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MOSTAR-SPOTTED SKIN. Covered with Scales. Awful Spectacle. Cured in Pive Weeks by the Curticura Remedies. Abont the first of April last I noticed some red pimpleH like coming out all over my body, but thought nothing of lt until some time later on, when it begau to look like spots of mortar spotted on, and whícb carne off in laycrs accompaniedwith itehlng. I would scratch „very night uutll I was raw, then tbe next uight the cales being formed meanwliile were scratched off ngain. In'vain did I consult all the doctors iu the county, but without aid. After giving upall hopes of reeovery, I happened to nee an advertisement in the newspaper abont your CuTict.'itA Kkmkdiks, juid purchusrd tlifin from mydruggist and obtained almost immediiitc relief. I began to notice that the scaly eruptiona gradnally dropped off and dlsap1 peared one by oue, until I had been fully eured. I had the disease thirteeu mouths before I beftau taking the Kf.mkdiks, and in four or fivii weeks I was entlrely cured My disease waa eczema and psoriasis, I know of a great many who have taken the REUEDIB8, and thank me for the knowledge of them, especially mothers who have babes witli iealy t-ruptions on their heuds and bodles. I cannot express my thanks to you. .My body wan covered with scales, and I was an awfiil spectacle to behold. Xow my skin is as clear as a baby's. GEO. COTEY, Merrill, Wis. C"u.tic"u.ra iSesolTrent The new Blood and Skin Purifier and greatest of Humor Remedies, internally (to cleause the blood of all impurlties. and thus remove the cause,) aud C'uticvra, the great Skin (,,'ure, and CCTict'RA Soap, and equisite akin beautifier, Internally (to clear the akin and scalp and restore the hair.) cure every species of agonlzing, itching. burning, scaly, and pimply diseases of the skin, acalp and blood. Sold evervwhere. Price, Outicura, 50c; Soap, 25c; Rf.solvent, $1.00. Prepared by the POTTEK DRUU AND L'HKMICAL CORPORATION, Boston. Send for " How to Cure Skin Diseases." 64 pages, 50 lllustrations aud 100 testimoniáis. niPI.ES. black-heads, red, rough. chapped, rlllland oily skin cured by Cdticura Soap. é&T TCAÏT BREATHE. ■jftü Chest.Pains, Soreness, Weakness, füSÜKf Hacking (.:ough, Asthma, Pleurisy Wsgt'r and inflammation relievkd is one - MiMTEby theC'utci'RA At.vti-Pais Plasters. Nothing like it for Weak Lungg. GOLD MESAI, PAE1S, 1878. Ï. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa from which the excesa of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it ís Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & GO., Dorchsster, Mass. OS HEADACHES for 2c. CjJRED y faas 'öLarfr5.jYÜ ( SOLÜ BY.üRUfitHlSTffi ""OR SALE BT EBERBÁCH & SOJf, ANN 1BB0R. TRÜCKandSTORAGE Xow we are ready with a ncw Brick Storehouse for the storage of Household Uoods, Pianos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS AX HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Ceirefiilljr 2Co-s-d.. All kinds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY. l'hone 82. Res. and Office 40 N. Fourth Ave. HüllïIT@IfTS INSURANCE, REAL ESTATEand LOAN AGENCY No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Fire and Accident Policies written in First Class Companies. Rates Low. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addltion for sale on easy terms. Office Hours : From 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5p. m. A. W. HAMILTON. Tot twenty-flve years the experience of milliona of suffere, old and yonnu, and female, have gratefully endorsed the miiaculuua virtucs of This Pharmacentical Paradox of the Age A vitalizing stimulant without al oohol. A nerve sedativa Tvilhout narcotics. A blood puriñer Meitliout poi3ons. A liver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, seeretion, excretioa and respiration. Alife-giving tonic, pura and simple, without the disastrous reactions of the deadly compounds of rum end alcohol usually sold as bitters. Was never toown lefbre ín the World. Ita disoovery amon tho medicinal írnlts. rocl '' and herbs of California WAS A SirRACLE, and their combination into a phenomenal IJtfegiving touic A TRIUMPH of the CHEMICAI, AET. The only chango marte in the formnla durina twenty-five yeara lias beca to present it in two combinationa. The oíd oríalnnl remata unehanged, bnt being stronger, more laxativo and better. A wir form more agreeable to tha taste and better adapted to delicate tconien nnti chiltirrn, but comprising the samo tonic propertiea, is now madu and the ttcirncfí of the wortil is challengtU to produce theequaloftbiB TEÜLY & OKLY TEMPEEESCE BITTERS KNOWN or to prodnceapnrely vegetable bitters or medicina of any kind, whose action is at once bo bale, bo cr tain and comprehensivo as the CALIFORNIA. YINKJAR BITTEBS, or any componnd which from its varied action upon the vital lunctions is cqual to the CURE OP BO MANY DISEASES. Thotr name is legión- Bhenmatism, Neurakria. Catarrh, Jaundice, Eidney Sisease, Scroínla, Skin HisciHea and Boils. Consnmption, Piles and all disorders arieing fro: i indiíetion, impura blood, cervons prostration, and dilapidatcd constitution from any canse give way to it like mist before tha uu, whüe lts singular power over THK DEADLY MICROBE AND OMTÍIPRESENT BACTERIA lndicates its snperiority in all diseascs of malaria! origin, and renden it the BEST TOttMIFDGE KHOWN. No family can sfford to do without a bottle of OLD ASD KEW 8TTLE VINEGAB BITTERS In the house, as eipronsed by thonsanda of tettt luoniala. Send for beaatiful book. Address, R. II. AIcDONAUl URl'G CO., Her ïoi Fisrgcís Shoes Family Wfc f "Box Tip" School Shoes 1& for Boys and Girls, ƒ -% Heeled or Wed9e Heel f? ■OVTSiS SJzea-8tol054 1.85 l "ö?Tria"F Htoi3$4 i-öo ! 1MSSS1 T'Q Ito3 1.T5 WSisii gy. to .r)!5 2.00 }MV $2.50 Caif Shoe VtJtl'iK for Gentlemen, f, Li A g-_ - Onequaled by any en. S._ W F cmTjI wi F in Anieiica ai the samo ■Ui ij_linr ysr'price. InCüncrc. HuiÍ.JttáíiíB ton nnd Lace. Men'öiuni Boy 's sizes. rtn FARCO'S 1É ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT I K&d . Dongola or Goat. Button, Vv ïv?o v Opera, or Common Sense. ffcCfle Tackless and Flexible. ItÖUl AkpsSa 'Warranted the most OOR NAME IS ON THE BOTTON! OF EVERY SHOE. Ask vour doalerfor FnrEo'n Bhoo. lf he cUk-s nol Kc'p tlN'in scntl to lis ajid we will f uniisli vou a i-tur ou rec-lit of prioe. Sfiui postal for üesoi-iptivc liïi. O. H. PASOO & CO., Chioa&o. Hl. DOTY & FEINER, A GENTS, - ANN ARBOR THE GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPER The Weekly MAIL AND EXPRESS READ IT ! READ IT ! READ IT ! IT SPE AKS FOR ITSELF ! The weekly Issue of The Mail and Express is not a mere re-hash of the dally of the same name, the matter thrown together without regard to the order or sequence of things ; It Is a live, independent, fearless, progressïve jour na1,withan indlvidnality and a being of lts own. It is skillfully and carefully edited with a view of making it just what it claims to beTHE MODEL HOME NfiWSPAPER. CONSIDER THESE POINTS. The Weekly Mail ant? Express is the only newspaper in America which gives a careful review every week of all matters of interest in the Financial, Legal, Religious and College Worlds. These are amongit9 specialties. lts page of Foreign News is one of its moet remurkable features. The Weekly Mail and Express is a Republican paper not a narrow, partisan sheet, but a strong and fearless expoDent of true Republican principies. It stands amone the first as an advocate of Temperanee and Ballot Reform. 1 The Weekly Mail and Express gives all the news of the day. Foreign and domestic and presents it in the most attractive and readable ahape. The Weekly Mail and Express has among its regular contributors some of the ablest wrters of Europe and America. lts short storie8 for young and old, poems, sketches of travel und adventure are the best of their kind. In these and all features of aprogresaive news paper it is not surpassed. The tone of the Weekly Mail and Express is pure, elevated, wholesome and bracing. It is a paper which carefully avoids everything of the cheap and sensational order. It can ai ways be truated. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ONE COPY, OXE YEAR, - - $2.00 ONE COPY, SIX MONTHS, - - 1.00 ONE COPY, THREE MONTHS, - .50 TEN COPIES, ONE YEAR, - - 15.00 AND A FREE COPY TO THE PERSON SEND1NG THE CLUB. DAILY, PER YEAR, - - $7.00 REMITTANCES should be made by Express Money Order, Post-offiee Order, Registered Letter, or Bank Draft, payable to the order of The Mail and Express. Wben thus madj they will be at our risk. AGENTS WANTED. We want an Agent at every Post-office in the United States where we have not one now engaged. LIBERAL CASH COMMISSIONS given to Agenta íor making up Clubs. Special cireulars to Agenta stating commission sent on application. SPECIMEN COPIES FREE. Address all letters to The Weekly MAIL AND EXPRESS 23 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. jToo3ga Oottoaa. Boot f 9p& COMPOUND ■ P ComDOied of Cotton Roi t, Tansy and Ly y3 Pennyroyal - a recent discovery by an JoM physician. lueccofuSM uá monUdy- Safe, Kffectual. Price $1, by mail, eealed. Ladies, ask your druirpist for Cook'i Cotton Koot Compound and take no -uiistitute, or inolose 2 stamps for sealed particu!ars Address POND LILY COMPANY, No 'S Fisher Blook, 131 Woodward are., Detroit. Mich. SAVET MILLS, ENGINES, luiproTod Yariable Frictiou Feed. Seml for catalogue and special prlcee. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Tork, Pa. Wood's Ph.ospli.odin.e. THE GRKAT ESGLISH RBMEDY. Taed for 36 years - .Mk of Vouthiul f olly by Ml an the exoesaes ftssfnlly. (imii OSifmt-xr of later years. an(ífíiíoowrf all .J aJ Giivs immcdtate tiimisof Nrrvous tyïSj sfrcnoli a. íírípWeaknefls, ift MyfrP?jL or. Asfe druKfriscs Bfona, HRBwiP for Wood's Phosrhea, ImDotency, 5t,"," i líl' 'P'odiue takeno nd all thi; pgerta rlioio from Life. „„hatlMit. Ona package, $1; six, tñ, by mail. Wrlte for pumphlet. Address Thr.Wood Chemical Co., 131 Woodward jve., Uetroit, Jiitii. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A"HTPQ TRY DK.LEDTJC'8 "PKi-lXl-JLXJliO KIODICAL" PILL8 frmti l'uris. France. Kstublished in Eurupe 1839, Canada in 178. For Suppressions, Irrcpnlarities, and Montbly DiTungements. A reliablu inunthly medicine. They alwaya relieve. Any ilriisrint, 2. American Pili Co., Proprietor, Spencer, lowu. Robert S)ephenon A Co., wholesale agents,and all otber drnggdsts In Ann Arbor. These pills are warrumeü to bring on the " t'hauge. Wfcjfc 5n(T Httle forttinfhsvr hppnmtdvlt flHpASSHkv work for ue, bv Anna l'ugi-, Auntiii, X0SP7MHnH ' ", mul .Ino. It.niii. '1'oWdo, Obio. WS3KLzISBSs-e Otlif n. U.iiip rs weil. W I17 .VHI""1 y? Some urn , ver #i(HMHI & M ƒ gKaBB'onlli. You can 1 the w ork and hv liCSkAv ÍKSBJ'11 " 'r' w r v u alt. Icn be EW9VFiiiiieniranlly eanmiir t5 to Í- -„ CvnF #Hday. All ge. Weshoïv you how L Ew9bL ftn etrt y"LI' '" worlt tn pure tfm J Jj JkSSP or al' Ihe lime. Hip motiey rol work1 1l 1 rölT Ftiilure nnknovn aiiionr thenu ■"■" NB1 iiiitwoiulnrul. Partlciilai'iftM. II.Uiillri[,t(ii.,UivIUlirlUiiiliHitiio


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