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"Reform" legislatura ! Bal me thlnka tis ími a ínisiionuT ! "Deformed" rould be the bette? irord. oí" coúne Thoe. B. Reed iil not be peakeroi the nezi house, bot the iernOXita will prohalilv liml outtliat he will e a Hrukr in the next house, just tho ame. To what base uhch can lacred thingg e put! We are lead to this remarle rom tho lawlesB manner in which he Adrián ProHs man quotes or perverts scripturo in his political paragraphs. Tho good people oí Detroit are invited o come to Ann Arbor, look over our rapid transit system and take an enjoyable ride apon a flrst class Btreet ra.ilway. Ann Arbor can give the "hoss car," system city many pointa on progreHS in this line. The recent serious illness of (overuur Winans haacausüd the people of Michigan considerable anxiety. They beieve him to be a capable man, and one who will run tho state government the best hia party will illnw. The line of succession is not considered promislng. The farmers aiul 1'iitronn hefuri1 the ilection laai Eallwere alljoUygood (ellowi and ra the riht rond politically, New the demócrata kiok the f armera and patrona ont of doon and insult them by referring theli proteat to 1 1 1 - oommittee on Fisheries. Query- Will the iatm en and patrona continue to fish with sni'h diabonest companions ? If they do they will I' diuwued. Boom "f the no called independent nuil democratie press df the state cry OUt aailisl tllO lhing the (it'llKllTlltlo state senate is cttiiiK' for it.s dishoneetyand tliievery. That ia to be expectdj "nu rogue 'ere feit the halter draw with good opinión of tho law." They l nOt Üke tO have their raseality paiaiIimI before the people. Don't Mame thi'iu any. The members of the Minnesota legislatare propose to pass a law lmpoting a fine and imprisonment for balletdancprs or other feminine tlit'iit rical performer to appear on the Htage in t i vcli t.t or short skirts. How different it would 1)0 with the democratie majority in OUT stilte seiiate. Why, wo actually bellere they would uteal the titfhts even, and leiive the poor adressen without anything. Detroit Tribune: "The wild financial srlinnes of Alliance men in Kansas are already bearing tlieir oeoeeaary aml legitímate fruit. Capital il inuking liaste to )?et out of a state where it luis no certainty of honent treatmont. Mortgage and other loaus are being called in as rapidly as their conditions will allow, and no new business is being taken. It will take years to restore the eonfidenee that has been nee.lleHsly forfeited." Ex-SeaMbr Ingalla has sot ádded to liis reputation for stateHinansliip or Hounl judgment, either one, by bis recent article ridicoling the idea that tlie I'nited States needs a navy. He may live to see the day when a navy will be a great necessity for this country. Kansas not being on the seacoast may not need it directly, but her intereats would be injured by the dostruction of cities and villagea on any of our seacoast by a foreign power. Detroit Tribune: "Tho Democratie newspapers that aro inquiring whether I'resident llarrison will not appoint soine democrats among the judges selected for the nine new circuits provided by congress. It is iu order, therefore, to in.uiro how many Republicana Mr. Cleveland appointed to judgeships durinj,' hia PreHidential term. Jt will not be IHMJWIHIJ for I'resiileiit llarri.son to go OUteide ol tho Kepublicnn party to lind the wisdom and loyalty and judicial experience for the lillin the new circuit judgesliips." Senator Horton, turned out of hissent as a state senator, (to which ho waselected by tho people of Lenaweo county) by the dishonesty of his political opponents in that body, is a patrón of indiistry, pranger and alllance man, anda succeHHful farmer by occupation. The man pal in bil place Isnothing huta partisan demoerat, of whom the Detroit tíewi Kves t his graphic picture : "There Heems to be a ]iedispoHÍtion among the oewipapen to cali the new senator froni I.enawee 0. I.. Morrow. 'l'liis is Wrong for ('. I.. are liis wife'w initials. Mrs. Morrow wasn't made senator by the fainoua snoak of last 'l'uesday and íh no way a party to the crime. The new senator's name appears to be J. H. Morrow, but he doesn't seerci to use it [much in a business way beeaiise of lome dilliiiilty or other witli liis rreditors or soniel.ody. lleni-e his ife's name is the prominent one of the fainUy." "The latest craze i.s a rope eraze - it doem'1 appeu to have struc-k the legialutim; at Lansing, however," criei tli'' hangman oi the Ann Arbor ( loi biib. N'' Why, they jerked up a eoliple .,1 men there, only the other day, with a constiiutiona] rope. Didn't (dve 'em time to pray.- Adrián Preai. "Oonstitational ropel" Why, liless your ex-oleagenooi tnspectonhip pate, the conititutioo of Michigan doei not authorise thierery, traud or corraption, and that'i the wort of rope the democratie senaton aaed for.their dirty irork. Joetícewaanot their aim nor any fono "í law their gulde, but simply blind partisansliip. And we are mirprised to lind iuch papen ai the Prest apholding a deed so rank that ii imelli to heaven "i the other place -for its editor, aeide Iroln liis blackguardilm, il a man wlio knowi righi from mong, or oughi to.


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