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IDO -5TOTT ZKZIIXrO-7' Hk-j& sic =y5S vrujpi JSt p IS SKLLING . Wall Paper CHEAPEH TIIAX ANY OTHER HOUSE IX TUK CITY.' LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING PRIGES: Best papers -at ó, 6, 7, and Sc. Best Gilt Papers 10, 12, loc. Heavy Embossed Papers 18, 20,25c. We have the most Complete Stoek of Fine Deeorations in the City. Remember we have the Bjst Decorators in our.employ. Window Shades Made 1 Hung to Order CiET OVK PRICES. GEOEGE "VHCIR, PHOKSELLER AND WALL PAPER. CARTEFfSÏ CURE Kick Hoadaihe and reliovo all tho troublfls incfdent to a bilioua state tf the systom, sucli a3 Pizzinesa, Nausea, Drowsiiiesa, Distresa after e&ting, Falc In tho Sido, te Vhilo tUeirtaosf; remarkablo euccese haö boen ehown in curins; SÍCK üoadacbe, yet Cartcr'a Littlo Liver Pilla ara i cqually valuablo in Constipation, curing and venting tuis annoy ing couplaiiit.while they also correct all disorders of tho u tomach.stimulate the liver and regúlate, the bowels. Even if they only cured gn m MPWi Lj& UFL HEAD Achötbcy wouldboalmostpricelopatothosewbo suffer f rom this diatrssing coiaplaint; btfl f ortunately thcirgoodnesa does notend bero.aiid thosa ■whoöncetry them wÜl find these littlepillsvahifible in somany wayathat they will nut bo willing to do without them. But after alleick head ACHE Is tho bano of so m.iny lives that here Ís where wemake our great boast. Cur pills cure it whilo othor3 do not. Cartcr's Littlo Lïver Pili? are very small and vcry easy to take. Oue or two pilla niakea dose. They are strictly vcntablo and do not gripe or purge, but by tlicir gcutle action picase all who usothem. In vialaat 25 cents ; flvefor$l. Sold by druggiata everywh-e, or ent by mail. CARTER fWEDIClNE CO., Nev York. SMALL PUL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICE VÜTOOF MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. "WnikiH'M, Ni-rvoumu'iHN, Deblllty. and all the train of evils from earty error orlater excesaes, the resulta of overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Full Btrength, development, and tune elven to every organ and portiun of the body. Simple, natural methods. Imraedlate improvement seen. Failure lmposBible. 2,0ü0 references. liuuk, explanationa and prfxtfa mailed (sealed) free. Addrees CRIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. FORMEN ONLY YOUNG MENOLD MEN 0. OET IN THE TOILS OF THE SERPEKTS OF DISEASE. K) They make heroic tfforts to free themlelvet, " lé?-, ut nt knowlng bow to laccetifully s-VS. fV.JSHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES 0iw-jL they give np tn despkir and link into tin mrly ft NJ ' N. prfc WhituXBSOBllhercUUEirü iwlMoAOÜR NEW BOOK JS.Vt' ATV VÏLH4J i.nt tr. popid, (.fald) L_7XL' LK)f ft forllmltedtlni."ipli"' V-Ü-N Y-7'sffl thephiloíophyofDiienI 77-) V l-'rv end Afflictlom of the V-(lltKV?' Orgamof Mn, mdhowby jll1VrVbf HOME TR E ATM ENT, ' IZK YZA rlibymethodieiciniivelyoiir U-V Wl(l-' loit or Faillng M.nhood. "ÍSCC&Kp 'L General and KJTf"„d"" ■ [ and Mind, Ellecti of Erron or Ezcenet, stanted or Bhrnnken Organ run be Cared. Beneflti_ In a dayBowtoEnlareandStrenKthenWEAK.ÜNDEVELOPEp OROAN8 4 PARTS of BODY made plain to all intereited. Men testifv from 50 Statoa, Terrilorie. and Por.icn Counlnei. Tou n writ th.'m. Fnr l!ook,fullelplnli"nancl proofi. a.l Jress ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO.N.Y.


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