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EAW AS BEEF-STEAK. Baby's Fearful Suffering from Skin Disease Covering Entire Body Cured by Cuticura My baby was taken very sick when he was muiiths old. and in a u-w daya began breaking out. Wc employed both of the home irs and they could do nothlng for him. Then we sent for the best doctor in Eaton Raplds, Mieh., and he doctored him for two weeks, and he got v-' " -w worse all tlie time; njy =;V and then I tookhlm f . xa5&L?s' v to Jackaon, to a docmjffif s i t"1'u'1(l attenda eaÉir wvM íHcía'ly to skin dlí S3K",ll aeaaes, and then he ïl k .- - 8!H got ïyorse thai u A.1 y tryCuTicoBA Eeme ïLL r-' DIE8 ""■s wfty: iid pá 485 L. not bave any idea SSSR&i?'" yJ&ySü "lev wonld do any 'SSSBsL5-EsiÉïSi i-'ooil, lm t in les's "Xviíi-r?? ij,,,,, t, montha from the time we from the time we began giylng them to him he as entlrely well, and not a spot on him. J I is halr beean érowiiiff rlght off, and we tliought he wouïd alwaya be Bald-headed. There waa nui a Bpol on ola whole tunix-. face and hcad only hls nose and eyes, but what was raw as - eak, So poor thnt there was not anythlne but loney, and so weik he conld raise aeltfier hand nor head. Mïs. FKANK liAKKKTT, Wiufield, Mieh. O-u.tic-u.ra,; Eesolvent The new Blood and Skin Purlflerand greateat of Humor Remedies, Internally (to cleanae tlulilood of all lmpnrltlea, and thns remove the Cause,) and {Tucura, the great Skin ('ure. and Om i ra Soap. and equisite skin beautifler, to clear the skin and scalp and restore the hair. ïhus the (Tucura Remedies cure every species of itchlng, burnlng, scaly, plmply.and blotchy skin. scalp and blood dlseaaea, from pimples to scrofula. from infancy to age, when the best phyaiclana fail. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura. 30c.; 80AP, 25c.; RBSOLVBNT, $1.00. Prepared by the POTTBB DUUG A.ND CIIKMICAL CORPORATION, Boston. Ï.Send for"How to Cure Skin Dlaeasea," 64 pages, 50 illustrations audlUO testimoniáis. piPV'Q Skin and Scalp purifled and beautiDflDI 0 lied by CüTICUKA Soap. Absolutely pure. J RHEÜMATIC PAINST fjfi In onc minute the Cuticura Anti WC 1'ai.N" PLA8TEB relieves rheumatic, %J Bciatica, hip, kldney, ches t, and mus cular pains and nreaknesses. Price twenty-flve cents. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1378. S. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa froin which the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals -are used in its preparation. It has inore than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is theref ore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and adrnirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. HEADAQ1ES for CURED f1IEMKHEJRCCM -S-RJMSLMEDICINi G -LSA.micr..l..S" ' ' it EBERBACH & SOU, AKNJREOK. TRUCK and STORAGE Nowweare ready with a new Brick Storetiouae tor the storage oí Household Goods, Pianos, Books, Stovea, etc. PIANOS AXB HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Caire f is.ll 3T Eo-T7-e5.. All klnda of heavy and light Draying, FREIGHT WORK C. 33. GODFREY. 'Phone 83. Res. and Office 46 N. Pourth Ave. INSURANCE, REAL ESTATEand LOAN AGLNCY No. 2 Hamilton Block. ].:; ■■■. Firc and Accident Pollcles wrltten in First Cluss Companles. Hatos Low. Losses llberally adjuated and promptly pald. One hundrecl Lots in Hamilton Park Addition for sale on easy terms. - i Hours: From s a. m. to 12 m. and i to 5 p m. A. W. HAMILTON. For twenty-five years the exporionoe of milliona of Bnfferers, oíd and yount,', nial and feaaale, havo gratefuily endorsed the üi;aculuua virtuts of ThiB Pharmacentical Farr.dox of tlie Age A vitalizing etimu]ar:t without al cohoL A nerve sedativa without narcotica. A blood purifier without poisona. A liver eleanser. A purely vegetable tissue maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, eecretion, excretion. and respiration. A life-giving tonio, pura and simple, without the disastroua reactions of the deadly compounds of rum and alcohol usually sold as bitters. Was never fcnown before in the World. Its discovery amonpr the medicinal fruits, rool and herbs of California TVAS A MIBACIE, and their conibination into a phenomenal Ufegiving tonic A TRIUSTPH of the CHEMICAI, AKT. The only change made in the formula during twentv-five years has been to present it in two combinations. Th? old oriftinal remain UKPhanged, but being fitronger, more laxative and better. A tittw 'orín moroa(;reeobletoth3 taste and better adapted to and chiltlren, but comprising the same tonic proporties, is now inadu and the erlrncr tif the u-vrttl is chaUeiiytii to produce the equal of this TRULÏ & ONLY TEMPEEENCE BITTEBS KNOWN or to prodnee apurely vegetable bittern or medicina of any kind, whose action is at once bo saíe, so certaiu and comprehensivo as the CALIFORNIA VINEÜAR BITTEES, or any compound which from its varicd action upon the vital iunctions is equal to the CURE OF SO MAJtY DISEASES. Thcir name is lerton- Rhenmatism. Neuralgia, CatarrJi, Jaunrtine, j [duey Dist-ase. Scrofnla, 8kiii Diseasufl and Boils. Confinraption, Files and all disorders arising from indigestión, impure blood, nervous prostration, and dilnpidated constitution from any canse give way to it like miBt beforo tha eun. -while its singular power over TUE DEADLY MICROBE ASD OMNIPRESENT BACTERIA lndicates its snperiority in all diseases of malarial origin, and renderu it the EEST VERMIFUGE KNOWN. No family can aflbrd to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STYLE VINEOAR BITTERS In the house, as expressed by thonunds of te$Smonials. Bend for beautiful book. Address, It. B. IcDONALD DRUG CO., New VoiMT Fargtfs Shoes ramfly $% ("Box Tip" School Shoes ImVx for Boys and Girls. ?-?oV Heeled or Wedge Heel. f? Sv!Hgi!V Siies-8tolO!4 81.25 %V im& ito3 1.T5 FARGO'S Mk $2.50 Calf Shoe HtSvv for Gentlemen, wAi ppp - Uro nmicd by auy I W_Up ftQlr"7ïn AiiHTica nc tho R;imo RsVífc5r1wll,JLj(ií'prico. In Conirrc9H,IiiitfeUJ Sjgi ton and Lace. Men'sand Boy' ctH FARCO'S ml$2.BOLADIES'B00T I Ö& V Dongola or Goat, Button, yíj, v Opera, or Common Ssnse. fCflSie N. Tackless Biul Flexible, t jrS} A Warrnnted the most V 'iHinZT - Zf5? stylish and Servië Mtgm S8!1"11' iu Li"Uesoud Mtsea DUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTONI OF EVERY EHOE. Ask vour tlealer for Fiirjeo' Khor. If ba da Kop th.Mii s.;nd to ns and w reoelptot prtee. Bend postal for aoacriptiTO list. C. H. FAEGO & CO., Chicago, HL DOTY Sl FCINER, AGENTS, A.NK ARBOR. BÉel's Water Bad ! A very important invemiun whicb will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water 1 backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becom ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a rang.: can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in anv stove. Ask your stove dealer fnr Hutzel's Water Back Masón Sí Davis Co's. ranges fes1 sale at C. hberbach are providert with our naprovement, Evcrvbody rail and examine this useful invcntion. HUTZEL & CO., P'umbera and Steamfittfr. ANN ARBOR, - - MJCH MAAAA tyltl" Itm.!-rlk-tobrieffr tl' "1 ■ teachanyfairlyinle]liireutpT,nofeitheTW "ïS Im:i, wliocan ru.l aud rüe. and wb, 1,1 Marter imtniclion, wlll work induitrioiflT,. VU W Vliovvto enrn Thrre Thou.and Dolí. m Yearintheirown a]itie. herever ttu'y livp.I wü] alsofumish the wlikb youcan earn thatamount. No niuney for rae unleM aucceuful ai abuve. Kasily and quickljr leamed. I dnsiro bilt onO worker froni ach district orcoanty. 1 have already laught and provided with emplovmerit a laresDUinber, vvhu are making over 93000 a veareath lt'a XEH anü NOI.II. 1--H11 i, anicular Fit fclï. Ad.lren at onc. K. O, ALI.K.V. lUx 4ÏO, Aimü-lii, Miiiutgtoolc's Oottoaa. Boot iÊÈ$ COMPOUND I ïfirCoTTjDosed of Cotton Roí t. Tansy ana Lv yJ IVnnyroyal - a recent uiscovery by an tnonüUy- Safe. Kftettual. Price $1, by mail. sealed. Ladies, ask your dnurglot for Cook's Cotton Root Componnd and take tin substituto, or inolose 2 stamps for sealed pnrtiuulars Address FONI LiLy COMPANY. No. ó Fisher Block, 131 WooUward ave.. Detroit. Miota. ■Wood'S PVi ngjiVi rw -i-nn. THE GREAT EGIIbH REMEPV. Csed for 35 years - k of Vouthful folljby m and the exoessea L-cssfully. mm'3Ub'9T ' later yeara. anteed to cure alt -".TMT .J Giv-t immtuliatc formsof Nerrous JITsJ strenyth andvig Weakness, Kfltj or. Ask drupRlsts Blons, PEilP for Wood'e Phorhea. Impotency. "'.'7,1 Vr'' phodlne; taken nd all the elteM Pholo trom Life. .,ir,stitint On package, $1; slx, $5, by mail. Write for pamphlet. Address TlielWood Chemical Co., 131 Woodwar iït, Detroit, silch. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. t A TTTTC! TEY m:. i.i: nies -pk LjJXUXLiÍJ RIODICAL" PILLS from Paris, France. Egtablished in Europe ( anada in 187& Kor Suppresslons, [rregularlties, and Monthly I(Taiii-ri'i[i.'iii-. A relii monthly medicine. They alwaya relieve. Any druggist, fö. A.mericaD Pili (-.. Proprietors, . [owa. Robert Siephenson .'. wliok-A nu Al 'l to. ■il the " cha CET -HE PIRE INSURANCE $29,000,000 Securlty held for tl policy CHRÍSTI4N ifiCK Representa the toilowing flrst-c 'nies, il1 whicb one, -Ktna. bas aloue paid $65,000,UUO lire losses iu aixty-flve years: .Titiiu. of Hartford f.M!)2,6 Krnnklinof Philadelphia 8418,718 (iiTiiiiniiii. X. Y ■■■ 2,780,7 Germán, American, N. Y 4.(165,96 Londou Assurance. London 1.1 '■ an F. & M., Detroit 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N'. Y á,r96,676 Satioual. Hartford l.774ft Phcenix, Brooklyu :!,759,036 Losses liberallyFadJiiBted and promptly paid. - Issued at the lowest ratesof premium. U91tf Mlif oS.ïl I tuËaBW this paper, orobtim ostimstM - -co wf'gn n Chicago, wi:l frnd it on iile at


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