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Ia The Greatest BlocJ Purifierl KNOWN. # I This Grcat Germán MeiUclne is thc#. I chcapest and best. 128 doses of SÜL-#í I PHUttBITTEUSfor$1.0u,lessthan# $ I one cent a dose. It wlll cure them ftj Q worst cases oí skin dlsease, ttomm p a common pimple on the i&cem Jf wi Hito that awful disense Scrofula. W II.SULPHUR BITTERS is the# II III best medicine to liso in :i]l# III cases of guch stubborn &nWYour Kld I liUcp seated dÍ8ea6CB. Dojfneysarcoutl IJInot ever toko #o(order.Usell DBLUE PILLS Zs,"ÍV1RsUi1fB or mcrcury, they are dead # , f , ú „II ly. l'lace . your trust ln# "" al e f'0,11'?,0! SULPHUR BITTEKS, #matter what ails I the purest and best#yu'us0 I medicine ever made. ƒ JBpJw Xm ! U IM with a yellovstIcky#Don't walt nntll yon L■ substance? Isyourare unable to walk, or f[ breath foul and#are flat on your back, II offensive? Yourbutget some at once, itll stomach )3 outwlll cure you. Sulphur of order. Use#Bittcrs ís raSUiViTTERsT'e Inralid's Friend.g Ilmmci liatelyThc young, the aged and t Is your Vr-Wteríng ara oon madewell by II ine 1 1 1 ic k , Mu s use. Rcmember what yon II rojiy, clo-read lierc, it may save your udy, orUfe, lt has saved hundreds.l &■ #Dou't wait until to-morrow. f Try a Bottle To-day ! E I 5" M Are you low-spirited and weak.lj l 3#or sufferiníf from the exoessea ofll III #youtb? Jf so, SULPUUB BITTERsI Wwill cure you. Send 3 2-cent stanips to A. P. Ordway ft Co., Bostou, Mass., for beat medical inirk vublisheU? GOLD MEDAL, FABIS, 1878. Ï. Baker & Cos Breakfast Gocoa from which tho excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely JPure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength oí Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cu}). It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crooers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. ■ ■ 0 ■ ■ Hlfcin he rnrnril t our SFWIine of work, IIP I W rni;llv and hotionblr, by thoe t Win I I IU ■■ Y eithcr -■■. younror old,nd in thrir ■ own lp.'iitiVB.whnrver thry live. Any llIVIlk I one can do the WOrk. Ey to lecrn. Wf furniih evcrythinir. We sUrt you. No risk. You can devota your tpare mumcnii, or sil your time to the work. Thi is n eutinly new led,anl brina;! wonderful succcm to every worktr. Bífrinner are Wrnlag from fü to SO prrwvek nd upward, and more artt'r a liitlc experience. Wt can ftiruish you the tni - ployment and teacb ynu KKKK. No anace to explain hcr. Full infónnatioD HEKK. ÏBUE A O., AUÍtSTA, AIKK. PROTECTION OR FREE-TRADE. WHICH? Do you want to keep thoroughly pcsted on the effects of the New Tariff Law, as shown from week to week? Do you want to know all about the policy of Protection and have an answer to every false statement of the Free-Traders? Yes? Then subscribe for your home paper and the American Economist, published weekly by the American Protective Tariff League, New York. (Sample copy f ree). The Economist is an acknowledged authority on Protection and should be widely read. The yearly subscription of the Economist is $2, but we have made a special arrangement with the publishers by which we can send you the Economist for one year and - _■ ... - FOR AL'. 1 I ii'a.s Pboti Cl ivrTAHrrrl.i. atTB is iul,iislung n most valuabli! series of 'JaiifT (loi-uuieiits. TIiupc are prepared with a view to iiui e t lio f acte and argumenta lor Protection, whether in the interest of farmers atoren, nierohants or professional men. Eiicb issue of the series appeals to those europea in separate industries, and presenta inuisputable facts- comparisons of waftes. cost of living-, and otner arguments showinir the beneüts of Protection. Any single one will be eent on reoeipt of 2 cents in stamps except ' Wages, Living and Tariir." whiuh will besent for 4 cents. 'I he wliole list will be sent for 3U oents or any twtlve for 20 cents, or any flve for 10 cents, postale iiald. Order by number. No. Paqks l-"Wagos, ;. :,! Tarlff." E. A. " iiuic: . . jqa 2-"Tuk Au... .... or a ProteottTejrürÜfto tiic Luuur auj iiiiiutrlP8 of the United States." First i ilze Kssay, 1S87. CrawFOKDD. ÏILMMHG 30 i- "Homel'rodumlouluillspensableto a Supply, at Low Prlcee, of the Manufacturéis Conmiodlties rcqulrert for the l'eople of the Inlted States, and Adequate ftome Production of these Commodltles Imposslble without a l'rotectlve TarllT." lírst Prize Essay, 1888. C. D. Todd 32 4- hat are Raw Materials ? Would Pree Raw Materials be Advantageous to the Labor and Industries of the United States." t ; lrst Prlze Essay, 18W). Homeh B. Duku. 32 6- "Pallacies of Free-Trade." E. P. SIiller . 3t B tiome Views on the TarifT by an üld Business Jlan." Oeo. Drai-er 32 7- "The Protectlve Taritr : lt Advantages f'ür thesouth." C. L. Kdwabds _... sz TheWopl Interest." Judge Wil. Lawkencb iá -"Protection f. Free-Trade."-A Histórica" Review. D. O. Harkima 20 10-" The Farmer and the TarlH" Col. Thomas H. Dudley ' ig 11-" Protection as a Public Pollcy." Geoeoe s' Uoutwku. i 12-"Bcply to the Presldent's Free-Trade Message." E.P. Pobieb 8 13-"Workingmenandthe Tarlft." g U- The Vital yuestion : Sball American Industries be Abandoned and American Markets Surrendered ? g 15- Samb in Germán, wlth Addttloñ....". g 10-" ïhe Progresa of One Huadred Years " ROBERT P. POBTER g 1 ' - ' Protection for American Shlpnintr " 8 8-;TheTarlffNotaTax." Homsítii. DÍhkil'." g h?r" hy IrlaDn'ra Shoul.i Be ProtectlonlsU." 8 20-" Protection." E. H.Ammidown 21- " What is a Tarlff ? " Answers to a Worklniíman's Question .. 4 22-" The American Wool Industry ."' Ë. H ." a'mhidown 8 ,,". ""Ke8 ad Cost of Living."' 'j. b.' Wekks'. i "uthern Farmlng Industries.".. .. 4 A short Talk to Worklngmen " -' " l'iotcction and the Farmer." Senators! m' qfr CULLOH 12 Tuc Amf.kicaji EcoROMisr, weeklj-.devotedto the aisrtuwhm ofnll phasesof theTarlff queMlon Í2 ?',';"' '■■'''-■(''f free. Addreis AmertcanPro. tectlvc Tann LeaiUc. Hl W. 28d St.. .New York. The COUBIKB and the American Economist one yeor lor ?2.uo. The Farmers' & Msckics' Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SUSPLU3 $10,000. Aflöiüonal Lialjilitles of Stockholflers $50,000. Report of the condltion of the FARMERS fc MECHANIC8' BANK at Aun Arbor, u.. at the close of busiuess, Dec. 19, 1890. RESOURCES. Lonns and discounts.. $2:iO,4Ol 8 Stocks, bonds, niortgages, etc 74,421 W OviTdrafts. 4,159 8.) Uno froin banks in reserve cities 8,695 77 Due from othr banks and bankers.. 5,959 04 1uü from Wiishtruuw County 2K.225 CO Kurniture and fixtures 8,500 00 Curront expenses and Uxespald 1W W Interest pald. 3,110 4 1 l'hcoks and cash items.... 999; Niekels and pennies 253 9: Gold 6.7G2 50 Silver. 1,720 15 U.S. and National Bank Notes 5,600 0 Total $375,517 70 LIABIJ.ITIKK. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus l'iind 10,000 00 l'nd viciad profits 9,917 21 Commercial deposits 255,305 14 Savins deposits 49,825 71 Due to banks and bankers 469 04 Total $375,517 7U STATE OF MICHIGAN, ( County of Wabhtenaw, j I, F. H. BELSER, Cashier, of the above named Bank, do somenly swear that the abov statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. KKLSER, Cnshier. .Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30tii day of December, 18U0. WM. W. WHEDON, Notary l'ublic. Ccrrect- Attest : Chas. E. Greene, Reuben Kempf, D. F. Scbairer, Directors. The Farmers' & MecMcs' Ban! having died their certifleate ivith the Stats Banking Departnent are now autliorized U 1 business as a Savings Bank, and iu pursuaace thereof have opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savings department on all deposits of $1 and upwards, interest paid June lst and Dec. Ist, of each yeur. The savings department is open Saturdaj itightn from 7 untll 8 o'clock. Money to loan in snms of $25 to $5,000 secured by unenenmbered real estáte or approved je curities. DIRECrORS- Reuben Kempf, Chas. E. Greene, K. Dnffy, Ambrose Kearnej, Win. C. Stevens, W. F. Breakcy, J. E. Beal. John Burg, D. F. Schairer. R. KEMPF, Pres. E. DÜFFT, Vice-Pres. F. H. BELSER, Cashier. BEAL & POND, INSURANCE AGENTS CouHer Office, 41 and 43 North Main St , (Successen to c. H. Millen.) The oldest agcncy in tlio city. Kstablished over a quarter of a century ago. Kepresentiui; thefollowing fint-clan companles, with over 60,000,000 Capital and Assets. Home Ins. Co., of New York. Continental Ins. Co., of Xew York. Niágara Ins. Co., of New York. Gikard Ins. Co., of Pliiladelphui. Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London. I.ivERrooi., Ix).ndon and Globe. Rates Low as the Lowest, Losses Liberally Adjnsted and promptlj Paid. BEAL & POIffD, Fárgo1s ohoes Farnflv T) FARCO'S' Til i( "Box Tip" School Shoes f %! ior Bys an(I Gir's Lj ?ïo. Heeled or Wedge Heel. Ê Ovi'igv Sizes-8tol05i l.SS t 'öJrinTri 11 to 13 1.5 fH?' FARCO'S ia V $2.50 Calf Shoe fHP%v or Gentlemen, ['■'All pNy 7. . Unequaled by any sho ■jlÉyl1 Pi ■%w T Sin America at the eam') WraüggrtUSLprice. InOoniereM,But BfciaW ton and I-ace. Men'samï Boy'ssizes. irXf] FARCO'S f! ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT SíL Congola or Goat, Button, m PitP X Opera, or Common Seme F#jJ%-X Tackles and Flexible. C'irLAhr- Warranted the most DÏWA"" " "E BOTTON! OFEVERYSHOf. O. H. FASQO & CO., Chicag-o, m. DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANN ARBOE nsumce, Real Estáte and Loan gene? OF HAMILT0N& GREEN. OFFICES : NO. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK FIRST FLOOE. Partios desiring to buy or sell Real Estáte will fiud it to their advantage to eall on ua We represent the following flrst-class Flre Insurance Companies, haviutr aiid acereEate capí ■ tal of over $8,000,000: The Grand Rapids Fibk Ins. Co. The Ohio Farmers Ins. Co., (insures only dwelllngs). The Uerman Fire Ins. Co. The People's Firb Ins. Co. The Citize.n's ï"ire Ins. Co. The Westchesteb Fike Ins, Co. The Milwaukee Méchanics' Fire Ins. Co. Thk New Hamfshire Fire Ins. Co. The Northwestern Fire Ins. Co. Rates low. Losees liberally adjusted and paid promptly. We also issue Life and Investment Polioie In the Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. A8sets $50,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Insurance, can have yearly Policios wrltten for them or Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets issued at low rates in the Standard Accident Insurance Company of Detroit, Mich. Money to loan at current rates. Office hours from 8 a, ui. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p. m. HAMILTON & CREEN.


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