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BHJOUSNES9, SICK HEADACHB HEARTBUBÍÍ, IITEB INDIGESTIÓN JpXÖTJiFSIA, COHWiAINT, JAUNDICB 07 TJSIïïG TILE GENCTNB Dr.C.McLANE'OBB CELEBRATED fflBBLIVER PILL8! FSKPAUD OKIT ET FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa, fSffltUKBoi CouiiTEBJKiia made In St. Louli.'W CARTER'Sk CURE Bick Headache and relieve all the tronblea Incident to a bilious state of tho systom, such a9 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsinesa, Distrens after eating. Pair, in the Side, &c. While theirmoafc reinarkable eucceas has buen filio wii iu curing SICK Headacha, yot Carter's Little Liver Plllfl ara equally valuablo in Constipation, curing and preventiug thisannoying coraplaint.while they also correct all iMsordersofthestomac h .stlmulate tha llver and regúlate the bowels. Eren if they only HËAD Ache they won ld be almos tprioelens to those whd Buffer iroin tbia diatressing complaint; bil f ortunatoly thei r gooduoas does notend hore.and thoao who once try them will find these littlo pilla valuablein somany waysthat they will not bo willing to do v.iüiout them. But after allelck heaj ACHE ïs the bane of so many lives that here Is whera we make our great boast. Oux pilla cure lt whila others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pilis ars yery sroall and vory easy to talie. Oue or two pilla make a doee. Tlioy are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purgo, but by thoir gontle action please all who ubo them. In viala at 25 cents ; flvo for $1. Sold by druggists everywhere, or Bont by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL P!LL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE ■H Ew tv En Sa I - i P.nTT'S COHSUMPTIOM OUUI ' T SCROFULA EMULSIÓN igggSS1 CURES Wasting Eiseaees Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsión is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulatln properties of the HypophosL hites and pure Norwegian Cod liTer Oil, tn potency of both belng largely iccreased. It is used by Pnysicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by aU Druggists. COTT A BOWNB.Ohamlsts. N.Y. 8CVCN BtVCHTttW _SCVCWTY To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy, SMÏTHS BILE BËANS Use the SMAIA Size (40 little Beansto the bottle). they ake the most convenient. Suitnblo ali Agea. Prlce of cillier Mizc, 25c. per Bottle. RlJB!E2lflTt'l)'U PANEL SIZTE. ■ % ets. (eoppers or stampa). J.F.SMITHatCO.Mkorjoi -BII.KIiKA-.S, ST. LOUIS MO. RubfxT Shooa onlesn wom nnoomfortably Ught, Benarally lip off the toet. THE "COLCHESTER" EUBBEE CO. make all thelr hoes witb lnsMo of heel llned with rubber. Thls clines to the elioo and prevent tho rubber trom slipping off. Cali for the " Colcheeter " "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOR SALE BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO. DOTY & FEINER, A. D.SEYLER &SON AIÏXT ARBOR.


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