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EAW ÍS BKF-ÜBAL Baby's Fearful Suffering fiom Skin Disease Covering Entire Body Cured by Cuticura My baby was taken very sick when he was three mouths old, and in a ít;v days began breaking out. We employed both of the home doctors and they could do nothing for him Then we sent fór the best doctor in Eaton Rapldg, MIch., and he doctored him for two a weeks, and he got v"" -=S worse all the time; SjY "sV Bad then I took him Í. , -j==SL to Jackson, to adoeW.M' torwno atteuds esfS wïiai Pecl"" t skin li(& fenjl HeUHLI;i' aI'd then he jB v ■ - S Kot worse than ever. U ó!) tryCi'Tict'RA Remei jeS} t-f dim any way; did igA Rr 1T not have any Idea btvmii ?" . j&fe they H'onld do any SS-saSÍ K,, but in K- -qhii r irirj than two montlis from the time we from the time we began glrlng them to him lie was entirely well. and not a spot on him. His hair beKim growing right off, and we thouxht he would nluiiys Be bald-headed. There not a spot on li ís whole body, face and licnd onlvhls aose and eyes.butwhat was raw as teak, Sopoor tliat there was not anything bul lionc-s. nnd so weak he could raise nelther liüiul nor hend. MKS. 1UANK BAKRETT, Wlnfleld, Mich. Oiatic-ara,; ISesolexit The n ev lilood and skin Purifler and greatest ui Humor Remedies, internally (to cleanse the blood of all Empurltles, and thua remove the ka, the great skin Cure, and Coticuba Soap. and equlslte skin beautlfler, to clear the skin and sculp and restore the hair. Thus the CUTICDBA Remkdiks cure every species of ltcliing, buruing, scalv, pimply. and blotchy skin, scalp and blood dlseases, from pidiules to scrofula, from infancy to age, when tlie best physioians fail. Sold everywhere. Price, Cutici'ra, 50e.; Soap, 25c. ; KE8OLVINT, $1.00. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. lU-Send for" IIow to Cure Skin Diseases," W pages, 50 illustrations and 100 testimoniáis. DIPV'O Skin and Scalp purifled and beautiDÍÍDI 0 fled by Cuticlra Soap. Absolutely pure. js RHEUMATIC PAINS. ëjrt In ouo minute the Cutk.'UHa A.vtijA Pain Plabtbb relieves rheumatic, # Bciatica, liiji. kidncy, cheat.and mnseular pains and weaïnesses. Priee twenty-five cents. GOLD HE2AL, PARIS, 1278. Ï. Baker & Cos yr63Ki8Sf Gocoa from which the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Jure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparadora. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily DIGESTED, aud admirably adapted for invalida as -vell as for persons in health. Sotd by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. hmSachk fos 2c. CURED ? fLkCrséü ( SOLD BY.flRUfi.WrW "VI SAT.I2 rv F.BERBACH A f (5, N iErOK. TRUCK and SÏORAGE Now we are ready with a Brlck storehouse ir the storage of Household (iooils, Planos, liooks. Stovea, etc. PIANOS AIKO HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Cs.xef1j.ll3r Moved. All kinds of heavy and liirht Draj FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY. 'Phono . Res. and Office 46 N. Fonrth Ave. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCYj No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Fire and Accident Policios ritten In fflrst Class Companies. Ratea Lom. Losses iberally adjnsted and promptly ]aid. One lundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addition for sale on easy terms. OrFICE HoüES: From 8 a. m. to 12 m.and 2 O 5 p 111. A. W. HAMILTON. YjïEÖiiiTTtDt Por twenty-Sve ver,", tbfl eipertenoo of milliona of Fnfferere, oíd and yoniíir, milr &ad témale, havo grateíully eüiorsed uie mlraculuaa vlrtuta oí Tliis Phannacectical Panüfox of the A-a A ■nzaiiziriz stinralant without al cchoL A n6rve sedativa without narcotica. A blood purifler withovt poisong. A liver eleanser. A purely vegetable tiacue-niaker, rromoting j digestión, nutrition, Becretion, e-creticn and respixation. A life-givir -; tonic, pure and sim plo, without tho disastrouo reactions of tha deadly compoundo of rum and alcohol tisually sold as bitters. Was never known fcsfora la the World. Its diBcovery amoER tho medicinal fruita, roo( ana herbs of California WAS A MIRACLE, and their combination iato a phenomenal llf. giving tonic A TKIüMPH of the CHEMICAL ABT. ' The only change made in tb formula during twcnty ftve yeara bas been to preBcut ít in two combiuations. The oíd orifHnnl remain UHchanped, but being etronger, more laxativo aud better. A neto form moro agreeable to th3 taste and better adapted to dvlicntrtcomm nnl children, but compriBing the aame touic properties, ia now made and the vcirnceof the tcorid is chalUnntU to producá the equal of this TEÜLY i OSLY TEMPEnENCE DITTEES KNOWH or to produceapurely vegetable bitters or medicine of any kind. whose action is at onco so Bafe, so coptain and comprehensivo as the CALIFORiïIA VINEGAR BITTEP.S, or any componnd which from its vsried action upoii the vital íunctions is equal to tho CURE OF 80 MANY DISEASE3. ThfT name is letrton- Rhpumatism. Nuralsia. Oatarrli, Jaundir!-, Kírtnoy Discase. ScrofDla, Bkln Iíiseases and Boiis. Cousumption, Piles and all di3orders arising from indigestión, impuro blood nervoru prostration, and dilapidated coijstitutif"' from r.ny cause give way to it lite mist before tha 6uu. while its singular power over TUE DEADLY MICROBE ASD OMXLPRESEST BAC'l EEIA indicatcs its pupcriority in all discaees of malarial origiu, ünd renderu it ths EEST VERJJIFÜGE KNOWX. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AXD NEW STYLE VINEGAR BITTERS In the houw, aa expressed by thonsanda of tetixnonials. Send for beautiful book. Addresa II. H. McDO.VALO DRUQ CO. ' New YorP Sho@s ramfly wTPï FARCO'S Plf "Box Tip" School Shoes [:S% for Bys and Girls. , v eeled or Wedge Heel. F SVS$V. Sizes-8to 1054 81.25 I-,.. 0jrrïvF llt0l3 1-co ■BBit. ' "V Ito3 1.75 BEÏ-- gj,to 6ii .00 ïnöT FARGO'S H V $2-50 Caf shoa ffíK for Gentlemen. f wA fg-_S Unequaled by any ehoo jkj,F ÏTrtC" fr Amorica at the sauie .pricp. In C'ontrreMH, Huti' ' ü h é ■■' ' ion ftiiï I.iu-f. Men'sujid Boy 's sizts. cfl FARGO'S W, ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT Icíífi X Don8ola or Button, ftVe Opera, or Common Sense. ÍÍRflX-SX Tatklesi and Flexible. l CPU LiKTSV Wamuitwl ibe mo=t ffiliJ vSiiSiÍMadclnladle5a!idM;a.-i DUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOM OF EVERY SliOE. bí, ,3fUmdca!erfor Farro' Shoo. IL ba cu receiptí prk-e. Smid pMtal far ileaeriptive i:,t. O. H. PAEGO & CO., Ciiicaaro, HL DOTY & FEINER, AGKNTS. - ANN ARBOR. 'M. & H." WRITING TABLETS. The Hundsomeöt, Most Economical, and BEST muthod of putting up W riting Papera for home and office use. Get them from your Stationer, or wnd direct to the Miiuufacturers, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 536 & 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. N. H.- A Handsome Tablet tuitable for Polite Correspondexice malled for Ttoenty-Fivi Cents, Hitó Water Back ! A very important inventiun rhich will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hDt water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded n pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediinents which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and v.i great man y nstances becorniiig dangerous. The otitlay of dollars is reducd to dimes. No household using a rarge can afford to be without it. JN'o more tronble by using city water for hot water 'irculation. Can be sed ín any stove. Ask your stove deaier for Hutzel's Water Back. Masón & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useftil invention. HTJTZEL & CO., Plumberí and Steamfitteri, ANN ARBOR, - - MfrH AAAAA k HAK! I undfrtake to brfelly ti III teachnylairlTiiite]ii'riiti.r.iioreillirr E I I. -i, lloran reod and rite, and who, t.M ■ 1 I I later InitnicUon.wlU work iiuliutrioiuly, WWW V W11..W to earn lliree ThuM.ind Bollara Yearntheiriwn !--aüie-.n h.pv.-rthey live. I wil! alsoftimiih tbe fituiitian orein!.iyiniin.a; which voucaaeam thatamouut. No money fwr tur unlres succt-Bsfu] aaaborc. Easilyanü quickly learaed. I deire lint une worker (rom eacb dislríit orcoanty. I havealready laupht flnd provided with eniplovmrnt a lariío nnmbtr, wli.. are niakins ore! 000 Trarearfi. It's EW añil SOI. I I. Knll i.artioul.rsritteE. Addrenn at once, i:. C, AJM.IO.V. Uux jïo, Au(etm, Muine, && COMPOUND D y!Comnosed of Cotton Ror.i. Tansy and 7 vJ Pennyroyal- a recent diseovery fcy au montIUy- Safe, Effectual. Prioe j-1, bj mail, Bealed. Ladies, ask your dru.-'ist for'Cook's Cotton Root Compound and take no suhstitute, or inolose ' stamps for sealed particulars Address POND L1LY COMPANY. .v. :j Fkher Blocï, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mich. Csed for 35 years st. "-- "- "' Youthfnl folly by tb and the excesses uessfully. HX)SV ;f later years. antced to cure all Ta.lm S Givrs immediate forms of Nervoua NlySÍy strenath andvigWeakness, Fmis-KSLrjfiL ur. Aak drugglata, slons, ■■■i for Wood's ï'hosrhea, ImDotency, '''"" " '}" phodine; takeno and all thHpfracm fnoto rrom Llf e. „i,iiglif„la One package, $1; Blx, 5. by mail, Wrlte for pampblet. Address The.Wood Cbeuilcal Co.. 131 Woodward ïve, Detroit, Slicli. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A TMnCC! TKY DB.LEDUC'8 LjJUjlltJ RIODICAl" PILLS from l'aris, France. Batobllshed in Europe 18394 Canada in 1878. For Suppressions, Irregularitien. mul Monthly Derangemeuts, A reliable inouthly mediciue. They always relieve. Any drupgist, 2. American Pili Co., Proprietor9, Spencer, lowa. Robert Siephenson & Co., wnolesale ageuts. and all other druggista ín Aun Arbor. These pills are warranted to brlng on the " change. CET THE PEST FIRE INSURANCE i&29,OOO,OOO Becurity held for the protection of the pollcy CHRiSTÜ mACK Represente the followlng firrtt-i'luss companies, ol whicb one, the Etna. has alone patd m.ixki.ihU flre loüseá in sixts -flve 5 1 . Etna, ol Hartford $9,iffl.(M4 Pranklin of Phlladelphla ::. ■:■ anla, N. Y 2.700,729 Germán, American, N. Y 4.v London Aasurance. Londou 1 .-116,786 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 887608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2..-)9(i,676 Niii idiinl, Hartford 1,71 Pbcenix, Brooklyn ' UI erall; adjueted and promptly paid, Policiea l8AUed it 1. ::tc of pr imum. ll'.Utf m ■4hB]l Ml Jfnn bMnidatHir]BWKiterfwrk, IVb 1 L 12 I I ow.. l..,hti.,vliiT.vtilny!..l. A.y B 1 1 y I M ■ I cue cnii io ihr nurk. Ea tu lom. Y.v fun.i-li We Un tou. Nu risk. Yon culi .U-vot your Hrf iiicnufnta, or all jour time lo the wurk. '1 hi l In in'.ir. y ni'W Imii.ainl Ininga woudcrful : : ■ iker. Begfnnen ar uming froin #- to ifOO pwwTCk nl ui mos, anil more arter n little exjierience. We can fiirnish you Ihe eniploTHMOt and tedch yoa VtíV.R. No npoceto esj.lain here. Full K lim FimK. TBl'E t 'O., AieiSTA, Ulilt. ramas Kïii-on advertising spaco when in Chicago, will fmd it . , 45 to49 Randolph St., ■ ama a wii[; y theAdvertiii-.gAfiencyof LUlttM & $WUi'' ' '- ■M 96000. 00 a r f ar ia hclng m. br John R &j Hm Goudwin,Truv,N.V.,al work tor hb. K.aiUr, KKfc yu nia-v not make ns much, but we can wi mV tlO lay at the ttart, and more ms yon pi IPWy HJflLon Both sexes u I ny part of ■■ PAmericí, you can commtnce at home, fjiv■ jdfc. Tg'"g I' your time.or spare moment onlyto m MSKW tlK' AllUnew. Great pay Stltr.'r fc.PJr ever' erker. Wo Btnrt you, furnishinir fffc ■■ÉT vcrythinp. F.ASILY, SI'EEDILï leametT. CTPV FAlilRLLAJi-S FKEE. Addrets at once,


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