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M0RTAR-8PQTTED SKIN. Covered with Scales. Awful Spectacle. Cured in Five Weeks by the Curticura Remedies. About the flrst ol April last I noticed some red pimples like coming out all over my bod hut thought DOthlng oí it until some time luter on. wlien it buiiwi to look like spots 01 mortar spotti'd on, and hicli came off in layBre accompanledwlth Itching. I wouw scratch ..very iiíl'IU imtil I was ruw. tlien the next _- niu'lit the scalefl belng formed jLJSS nu -iin liilc wei-u scratched off So agatn. In vain did I consult M t all the doctors In the oönnty, Wak LT lut without lid. After i;lying mm "sP fl upnll liopesof ivcovi-i-y. IhiipBS I peued to sea ao advertisexnejit r '" liRJ newspaper about vuur V ■ - CtmcüKA Remedies, and pur , . cha.-cil ilu'iii i'roin inyilniggist L-gt and olitaincil nlnuist immedl"K? ate l began to nut er H wdVZjf tll!lt thlt 8Caly ernption grad XNSlrK "nlly dropped "IT and dlsap J s ' peared one by one, until I had been fuliy ciired. I had the disease thirteen monthsbêfore I began takins the Remi and in four nr flve weeks 1 "as entlrely cured My dlsease waa eczema and psoriasis. I knowofa great manywho have taken the Remedies, and thank me for the knowledge of them, egpeclally mothera who have babea writb Bcaly erupttona on thelr heads and bodles. I cannoi expresa my tbanka to yon. My body waa eovered with soales, and i waa an awful spectacle to behold. Now my skin is as clear as a baby's. ' i.ico. COTEV, Merrill, Wia, O-atic-ara Kesolvent The new Iilood and Skin l'uiifk-r and reatest of Humor Remedies, tnternally (tocleanse the blood of all lmpurities. and thus remove the cause,) and ('UTicuRA.the great Skin ure. and Ci'ticura Soap, and enuisite skin beautifler, internally (to clear the skin and scalp and restore the hair.) cure every species of agonlzing. itching. burnlng, scaly, and pimply diseases ol the skin, scalp and blood. Sold evervwhere. Price, Outicura, 50c; SOAP,3Sc.; KKSOLVENT, $1.00. Prepared by the POTTER DKL'(i AND (JHE.MICAL CORPORATION, Boston. ltU.Send for " How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, 50 illustrations and 100 testimoniáis. nilll'LES, black-heads. red, rough. chapped, I llfland oily skin cured by CUTICUKA Soap. "ar" I SMTT BMEATIIE. WfA V C'liest,Pains,Sorenes8,Weakness. ssSül Hacking ('ough, Asthma. Pleurisy i2gvl_'' and InflammatioQ kelikvkh in one =a- MINUTE by theCuiCCBA Atnti-Pain Plasters. Nothing like it for Weak Lnngs. I GOLD KEDAL, PAEIS, 1S78. L. Baker & Go.'s tBreakfast Cocoa trom %vhich the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Jnre and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily diöested, and admirably adapted for invalids as wcll as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & GO., Dorchester, Mass. GREAM os PRUNES Avery pleasant Lnxatïve, rnade f rom the juïce of Fresh Prune-i combined with . . uarmless vegetabl ingredients of well-known and highly medicinal qualities, put up in the for- of CREAM DROPS, Making a very valuable preparation FOR INFANTS andCHILDREN, Assimilating the food and Regulating the Stomach and "ow Is. tt Pronotes Digestión, Cheerfulness and Rest IT IS A WOKDERFUL REMEDY For O. NSTI PATION, SUR STOMACH, CONVULSIONS, LOSS CtF SLEEP WORMS, ' FE 'ERI8HNES8, Etc P Ice, 25 Certs. ItRIüGS MEDICI.! CO., traben, N. A FOR SALE IV EBERBACH & SON. ATÍX ARB0R. TRUCK and STORAGE Now we are reftdy with a now Kriek StorehoiiBe for the sto'rage of Household tioods, Pianos, líooks, btoves, etc. PIANOS V I) HOUSEHOLD -:- 6OODS CaLrefu.ll3T Moved, All kinds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, Thone 82. Res. and Office 46 N. i'ourth Ave. HAMILTOH'S INSURANCE, REAL ESTATEand LOAN AGENCY No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Fire and Accident Policies writteu In First Class Companies Bates Low. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addltion for sale on easy terms. Office Hovhs: From 8 n. in. to V2 m. and 2 to 't p. in. A. W. HAMILTON. For rwenty-flve yearg tho xperiaaoe cf millionri of sufferers, oíd and yotniR, nial and íomale, hava gratcfully endorsed tLj i_iracuiou;; TixtacS of ThiB Pliarmacentical lirados oí the Ág& A vitalizinfï stimulant without al cohol, A nerve sedativo without narcótica. A blood pnrlfler ■without poisons. Aliver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, eeoretion, excretion and respiration. A life-givinjj tonie, pure and simple, without tho disastrous reaetions of the deadly compounda of rum and alcohol U3ually sold as bitters. Was never tnown befcre ín the World. Its diacovery among the medicinal fruits, roci and herbé of California was a mikac:le, and their combination into a phenomenal lifegiving tonic A TRIUMPH of ie CHEMICAI, AET. The only change marte in lie formula diiring twenty tive years has been to present it in two combiiiations. The oíd orininnl remain TinrhaBfied, but being etronger, more laxativa aud better. A nric fortn. more agreeable to th2 taste and better adapted to dclíctitf n'imrii a mi t-hiltlrrn. but comprieing the same touic proporties, is now made hjhI lite erifucr of the. u-oiul is clutUetifft-u to produce tueequalof this TliULY í: OSLY TTMVT.T.VSr-E PITTEES KNOWN orto produceapurelyyegetablebütera or medicina of any kind. wliose artiou is at üucú b-j fcaie, bo c-jrtain and comprehensivo as tb3 CALIFOENIA VINEGAR EITÏER3, or a:iy oompound 7hich frnm iís varied action upon the vital lunctions is equal to tho CUr.E 0? SO MASY DISEASES. ThPir nsma is legión- Khenmatiím. ïtpnralgia, Catarrll, Jaund.'re, Kidney Disease. Scroiula, 8kin Uisensus and Boiln. Consnmption. Piles aud all disorders crisinj Indipeslion, inipure blood nervono prostratio;i, and dil.ipidated eonatitntion fmm any cause givp way to it like niist btfure tho puu. whilo its singular power over TOS DEADLY MICEOBE ASD OMXIPRESEXT EACTEEIA Inflicates its cuperiorify in all dioeases of malarial origiu, and rendera it the BEST VERMIFÜGE KNOWU. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STYLE VIXEGAR ErTTEE3 in the house, as eipreseed by thousands of testi moniala. Send for bcautiful book. Address, R. II. MtüOXALU UniJG fO., Nevr Vot Fargtfs Shoes b for the o Family W% "Box Tip" School Shoes )$IV íor Bïs and Girl3. pJ%ov "eeled or Wedge Heel. K ■O5"8i#V Size-8tolO!4 1.25 it (írtaTr lito 13 1.50 1Égssl ' 'S itc:s i.T5 enrr fargo'S )Hav $2-50 Calf shoe Lffav for Gentlemen. Cnequaled by any shoe fciit, F TTS% vt T Víp America at the sanie yt'ihrtririr 1 jidT1!!! i i lnConcre, ButËL' 1000 ton and Lace, lleii'sand Boy'H sizes. fl $2.50 LADiES' BOOT ƒ %G V Dongola or Goat, Button, if lv?B V Opera, or Common Sense. fLftí Tackless and Flexible, f ÖU I AíaSaíí Warnuited the most 2 I 7 P!!!1 Made inLadle aud M8e) DUR ÑAMÉIS ON THE BOTTOM OF EVERY SHOE, . Askyour dealerfor F unto' S hoen. If he dot- n..t Keep tliem sena to us and we will f uruish you a uair oa "Jcelpt of price. Send postal for descriptive llst. O. H. FAK&O & CO., Chicago, HL DOTY & FElNEt?, AGENTS, A XX .RBOR THE ÜREAT FAMILY NEW8PAPEB The Weekly MAIL AND EXPRESS - -- - READ IT! READ Iï! READ IT! IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF ! The weekly isue of The Mail and Express Is not a mere re-hash of the daily of the same name. the matter thrown topether without regard to the order or sequence of thiDprs; it is a live, Independent, fearless, progressive joornal. with au Indiviauallty and a beiiig of r own. It Ie skillfiilly and 'carefullv edited with i view of niaking it just what it claims to be - THE MODEL HOME NEWSPAPER. - CONSIDER THESE POINTS. Tuk Wkkki.y Mail ant Exfbbss is the onljnewspaperin America whieh givea a cnreful review every week of all mattera of interest in the Financial, Legal, Heligions and College Worlds. These are among ita speclaltles. lts page of roreign . News is one of its most xemarkable features. Tn f. Weekly Ha:l and Express is a Repnblican puper not a narrow, partisan sheet, but a strong and fearless exponent of true Kepublican principies. It stands, amonp the rirst as an advocate of Temperanee and Ballot Reform. Tuk Weeki.y Mail and Express jriTes all the news of the day. Foreign and domestic and presents it in the most attractive and readable a nape. The Wkkki.v Mail and Express has amone its regular eontributors some of the ablest wrters of Europe and America. lts short I stories for younp and old. poems, sketches of travel and adventure are the best of their kind. In these and all features of aprogressive newspapei it is not aurpasaed. The tone oí the Wkeki.y Mail and Express is pure. elevated. wholesome and bracine. It is a paper whieh carefullv avoids everythiiifi of tire cheap and seusational order. It can al ways l e trusted. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ONE COPY, ONE YEAR. - - $2.00 ONB COPY, SIX MONTHS, - - 1.00 ONE COPY. THREE MONTHS, - .50 TEN COPIES, ONE YEAB, - - 15.00 AND A FREE COI'Y TO THE PER.SON SENDING THE CLUB. DAILY, PEE YEAR, - - $7.00 REMITTANCE8 Bhould be made by ExpresMoney Order, Post-offlee Order, Kegistered Letter, or Bank Draf t, payable to the order of The Mail and Express. When thus madj ! l be at our risk. AGENT8 WANTED. We want tin Agent at every Poet-offlce in the United States where w have not one now engaged. LIBERAL CASH COMMISSION8 givea In Agente for making ap Clubs. Special clrcnlara ita stating commission sent on applieation. SPECIMEN COPIES FREE. Address all letters to The Weekly MAIL AND EXPRESS 23 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. gjiools's Cottoa Hoot fi COMPOUND I iromposed of Cotton Eont, Tansy and Lv yJ Pennyroyal - a recent discovery by au Jold physician. Is tntcrexstuÜH u#e& mnntldy- Safe, Effectual. Prioe 81, by mail, fiealed. Ladies, ask your di u-gist for Cook's Cotton Root (mpound and take no ubc'titute, or inolose 2 stanips for sealed pnrticulars Address PONU LILY COMPANV. N... i Fisher Block, 131 Woodward are., Detroit. Mlch. SAW MILLS, ENGINES, Improved Tariable Frïction Feed. 8end for eatalegue and special ptices. A. IJ. FARQUIIAR C0.s Vorïi, Pa"Wood's !PlxosliocfLiT3.O. THE GRKAT EGLISH REMEDY. Tsed for 35 years . . h. of Youthful folly by iyT T and the expesses L'cssfully. MS TbZ'3 V (' later years. antced to cure all L 1m J Givcs immediate. [orais of Nervous %Sj strength andvig Weakness, Lfiyfik, or. Ask druggista slons. Sperma ■wUKwtmKÊ ifor Wood's l'hos rhea. ImDotency,i„T'"re J"„ . l"" phodine; takeno and all the eff ectaZ-IÍMBubstltute. One package, $1; elx, $5, by mail, Wrlte for pumpbleL. Address The Wood Chemical Co., 131 Woodward iVü., Detroit, Micii. EBERBACH &SONS,ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A"nTT?Q TRY DR. LEDUC'S " PE J-jA-U-LüiO KIODH'AI," I'II.I.S fromI'ari, Frailee. Established iu Europe 1839, Canada iu Is7.s. For Buppressions, Irreiailarities, and Mopthly Deraugements. A reliable monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any druppist, $'2. American Pili Co., Proprieton-. Spencer, lowa. Robert Siephensoii & Co.T wholesaie ageuts, and all other drugjrists tn Ann Arbor. These pills are warranted to briug ou the " change. -- lS) Hniip Hittp fortune hnr e hfcii mnUt -(■mLiJO Qk wink lor ii', by Anua l'upe, AuMin, BSratHM IVxai., ntxl Jni'i. Bonn. Toledo, Ohlo. ■pHKjijkH Hler cui. Otherstireciuiupuwell. Why T WTOfVQ'lH11"' ym? Some en ni -r fbiHt.Wi t%. 7 KB"""ili. Voiirondulhenoikandliv ( Atlfk. qHJBvmI lióme, %tirrever yon nre. Kven bf ■Xy BWBJp'piniieM uro eily eínniíijr f rom 1 5 to Ls Cm XSÊb 1"a''.v-AlloirV8. We show jou how il tL. Èil3f3tt iid "tnrt ymi i'iin work in pnre limo J 1 d&xTf1 ' n II"' "" HiP nioney for workf (f _jj!laRi-M l'iilurc unkmiwt] iticnp them. mÈmÊmr'jm+ NKW Aiittwoiulerful. I'artk'ulnnfre. II. 11 uil et t.V '., i;i MïO rtirtlumi, M uiu j


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