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BSSMM OTJIS BB flcftrïce to Eveinfbodf ho hu a dlseased Ltrer Ia to at once taks proptf tneans to cure it The function the Livor la ae Bigned toperform, and on th regular ozoautloa of whlch dependa not only the general hoalth of tn tdy, but the paven of the Stomach, Bowtt, iirain, nnd the whole nerTons system, shows 1U Yut and vltui Impórtanos to boman hoalttu NOBEING bonld rnn the rlk A a ringle da? of negleetlng thla Important organ, but should promptly get a box of Dr. O. Mcl.auo' Celebraled I.lver FUI, nde by FLEMING BROa, Plttsburgh, Fa., and ose acoording to dl reet lona they wlll ouro Toa JJromptly and perraanently. Around each box ís m ▼rappor glvlng full description of the symptonu of ■ disuaíeu Livor. They can bo had of drugglata. j-Bcwaro of CouNTsarBrrs made in SU Loul."WI FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa.' IVORY POLISH ftereTÍIb Perfumes the Breath. Ask for it. CARTER'Sl CURE Eick üeaaacho and relieve all the tronblea üxoldent to a bilious Btate nf tho systom, such a3 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowainose, Diatreaa after cating. Paiu in tbO Sicle, &c. While thcirmost romarkable Gucceas has been bIiowu in curing SICK Ileadacho, yet Carter's Littlo Llver Pilla ara cqually valuable in Conatipation, curing and preventing thiaauuoyingcomplaint.whilo they also correct all disorders of thoatomach,stimulatothj liver and rogulate the bowels. E vn iï they ouly HEÁD Achethoywowldbealmostpriceleastothosewho uffor f rom this diatressing complaint; bft f ortuuatoly theirgoodness doea notond hcre.and t hos-i whooncetrythem will flnd these littlo pillnvaluableln Boxnany ways thatthey will not bo willing to do without them. But aftcr alUick hea] ACHE Is the bane of so many livea that here ia whexe re make our grcat boast. Our pilla cure it whila othera do not. Cartcr'a Little Liver Pilla are very amall and very easy to take. One or two pilla mako a doae. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purgo, butby thoir gentío action pleaaeall wha use thom. In vialsat 25 cents ; ñvo for $1. Sol-I by druggiata everywbere, or sent by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALLDOSE. SMALLPRICE If You Have CONSUMPTION COUGHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA Wasting of Flesh Or any DUenit u-her th Threat and Imij ar Infiamed, Lach ef Strength or A'artw Power, you can b rclieved and Cure tl by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN PURE COC? LIVER OIL Wltü Hypopüosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Alk for Scott'ê SmuXtton, and let no oplanation or tolleitatUtn induce you to meeept a tubttitut, Sold by all Druggtst. 8C0TT A BOWNE.Chemlsts, N. Y. scveM gEvrvTrr'j sevewty To cure Biliousness, Siok Headache, Conetipation, Malaria, I.iver Complaints, take tlie eaie and cortain remedy, SJYLITLi'S Use the SM AM. Size (IClittle Tieansto the fcottlc). TllSÏ ARE THE MOST CONVEMENT. STiilnllo inr #ïï Agen. Pvice ol' cithcr Hize. aSC por Bottlc. lIÍ34íIIt'''jÍÍ J PANEL 8ÏZE. J.F.SMITH&CO.Makcriul r.ïI.EllHANS.ST. LOUIS MO. Babber Sboes nnlees worn uncomforUMy tlgtat, (toaerallj tllp oS the toet. THE "COLCHESTEB" EUBBER CO. mske all thelr hoes witti lnside of heI llnel witti rubber. This cllnea to the hoe and prevenu Ui rabber from Allppliis off. CaU tor the " Coleherter " "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOR SALE BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W.REINHART&CO. DOTY & FEINER, A. D.SEYLER &SON AXÏIT ARBOR.


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