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A Michigan Central Employé Wins His His Case, after Seven Years' Contest. Whlle employed as ageni ofl the Michigan Central Railroad Cqmpany ■'i Augusta, Mich., my kidneya became dlseased, and from an [mproverIshed and Impure state oí the blood my general healtb was entirely undertnined. I consultad the leading phyglcian df thisclty .-111(1 Aun Arbor, and all pronounced my case Bright's disease. in October last. i began taking Hiiibard'a Rheumatic Syrup, and am to(lay ani a well man. It afforda me pleasure to render euffering humanity any g 1 Khai i cant,and i wish to say tbat i tiiink it the greate8i blood.kidncy and livor medicine ti tlio world. E. LABZILERE. Agent M. ('. R. T., Albion, .Mich. Soid by íll druggists. Prepared only .1 .v Charles Wrighi Medicine Co., Detroit, .Mich. Wlll hot go, and so must be put out ( as. Where they have a white elephant on hand- ín Siam. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world orCuts, Brnises, Sores, Ulcero, Ball Rheum, Feyer Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Cotns, and all skin Ernptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satistaction, or money refunded. Pnce 26cent8 per box. For .sale by Eberbach & Sons. Do business up to dote- Telegraph operators. iv nu old mini and Inivp' 'in'i'ii a constant sufferer wlth catarrh for the last ten years. I mu i'iitiivly curi'il ly the use of 1 li.-ihii. ii festrange thal so simple a reniedy uill cure such a Btubboro disease.- Henry Bllllngs, e. s. Pension Att'y, Washington, D. 0 FOX EIQHT yeara i have Buffered trom ea. tarrh, whleh affected my eves and hearing; mployed man; physlclans witho i .mi ihu on my second bottle of Ely's Cream Halm. and feel oonfldent of a complete cure.- Mary C. Thomp ordo, 111


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