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COMMTSSIONERS' NoTICE. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County ol Waallij tenaw, . s. The underalgned havlng been appointed by the Probate Court for said (onnty, Connnissionera to recelve. examine and adjust all elaims and demanda of all persons agaiust the estáte of Herbert M. Frost, late of said county deceaaed, bereby givea notice that six montha from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court. for Creditora to present their claima againat the estáte of sald deceased, and that tney wil] meet at the store of E. A. Calkins, in the city of Ann Arbor, in aald county, on Mondaj the 27th day of July and on Tueaday the 27th day of October next at ten o'clock i. in. ol said daye, 10 recelve, examine and adjust aaid claims. Dated, April 27, 1891. E. A. CALKINS. ALVIN WIL8ET. Commlaaloners. Real Estáte Notick. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Waahtej kMia . ss. In the matter of the estáte of Flora A.Van. dawarker. minor. Notlce is hereby given that in pnrsmuiee of mi order tïranted to the underaigned Guardian oí said .Minor by the Ilon. Judge of Probate for the County of Wash tenaw, on the tliirtyliist day of Maren, A. D., 1891, there will be sold at Public Vendue. to the blghest bidder, ui the eaat frontdoor of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor in the county ofWashtenaw in sald state, on Friday, the flfteenth day of May, A. D., 1891, at ten o'cloek in the forenoorj of Hun day (subject to all encumbrancea by mortgage or otberwlae exlsting at the time of the Bale) all the right, tltle and Interest of said ulnori id to the f ollowlng deacrlbed real estáte, to-wit: Lots one and two and one rod in h idth of the north side of lot three, bloei; five. sonth range live cast, exceptlng thlrty-two (32) s. (nare roda ofl of the eaat side oí sume : üll in the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County. M Icb [gan. Dated, March 81at, 1891. HERMAN KRAPF, Uuardlan. RjMRSa íe().()O a yrar bcinir mndr by .Tohn R. -frí SBtJt Ooodwln,Troj,N.Y.i work for di. Kcadtr. lB" tfc yu mHy Ilot make as niucli, bilt wc inn BHi rfMt'""ch y"""'1 kl' lllllv toeam iM.m #.ri to Huaj AVílU s day at the nlnrt, and mor nu yon po fKW iBMLon Both seles, all ajifR. In nny pnrt of H' rJMAmerirn. you ran commence Ht lionie, (r'viH JÏWs r '"': a" 'our time.or spare nioments only to M mBÊt'W ""= Alüsnew. (real pay 8GKK f.r %S "?T"-y every worker. A Mnrt yon, íurnishhiir BJJf nerrthlng. l'.ASll.v. 8PEEDILT Icanieil. llrl I'AIITICL'LAÏS Il:r.K. Addreu at onre. V I- JarA_ SIi.s,. j CU., II1KTI..1MI, Ji.UM. THIS PiPiËRa!rn;. I IIBV I Hl kall itowELi. & Cos Kewapaper Advertlslng Bureau (10 Spruce ■■■■■■ ■%■%' tislugcontrantsraay Miaiif VflKK be made Xor it R&BÏ BÖIIIs Estáte of John Letts. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Washtenaw, 98. At a session of the l'robate Court for (he County oí Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Aun Arbor, 011 Tuesdaj . the twenty-first day of April, in the ye;ir one thousand eiiilu tumdred and ninety-oue. Present, J. Wllïard Babbltt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Éstate oí John Letts, au Incompetent. Georee Crowel) the guardián of suid ward, comea into court and representa that lic in prepared to render his final account as such guardián. Thereupon it is ordered. that Friday the fiflecnih ilay of Muy oext, at ten o'oloek in the assigned for examlnlng and allowtngsuch account and that the next of kin of sald ward, and all other persons Interested In sald estáte, are requlred 10 appearat a session of -:.l Court, then to be holden at the l'robate Office, In the City of Ann Arbor, and show eause, if any there be, why the sald account shoulu nut be allowea. And it .is further ordered, that Baid guardián jive notlce to the perrons Interested in sald estáte, of the pendency of suid account and the hearlng thereof , by oauslng a copyof this Order to be publlshea in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspajSer prlnted and clrculated In Bald county three euccessive weeks prevlous to sald day of hearing. (A tn'ie copy.) .1. V, II.LA III) BABBITT, Judge of l'robate. WM. G. iioty. Probate Register. NOTICE i" ( REDIT0E8. CTTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of YYashteOnaw, bs. Notice Is hefeby glven, i!.:it by au ordi the Probate Court for the County oi Washtenaw, made on the thlrteenth da oí April, A. D. 1891, six montlis from thal date n-c allowed for credltors to present their elalmti agalnsi the estateof Alexander Winchell, late oí s;mi i-oMTii' deceased, and that all credltofs of sald deceased are requlred to present thelr claims io saiil Probate Court, ai the l'robate Oiïiee in the city of Ann Arbor. for examintition and allowance.on or bef ore the thlrteenth day of OctOber next, anti thal BUCh claims wil] be heard before Bald Court, on Monday, the thlrteenth day oí Julj and on Tuesday, the thlrteenth day of Oetober next, at ten o'cloek in the forenooii of each of said davs. Dal. .1. mi Arbor. April I8th, A. il. is'H. .1. WILLARD BABBITT. Judge oí Probate. We farnfih ovcryihinfr. We atan yon. N. n k'. ÏMiMDderMi .. momntf, r :ill ymr umi1 to the irk. 'lhi-;-:iu entinlTiiflWlflBdindMngf wonderftil ■ucceu to vm worker. Beglnnflrs an earnlng from #'.i to ïio per week aml upwardt, ■d5 more rtil'T n ii:i!: experlenofl We ean Rirnlili yoo tht (mi .iii.l tea h V"H 1 UEE. No enn.-cto explaiii herc. Ku!l ,,. '..iiimnuii i au:. TI DE JL VO., Aiuibü, juiüii.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier