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Be Su re If you liavo madn up ymir miod to buy Hood's BantpWlH 40 :it tir iiiilmiil tO takt any otlicr. HootFl Sarsaparllla 1 a peculiar medicino, pousesslng, by vlrtuc; of lts peculiar combinalion, prapñtloll, Ud pnparatlon, curativo power superior to any other article. A Boston lady wlio knew what slie wantrd, and whose examplc Ís wortliy UnlUtlou, tullí bcr experlencc below: To Cet " ín one store whero I went to buy ITood's Sarsaparllla the clerk trled to Induce me buy tlulr wn iimtead of Hood's; he told me thelr's would last longer; that I mlght take lt od ten days' tnal ; that lf I dld not Uke lt I need not pay anythlng, etc. But he could not preyall on me to change. I told hlm I knew what Hood's Barsaparllla waa. I had taken lt, wa satlsflcd wlth lt, and dld not want ny otíxu. Hood's ■When I began taklng Hood's Barsapartlla I vu feellng real miserable, uflerlnK a great deal wlth dyspepsla, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and liad íor some timo, Uke a person In consumptlon. Hood's Sarsaparllla dld me so inucli good that I wonder at mysclf somctlmes, and my írlcnds frniiiciilly l■ak of lt." Mu. V.i.i.n. A. Cíokk, Cl Terraco ötreet, Boston. Sarsaparilla BoldbjalldruKKUta. fl;ilxforfS. Prepared only by C. I. HOOI) & CO., Apothecarle, Ixiwell, Muí. IOO Doses One Dollar GRAND INAUGURAL SALE OF NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS And New Wash Coods. The greatest number of pieces. The latest and most exclusive styles. The most superb Une ol Sbadel ever offered by any House in this City. New, Neat and Pretty Styles Black Bress Goods. A close Fine Serge at 50c, worth 7SCA fine 46-inch Serge at 75c worth Ji.oo. Fancy Stripes In Blacks at 50c, worth 75c. Black Silk Warp Henrietta at 1.00, worth $1.25. Black Silk Warp 46 in. Henrietta at $1.25 worth $1.50. 40 inch Black Mohair Brilliantines at 40c. 46-inch Pure Black Mohairs at 50c, worth 75c. Extra F"ine 40-in. All Wool Henriettas at 50c. Beautiful Quality 46in. Black Henriettas at 75c. Then Comes about 200 Pieces Fine lmported Uress Goods. Choice of the lot 50c a yard, consisting of Spring Serges, Henriettas, Silk and Wool Plaids. Homespuns, Boucle Plaids, Scotch Plaids, lilack and White Plaids and Checks. American Wool Novelties and many styles, worth 75c, all 50c a yard. Spring Wash Goods. This will be the greatest Gingham Season ever Icnown. The styles are very pretty and the prices are so low, starting at 8c and 10c. Then comes the Zcphyrs at 12 1-2 and the Scotch Ginghams. Wonders of beauty at 25c. With this lot of Wash Goods we place on nale 50 pieces of the celebrated Dragon Fast Black Plain and Plaid Lawns at 10c, I2c, 15c to 25c a yard. The only malee ot l-'.ist Black Lawns worth buying. 25 pieces Plaid and Check White Muslins at 6c a yard. 2 cases pretty, new Challies for 5c a yard. 50 pieces new Indigo Blue Prints, 5c a yard. Al ways the Cheapest. Schaircr & Millen. GRAND OPERA HOUSE A N.N AKIÍOK. Fnday, March 13, 1S91 FA80INATING Broüier Joitta COMBINATION. REV. J. NK1.SON LEWIS, (Ui bil Tt Nuiimml Sut.Jci-I. jUtOthfl illlllOIII i.adiks' SCHUBERT QUARTE1 of Bc :.,■ ald ol oalolonm llght, Itwi ure rlvei o) man] irftnd tranforniftuon iceuei ol leau hUtory,uoh u the"Fiü! ol Fort Bump ter," and li muid tl i. ■ Bnraea and Bmoka li hcard thai Impirlni loni " the Star Spai iiiuiii.i.,1 rendered dj thlifnmoui nuai POPULAB PEIOES. Beati on ial W dne id i] momlnj. BUSINESS CARDS. MIS H. E. IH KLLr MODISTE, Muk.s Cottames,Taüoi Sutu, also KUms' iiu.i ( tüldran'i' Bulto. Cloaks Made and Repalred. UH NORTH Firrn MKIKI', ANN AltlinK. Chas. W. Vogel, i,iii,r la uil ktndi erf Fresh and Salt Mc;its. l'iiullru, l.ant, tr. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 K. Ann 8t., Ann Ahbok. W. W. NIOHOLS, DENTIST. Roonu om Ann irbor suvinw'M Rankt i Opp ( OM T I [OUM S.jimri-. VITALIZED AIR. Admlni-inr.i n ! igreeabl uid mij totaka, and no proitratlng effeott lollow, wnl] u-.iii re without pun. W1IJ.1AM HERBOttMi K", Onmiin-nUl Ud FRESCO PAINTER! Puorlsgi Glaiiwr, Gildlng.and Catolmlo Ing mui h ui k "i evei j di ■ ei Iptlon uid ww ranted to glvi i lUon. Shop, No. 4 W. Washintrton St., Ann Arbor. IfllO rftlkll UOWKLL A COS (tarmpM Ailvi-rtUIng Ituroua (10 Sprmu Mn'i'D.u Iiiti-ikU Rflt lf flfll tMiiKt'olitrui-lMlluy Mi Ml V]KK l.u uioüo lor it lullklff lUllIll AU f til I luLnO (hit pap,or obta.n ilimatn on .i1orlinng pic when In Chrcgo, will (ind It on Uit at 45 to49 R.ndolph Si ., ADII O,TUA1C Ih.AJv.ltiWlüAïOncyof LU UU tt I nUBHwr ÏMCKandSTORAGË Rowmm nu.iy wtii u uu Hrii-k StorebOUM lOI hluniKf OÍ BODMbOld GOOUi Piano, Bookii Btovi t PIANOS M HOUSEHOLD -:- OOODS All kliuU u( lii-Hvy tad Ubt Limylng. FREIÖHT WORK C. E. GODIREY, 'Ph0O Mi '""' M K. Kuurth Ave. RINSEY & SEABOLTS BAKERY. GROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. p oonttantlj on bd BR] U, CRACI i i;-, ( v k i -, . ir .. for wholeiftU mul niiiii (rade, We ihall alio keep ■ -ui'ply of sMiiT a HKiHiis BBBI White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'8 GOLD Dl 81 PI 01 B, BtJOl WHBAT H UOI ft, I ORN U ■ i i i n il , ui wholeaali i.i.iii. a general itocli ol &ROCERIES and PROTISIÜNS intlj "" band, hleh w m be iold ■ i ni nuj otl a tho : : u. I i.i.s, and i R I'KODI i l ■ al dellvered toan] part ol the olty without extra RINSEY Sc SEABOLT.


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