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Newberry Hall

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Ann Arbor. June 9th, 1891. Mr. Editor:-! destre a amaU portion of your space this week, in whlch to nwik:' a 'brief statement of onr finalices and a f nal appeal fur fnndfi wlth whlch to meet onr indebtedneaa. To finish the building will cost about if.3,000, and to finish paying for tho chaira and Bome needed furnlture about $500 more. That the building will be acredil to the Oniversity and city can admit oí no doubt. Tliat there lias long been need of bucü a building here all will aeknowledge. Tho following letter also goes to prove U: Detroit Journal:- Inclosed pleaee find my order for fifiy (50) cents. It is all i can spare. Althoogh aprlson■i- bcliind these horrid bare and wails, ! (nik back -trom my prison (■.■11 to niy youmg BChoolfooy ilays in Ann Arbor Bind am eompelled t say. how mucli lin rent would my past ïife biave been h a building was there 20 years ago. The chrisiian Infiuenees whlch are spread around 1 1 1 - ■ siu:ents have inucli to do wlth theiir future suc in Ïife. Tli!' absence of tlia: Influence lias brought many a good, noble young man to just such a posltlon as I nnw occupy. Wit 1 1 best wishes for its suct-ess, i am, Respectfully, No. 4789. Jaekson. June 3, 1891. The feeling, I belleve, is universal thai the bulldlnx has stood long enough nnfinislied. and it sh uld be put in Bbape to be used at once. Wiüio it -vill be nnder the cootrol of the GbrJfiitian assoeiatlon, it is for the b'.n'fit and use cif every student or vin.v one eise u lm Avill avall hlmself of i li ■ advantages oifered. Although the work will not be quite finish', d. the board of trustees have il eiileil tu dedícate the building on Siniilay. Jume 21st, at I p. in. 1 is l!:i]n-(l tha! we will be able to ralse i:: pledges i he amount needed to cancel all indebiedness, befure the hour of dedicatlom. This should not be a diffienlt thinir to do. There ought to be 1,000 persons in this city who will kiv? on an average $3 wliich would help us out. If yon cannot glve a large sum, a smal] one will be very acceptablo. If yon cannot pay HOW, glv us a pledge payaible in 60 or 90 days or exen on or beforo Jan. 1. Isiil'. Ij is Impoesible for me to aak you all personally, so don't walt to be seen, lmt sfiid me your contributions imniK-diately. Any suin however large or smaii will ho highly appreclated. It is a roatter ia which the old and young eau assist. Fill oñe of the blanks. ent out and sead at once. IVc must have thein by ■jiturday. June 20tli. $ 189 Por the purpooe of aldlng the stuChristia'ii BSOClatlOO of the . Rity of Micliigan, in finishiiifr Xewberry liall. I promisp to pay to the treasurer of tke board of trustees of the association at Ann Arbor th' sum of Dollars. Name. Address Due To nssU;t tli Students' Christian issociition of the I'niversity of waai m lurniMliinir tlie auüienco-room of Newberry bafi with comfortable aeating, I hereby agree bo p.-iy tor laeembly ohairg, the cost of each chair o be three dollars and fifiv (■■nts. Payment to Ik' made on or before Nflme. Address A. E. .7c!iniii-s, 27 11. Ann Bt., Ann Vrbor, Mieh.


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Ann Arbor Courier