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Epitome Of The Week

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A joint resolution was introduced by Senator Turpie (Ind.) in the Senate on the Sd proposing an amendment to the constltution for the election oí United States Senators by the direct vote of the people. The fortiflcation bilí was discussed In the House a bilí was passed extending the time ot tllling vacancies caused by death or resignation to thirty days (the timo was teD days). The Senate bilí providing for the erection of a public building at St. Paul, Minn., at a cost of 1800,000, was rassed. Bills were passed in the United States Senate on the 3d providing penalties for embezzloment of pensions by guardians of pensioners; appropriating $800,00!) for a public building at St. Paul. The forti ficatlon bill was discussed. ....In the House bilis were passed prohibiting the sale of tobáceo to boys under 16 years of age in the District of Columbia; granting a pension to Mra. E. F. Noyes, widow of the late General Noyes. The sundry civil bilí ($34,242,970) and the agricultural appropriatioo bill (f2,304,853) were reported. IN the Senate bilis were reported on the 4th to provide for the inspection of vessels carrying export cattle from the United States to foreign oountries. and to prevent iidulterations of food and drugs. The fortittcation and Military Aoademy appropriation bilis were passed In the House the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill was pussed and the conference report was adopted on a bill providing for an additional Justice of the Supreme Court of Arizona. IN the Senate on the 5th a bill was duced íncreasing the pension of General Cus ter's wtdow to 1100 a month. The pension appropriation bill was passed. It appropriates íor pensions for the year, Í133, 153,085; íor fees and expenses of examining surgeons, $1,500,000; for salaries of eighteen pension agents, $72,C0D, and for clerk hire, 8400,000. Other bilis were passed to authorlze the constructionof a tunnel under New York bay; for the survey oí the interior of Alasita; for the construction of three Indian industrial schools in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan, the cost not to exceed $30.000 In the House the time was oocupled in discusgtng the sundry civil appropriation bilí, and an amendment wan offered to the coinage paragraph providingfor the frec coinase of silver. The naval appropriation Wil was reported in the Senate on the Stil and the House bill providing for the adjusunent of accounts of laborers, workmen and mechantes arlsing out of the eight-hour law wasdistussed In the House the bill amending the land-forfeiti:re act by exteDding the time was passed, and the free silver coinage amenrtment to the sundry civil ap propriatlon bill wa dofeuted by a vote of 134 10 127. DOMESTIC. The public debt statement fjsned on the 8d ahowed the total debt t be $1,644,677,354: cash in the Treasury, 9637,201, 7ü4: debt less cash in the Treasury, 8846,595,045. Decrease during January, 915,835,406. Decrease sinee June SO, 1890, 951,673,900. Tuhek men were Tcilled by a boiler explosión ;it Cairo. 111. Tuk Ihiron (S. D.) National Hank, which suspended payment a inonth ayo, has resuined business. IIexky V. McNamïr and his son ■Tohn were killed nea'v Spokane Falls, Wash., wliile engaged in u tig-ht with a party of lndiiuis. At Jiloomville. O.. Dr. Henry SempseH informed his wile on the Sd that he was goiag to die in the afternoon, and aitèr making all prepurationa he passed i.way qnietly abont 1 o'cloek p. m. Tuk Arkknsas Legïslaïure refused to ï an appropriation for the world's 'air owing to the large defleiency in the tate treasury eaused by the peculations of the State Treasurer. At Smithton. 111., llenry eehtold :nurüered hls sistor-m-law and then oommitted suicide. Tm; mnnber of suicides in New York City dwvinf the year 1898 was 230, of which nnmber luu were men and 4'.i were women. I)i. Ignacio Mabtinez, a political exile f rom Mexico, was assassinated by two mountcd men at Laredo, 'l'cx. RrssKi.r, C. C'anfiki.I), orrested at Dimondnle, Mieh., for the inurder of Nellie (riflin, waa genteneed at Charlotte to imprisonmcnt for life. He conlessed the crime. The movcment of cotton for January reached a total of 961,044 bales, exceedingthe movement i'or January, issio, by 194,875 bales. Tuk total coinage in the United States dnriog January wai Sa, 720,000 in gold, 88,653,958 in silver and $134, 00 in nickels. At Palestine, Tex., Mayor Word attaeked S;im Jones, the evangelist, with a cano. Jones wrestad the cañe from the mayor and g-ave him a beatin. RkcEIVERS were appointed at Hollidaysburg', ]'a.. for tha (ap iron wörks, with liabilities of $125,000, and for the Jtmiata rolling-milis, with liabilities of $140,000. In a rail way accident near Corry, Pa., an enyineer and his fireman were killed, and the same fate befel an engineer and flreman near Cleveland, O., and an enirincer und firemun at liochester, X. Y. GbÁCB CAi.i.A.N-n. a well-known actress, who deserted her husband three montbs ag, oómmitted suicide at Wheclhiff. W. Va. Thk Hecla bronze and iron works at Williamsburgh, N. V., mw destroyed by fire, causinj a loss of $800,000. THE Cititens' Mutual Fhv Insurance Company pf Waterloo, la., assijfoed. Thkke men were drowned in a mine , at Nanticokp. l'a. Rouert BONS, of Lena, Ind.. Sö years old, was burned to death in bis house. Robert McElBOT'8 retail dry-g-oods store in Detroit, Mich., was giitted by tire, causiug a loss of 8175,00(3; insurance, 8180,000. A fihe at (reenville, 111.. destroyed all the business liouses on the east side of the square. At Bprinsrfleld, ).. a sensation was created by the alleged return to life of .Mis. George Tyree, who had been nounced dead. An undertaker was snmmoned, but before his arrival the lady gat np and Bttid Bhe had come back to be baptized, and insisted so strenxiously that ;i elergyman was calledand the rite adjninistered. Mrs. Tyree was better than for some time, and said she woül recover. liv an explosión of powder at the NeilsoE colliery in Shamokin, Pa., minere were killed HiRkkst Brobslkh and Charles stewart. probably the most cclebrated connterfeiterS in this country, were captured a1 louisville, Ky., whilfi making spurious money. In a railway ooUision at Beach City, O., a ftreman was killed and a brakeman and two tramps were fatally hurt. In a prize-fight at Arohbald, Pa., a man natned MeReynolds was fatally injured Jereiniah Slal . At Boston tiie staoie of Havelow & Bernsteia was Imrnecl md si.xty-five horses perished in the Uanaes. Elmbb Clauk, superintendent oí the Kansas City Cable Railroad Company, was etruck by ;i grip-car in a powerbouse and killed Th wife of Danker Cowlea, of Clarks. Neb., was killed by burglars and hoi' husband knocked senseless. Covioünou MclNTOSH, ';i jt ;iin of the Liffht Horsemen, was shot and instantly killed by aa Indian pólice man n Indian Territory. W. McZiumebmax, the store-keeper and agent of the Farmers' Allianoe snpply house at Spartarsburg-, S. C. was said to be short 980,000 in lus accounts. Watkii broke ínto a mine at Jeanesvillt', l'a.. drowninï eiarhteen rainers. Tuk Indiau war in the Dakotas cost the Governmeni 8:!, 000 300. Fouit minera perished in a ínow-slide near Ouray, Col. Tkn of tlic most desperate outlawfi in the Indian Teiritory were capturad by Governrm-nt officials. Mks. Laura B. Whitney, the widow of Colonel Samuel I!. Whitney, was given a check íor $9,826 at the United States pension office in hicajfo. Thb poor-honse nt Waterville, Me., was destroyed by flre and an inmate, a girl of 15, was burm'd to death. Two soLDisns, ñames unknown, were drowned in the Missouri river at Wiliona. N. D. 1t was discovered that I'ats}' Devine, of Alton, III.. who was hanged severa! years ago for the murder of Aaron Goodfellow, of liloominton, was innocent of the crime. .i the scaffold Devine declared that he was not j;'iiilty. Gueen Jaokson (oolored), the siayer of N. W. Ward, was lynched at Greenville, Miss., by a mob. Pbbsident IIahiusdx issm'd hia proclamation announcing a reciprocity agreement with Urazi] under the new tariff law. to ro into effect April 1 next. At Newport, Ark., an unknown man and woman were drowned. Miss Grace Gridlkt, of Amboy, 111., who. has boen in a comatose condition for the past year, is now recoverinjp. A i.argk barn near Geneva, 111., was destroyed by fire, and eleven horses and fifty-seven head oí choice cattle anda gTeat amount of hay and grain were consumed James Redpath, the well-known journalist and labor advocate, was run down by a street-car in New York and seriously injured. Tiie Pullman car shops and a row of dwellings at st. Louis were destroyed by fire, involving a loss of 050,000. Wiiat was said to be the richest body of tin ore in the world wis diseovered forty-tive in i les Southwest of Durango, Mex., by John Pershbakor, of San Francisco. Mrs. Mary RogKNBEBO, 20 years of age, who lived in a basement of a house in Newark. K. J., was found dead frora starvation, and her two little children were nearly dead. The keel of the first iron ship ever built in Maine was laid on the 5th, that of cruiser fío. 5 at the Itath iron works. A MAir. train on the Pennsylvania road ran into a freight near Florence, Pa., and the enj;neer and fireraan were fatally hurt. BlSHdr líxiíi.E was expelled from the United Hrcthren ('hureh at Abilene, Kan., for "indisereet financiering1." Tuk 4-year-old danjfhter of Williara ai-iiues, of (iuthrie, O. T., set the house on fire and burneil her mother to death. THE oldest in Southwest Kansas, the First Arkansas Valley Bank of Wiehita. failed with liabilitiea of $120,000. Thb soda-water i'actory oi E. H. Church at (reen Point. N. Y., was burned, a loss of 200,000. Uwi.VG to the overflow of small streams in Alabama inany farms were under water, and niuch loss had been sustained by tlie drowning of live stock and the destruction of farm-houses and i'enciny. A BKIDGB gave way over the Coosa river near Shelby, Ala., and four men were killed by fallinpr timbera. As international society for the colonization of Russian Jews has been ineorporated at San Francisco under the laws of the State with a capital of SI, 000,000. In the United States the business failures daring the seven days ended on the 6th numbered 20(5, against 320 the preceding week and S21 the corresponding week last year. The gunboat Concord was acceptod by the Government, and was belng ñtted out at New ïork. By an explosión of fiant powder in a mine near Kokomo, Gol., Williara Young1 Bad John Andrrson were blown to atoms and John Johnson, John MeLeod and Wil] Crane were fatally hurt. By the bnrning of M. 10. .Mosher"s Mock-barn 'al La Croase, Wis., the valuable imtoorted stallioös Roval Oavid. Ally Sloper and Sir Wilfced lost tlieir livcs. A map-dog panic prevailed at Hnizil, Ind., thirteen caaes oí rabies reported. Sewral cowa rere bitten and had to bc killed. The bolt and nut ïru'.nufactnring plant of J. Henry Steniberjfb. fc Bon at Eeading-, J'a.. tlie largest of its kind in America, wa-, burned, entaillng a losa of 8275,000. The weetij trade report of a New York business agency said tliat tbroughout the country business continued to exceed last year'a on the wliole, and was in character more liealthy and conservative than usual. Money was easy and collections generally fair. Oveu 5,000 casos oí the grip were reported in California. The notorions moonshiner, Ilarvey Reynolds, was captured near Florence, Ala. He is the most noted moonshiner in Alabama and Tennessee. The viüage of Ellisville, ril., snffered from Bre, nearly al] the business bouses being consunled. an exaimiiation into the accounts ot defaulting State Treasurer Woodruff, of Arkansas. bv his bondsmen, showed a shortage of $96,000. tl. li. IOi.i.s. a consumptive who was treated with the Ivoch lymph at Kansas City, Ma, died. A fuut at Caledonia, X. Y., destroyed business blocks and residences valued at $100,000. Thk amount of cotton brought into sig-ht the seven daya ended on the 6th was 195,878, against 187,(1S9 for the corresDondintr beriod last year. Fouis men attempted to rob an express train at Delano, Cal., and in the flght that followed the express messenJjer and another train man were serionsly wounded. Two men held up a clertt in K. L. Wllsdorfd jewelry store at Cleveland, O., and tocik 91,000 svorth of watches. It was reported that the American Express Company had secured control of the National Express Company. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Db. 8. v Stbonö, proprietor of Strong's Sanitarium at .Saratoga Springs. N. Y., died at tlie a#e of 78 years. lic was one of the bost known physicians in the country. Rkv. Dj:. T. N. HaSsevjuibt, for thirty years president of the Axigustana College at Bock Island, 111., died in that city. Cii.Alü.Ks II. BBAN8COMBE, the founder of Lawrence, Kan., and prominent in the early atruffgles of that State, is dead. Official returns of the recent eleetions in Oklahoma showed that the Democratie and Alliance tickets were successful. Mus. Amos Roüki-.ts, aged 100 years, died at Grand Bapids, Mich. Francis R. Juqo, w'iio fonght with Napoleon at Waterloo, died in Albany N. Y., aged 96 years. FOrïEIQN. Owixo to incr u d perseeutfon in Russia ïiumy studente, Mennonit and members of other sects were preparing to emigra te. A gang of piratea attacked two war junks by mistake neaf Ninypo, China, and six were eaptured and beheaded. Tuk Governor General of Canada lias dissolved the House of Commons. The new Parliament will assemble March 5 next. Michael Eybaud, the murderer of Notary GoufFe, was yuillotined at Paris. Ten thousand Vienna shoe-makera went on strike for an increase in wages. A slekpixo-cai: was thrownrfrom the track near Pchreiber, Ont., and feil a dist;. . ,,i bixfy Eeet, Beverely injnring the niae passengere inside the ta By a dynamite explosión at pelier, Frunce, nine soldiers nrere killed. It was announced that Pamell and McCarthy would retire in favor of Dillon, and Dillon would be reeogTlized and obeyed as leader by all the Irish party. lx the month of January 1,335 Italian emigTants lelt Trieste for America. Nike caildren were burned to death and severa! fatally njured at a fire in a Moscow (Knssia) orphan asylum. As edict was to be issued cumpelling all aliens owning land in lïussia to sell their property or become Russian subjects. As avalanehe bnried twenty-two wood-cutters worlting1 on a m(ïuntain side in the province of Glarus, Switzerland. The failure was announced at liradford, Eng-., of Mitehell & Shepard. manufactnrers of woolens, for S415, 000. F. H. Moksk. l'nited States ConsulGeneral to London Onder President Lincoln, died Surrey. Kng., where he lived since his retirement, ag-ed 84 years. LA! Eft NEW3 In the United States Senate on the 7th it was deoided to hold sessions hereafter. The House bill for the adjustment of accounts of workmen, laborers and mechanics under the eig-ht-hour law was discussed. The death of Mr. I'helan, of Tennessee, was announced. and as a of respect the Sen ate adjourned. In the House the amen Iment to the world's fair clause of the sundry civil appropriation bill was passed. It makes the salary of the director general, 87,500; president, 85,000; vice-president of the execiitive committee, S-1,000; seci-etary, S3,000; clerks, etc., 88,000. Thk McLaren lumbov milis at Ottawa. Ont., wi'iv buriHMl. ciusinr a loss of 9150,000. PiíF.siDFNT Harrison has approvcd the act g-rantintr a pension to MajorGeneral Fraaz Sigel, and the act ïntr an apportior.ment of Representativos in Congress the severa] States undef the new census. Govkbnob Pbck, oí Wisconsin, has signet! the lill passed by the Lufiisliitttre the üiainett school law. an explosión of y:is in the new shaft at Simpson A Watkins' mine at Wyominjr, Pa., two men were instantly killed and two fatally injured. Mks. Kusawv 1 1 ri m:s. aed 102, lied at Louisville, K'y. She was the oldest wonian in the State. EDWARD 1'ark. who had been an ïnmate of the Westchester (N. Y.) poorhonse for thirty-six years, died at the age of 102 years. Geobqe Slatb.VCK, of Cincinnati, shot his wife, who had left him because of and then killed himself. The fruit steamer Simon Dnmois, valued at $300,000, from Matanzas, Cuba. foimderecl neait New York, and her crew of eixteen men were lost. The explosión of a boiler in Giles' steam saw-mill near Reidsville, Ga-, killed six toen. Tmüadwat'S Hvery stable at Huron, 8. ]., was destroyed by flre, and twenty-four horses perished in the flames. Ti:' THOU8AJTO DOTXABfl, half of whlcb was ín billfi and half in Government bonds. was f,and in a Pullman car in Chicago by Henry Prentice, an employé of the oomparii . Foitb ineendiary Bres were started in Sioux City, I:i., and as a regult property valued at ff250,000 was destroyed. Thb Bteamer Chiswick, bound from Cardiftto St. Nazaire, struok a sand bank of ti Islands and sank, and the captain and ten Beamen were drowned.


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