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Mar. y people who prille themselves on tlu'ir blue blood would be far happier with pure blood; but, while we cannot choose our ancestors, rortonately, by the use ol Ayer'a Sareaparilla, we can transniit pure blood to our posterity. pcf$ Baking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. - Used in Millions of Homes - 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. ■ ,. Ko other baking powder does such worlc ' GRAND OPERA HOUSE ANN ARBOR, 0 WEONESDAY ANO inr OQ Oí] L Nignts thursdav. Apni a-du Family Matinee, Thursday at :! p. m. V THEGREAT AND ONLY V PROF. I). M. BRIBTOt8 EQUES-CÜRKICüLliM OA EDDCATBD HORSES QA O) MI' LES AND PON I ES OU John L. l'atrick, Uanager. Everything Vast, ColOMftli und Grand. 2S PEOPLE 25 rtTTTS ftTTTTT Uand n"d Orchcstru, U U iU U W JN Traiu of Palace curs and K r o, BS BSff WTBftTKï J-J dLí M W -j -:■--: THE FUNNIE8T MULÉ TIIAT WALK8. PriceB, - - 25( 35, and 50c. Children admltted to the matinee for2ó cents and glven a FKEK TONY RIDE KcserTed seats at Gruber's, Estáte of John Letts. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtellutt.BS. At u session of the Probate Court for the Countv of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate üttice 'iu the City oí Aun Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-flrst day oí April, in the year one thousand eight huudred and ninety-one. Present, J. Willard liabbitt, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the Estáte oí John l.etts, an incompetent. George Crowell the guardián of said ward, comes Tuto court and representa that he is prepared to render nis liual account as such guarThereupon it is ordered, that t'riday the fiftceuth day of May next, at ten o'elock in the asülgned for exanüniug and allowing 8uch account and that the uext of kin of aid ward, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, tuen to be holden at the l'robate Office, iu the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the suid accouut should not be allowed. And it is further ordered, that said guardián give notice to the persons interested In said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the heariiiK tlien-of, by cauglug a copy of this Order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a Dewspapei jirinted and circulated in sanl county tliree Bilcceraive ui-eks prevlous to t!ríí::;i"iuu,llM,!,T, Judge o! l'robate. W.M. (;. DOTV, Probate Register. NOTICE. nn ARBOB ( 'rrv. MICHIGAN, Office ok tuk Washtenaw Mutual Fije INSVHAM'E t CI.MI'ASY. Marfil 2S, 1881. We the underslened ditvctors of the New Washtenaw Mutual [nsurance Company deslre to state that whereas,vie have tliis day received trom the directora of the tonner Washtenaw Mutual iïre Insurance Company thesumof six hundred and elghty-two l(i-KK) dollars, a surplus f rom lust aasessmenl In ld tonner Washtenaw Uutual Flre Ensurance Company, the same belng In accordance wltha resoluüon unanimously adopted at the last annual meeting ol the present Washtenaw Mutual Pire Insurance Company held in the Court House In the city oi Ann Arbor, Jannary Mth. And iu fnrther accord witli suirt resolution then adopted wedealre t state that we are now prepared to pay over on demand al the office "f thfi company the pro rata sliarc of sncli surplus to any person or persons who eontributed thereto by payment of thelr last ment In thesald tormer Washtenaw Mutual Pire Insurance Company, suoh person or persons not havitiK been transferred or remsured in the present Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insaranoe Company. And we further state that the said pro rata share of such assessxnent to be so returned to all snch meintiers of the said former Washteoaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company who eontributed thereto by payment of tlu-ir asses8ment and did uot join the present Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company is onetenth of such assessment so paid by them ; the balance of snch surplus by us received to He and remaln the property of the present Washtenaw Mutal Fire Insurance l'ompany. JOHN F. SPAFARl), WM. K. 8TOCEING. KMOKY E. LELAND, ANDKKW T. HCGHES, WM. CAMPBELL, W.M. K. ('HILDS, Hoard of Directors. Real Estáte Notice. CiTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Wacht In the matter of the estáte of Flora A. Vanlawarker, minor. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of un order granted to the undersigned Guardian al laid Minor by the Hon. Judge of Probate íor the County of Washteuaw, on the thirtytirst day ol MÍinli. A. 1 . 1891, there will be sold at Public Vendne, to the highest bidder, ut the enst front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor in the county of Waahtenaw in 8aid state, on Frlday, the fifteenth day of May, A. IL. lx'.U. at ten oVlock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrance by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the Bale) all the riitht, tltle and interest of said Minor in and to the followiiiK described real 68tate,to-wlt : Lots one and twoand one rod in width of the north side of lot three, block Bve, south range five east. exceptlng thirty-two (8S) square rods off of the cast side of same; all in the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, Dated, March 81et, 1801. HERMAN KRAPF, (luardiun. Estáte of Herbeht M. Fkost. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Washtenaw, u. At a session of the Probate Court lor the Countv of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office In the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the twenty-elxth day of Mareh, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. Present, J. Wfllard Babbitt, Judge of ProIn the matter of the estáte of Herbert M Frost, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Williani s. Frost praylng that administration of suid ustate may be granted to Charles II. Worden or soine oth'er suituble person. Thereupon it Í8 ordered, that Monday, the twenty-seventh day of April ten o clock in the forenoon,bé anaiirned for the hearing of suid petition and that the heirs at law of ai deceued, and uil otber persons interested in Miid ust:itc, me required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Oflice, in the City of Ann Arbor and show caus.'.ifany therebe.why theprayerof thepetitioner shoiild not be gianted : And it is further ordered, that said petltioner glve notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a eopy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and olrcnlatlng in said County, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. [A true copy.l J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Piotate. W.M. G. DOTY, Probate Register. NoTICE TO CkEDITOKS. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 88. Noticc ia hereby (?iven, that by an order oí the Probate ('ourt for the County of Washtenaw.madc on the thirtcènth day of April, A. I). 1891, six months from that date were allowed for credltors to present their elaims againat the estáte of Alexander Winchell, late of said county deccased, and that all creditorg of said deceased are requircd to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, for examination and allowance.on orbeforethe thlrteenth day of October next, and that such claims will be heard before said ('ourt, on Monday, the thlrti-enth day of .luly and on Tuesday, the thirteenth lny of October ncxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said iluys. Pated, Auu Arbor, April lath. A. D. 1K91. J. WILLAKD BABlilTT. Judge of Probate. I lllÖ iNlIlll UOWELT, A COS Kewapaper AdvertiBlng Bureau (10 Spruce Etroct),wherenlvcr. BFUI lf flDI tislng contracta may MpIM VI IMK be made for it iuUkffl ÍUIllli


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Ann Arbor Courier