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Judge Montgomery

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Judje Robert M. Montsromary, who was nomínate 1 hy the Republican convemion at Jackson forsuprenie eourt justiee, ir recoerDlzed as one of the best luwyera in Western Micliitran aud has already harl a larye experlence on tbe beoob. Mr. Montgomer; Was horn on a farm n--ir EatOQ Rápida Mav 12. 1849. He remair:e(i on the farm uutll he was 13 years oí aae, wben he removed with hi párente to Eaton H.vpids vUu_re. Ilere he ittemieii the public schools until be waa nearly 16 years of ace, wlniii iie enllsted in the ÖeTQOtb Michigan cavulry. After liis return Irom the qnny he asain aLteïided the public ichools at E.itou lia:ids and engnaed in teaching winters. Theu tof two iummsra he Irorked as a farm hum!, att6ndlÍDK Bcbool in ihe spriuu and fall aud teaebiug duriu:; tho Winter munlhs. While eneaged in teachine be besan the Btudy of law, wh:ch lie aftervvuij coniinued in tbe offlee of Hon. F. J. Kussell uf Han, eiuce then judce of th t circuit. Mi. tóontïoinery was inliniited to the bar at tbt) I ige of 21 aud commeDced practlclng his festiöB at PentwRter. Tliree yoars later he was electod proaecutins; attorney of Oceana eounty, whieh offl. e hu held fur four yeirs. [n 18T7 lie was uppnlnted assi.stant United Status district attorney for the western district ui MlchUruu, and removed to Gruud Raplds, where he has niñee resided. In the spiinü of 1831 bn was elected circuit judge of the seventeenth circuit, ootoprlsiog Kent eounty. In l.SST li Wae reelected judire by a majority of l,tOJ. In this ii-ciiou he received the bticbeal vote in Kent eounty oí auy one on the ttckst, bit vota belng 8,987, Ju le Campbell for the siipreme court had only 7,869, un! (hules 1). .ongforthe suureme bench had 7,953. In the f til of ISiS Mr. Montifomery reslyned the office of circuit ju.!irc after havinir aerved einht yeam. and has sílice been euüatied in the practke of his trofes1oD, Jutlare Moutffomery's nomination on the eecond ballot at itie Jackson convention was a deerved compliment to a man of Droad culture, of 6ou:id leaal knowledsre and f wide judicial experience. His popularity in the section of the 6tate where he is most widt-ly litiown adds to tho evideuco oí thü wisdom sliown in his selection.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier