of ailver. It eau also increase the volume of eurrency to $50 per capita. It can even rob creditors aud disorganize all trade and industry by making the flood of paper issued as money legal tender for debts, government dues, etc. There its power ends, It eau uu more place !f 1,800, 000, 000 of new paper eurrency "on na equality with gold" than itcanmake the market price of oats eqnal that of wheat. TsTo government on earth eau keep gold coin in circulation as money, on au even footing with paper currency, after the latter once begins to be considerad of doubtful value. To pour out two billions of paper "dollars" would siniply bring back the condition of affairs known during the civil war and for more than a dozen years thereafter. Gold would tie merchandise, and the paper in common use would continually fluctuare in value, as compared with the world's standard. Unless the flatists of the Alliance open their eyes to this fundamental fact they will remain very blind indeed, aiid their strength will bu wastod in chasing willo'-the-wisps. On the first page of this paper will be found a commuuication from one of the prominent citizens of Ann Arbor, giving his views upon the proposcd charter amendrnents now before the legislature. While we see no reason why tlie city of Ann Arbor should ask men to do her work without paying them for doing it, yet it must be admitted that the gentleman takes a view of the matter that will be listened to by the majority, and will strike the popular heart - the pocketbook. We agree with him, however, on the mayor's salary. If it is worth anything, it is worth more than $100. Our columns are open to the free expression of opinión upon all these questions, and vo should be glad to hear from others. While the Detroit Tribuno, Kvening Xows, and some of the other papers of the state are pursuing Superintendent Newkirk, of the State School at Coldwator, with such relentless fury for his negligence in allowing little Nellie Griffln to accompany a stranger from the school without first ascertaining whether he was a reputable person or not, would it not be an act of humanitv to inquire into the circumstances of Nellie Giiffln'a being sent to the Coldwater school ? The school there is in no way a reforniatory. It is a school for oiphan and indigent children, who have no home or friends - as we understand it. But it turns out that the grandparents of this child are wealthy. In fact it is asserted that Xellie was heir to au estáte of $80,000, the property of her grandparents. It is also asserted the victim's raiher is abundantly able and coukl have cared for his By what soit of artifice was this girl sent to the Coldwater school ? What right have county agents to fill this school with the children of wealthy parents or grandparents, who are abundantly able to care for tlioir own? It looks, from this distance, as if somebody besides Superietendent Xewkirk needed investigation.


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Ann Arbor Courier