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A SCROFÜLOÜS BOY Running Sores Covered Hia Body and Head Bones Affected. Cured by Cuticura Remedies. When six montha oíd, the lcft hand of our Uttle grandchlld began toswell, and hadevery nppenrance of a lai'ife boíl. We poultlced It, hut all to no purpose. About Uve months after it became a running eore. Soon othei sores formed. He then liad two of tlK'in on eacb hand. and iiis blood became more and more Impure, it took lesa timcfor tbem to break dut. A sorc carne on the chin, beneatn the ander lip which was very offenslve. IÍ i.s bead w as solid scab, Larglng a great deal. Thia was iiis condltlon at twenty-two montha oíd, when Ï undcrtook the care of him,bU motli. t bavlng dled when he was a Httle more thun a ve:ir oíd. of consumptlon (acrofula, of course). He could walk a llttle, but could not get up U tu.' fell down. and could not move H hen In'bed, having no ose of bis bands. I Immediately commenced with the Cdticcejí Remedies, isin.' nll freely. One aore after another healed, a )ony matter forxning Ín each one of theae Ove deep onea Just before healing, whlcb would íinallv KroW loóse and were taken out; then they ould heal rapidly. One of these ugly bone formations I preserved. After tating a dozen and a half bottlea he was conipletely cured, and [anowtat the age of six yeara. a Btrongandliealthyehild. Mi-.s.K.S.DKIGGS. Mav .k !l i;iic. Clay 8 1., Bloomington, 111. My gTandson remains perfectly well. No signe c Bcrofnlaand no sores. ME8. E. 8. DRIGG8, Feb. 7. 1890. Bloomington, 111. Ovi.tlct3.ra, Kesolvent The new Blood Purlfler. intrrnallv (toeleanse the blood of all impurities and poison elementgand thue remove the eauae,) and Cuticr ka, the ereat kiu (ure. and Ctticura Soap, au exqulsite skin beantlfler, ezternally to cluiir the skin and BCalp and restore tho hair. (!ure every disease of the skin and blood, from pimples to scrofula. Sold every where. Priee, Cl'TICURA, 50c; Soap. 25c.: Resolvent, $1.00. Prepared by the l'OTTEK DEDO AND CHEMICAL COKPOBATION, Boston. Send for " How to Cure Skin Diaeases." 64 pages, 50 illustrations and 100 testimoniáis. QAQV'O ski" "'"' scalp purified and beautiD0D1 ö lied by (JiTiciitA Soap. Absolutely pure. jfc RHEÜMATÍG PAINS. MjÊrf In one minute the Cuticura Anti Ra Pain 1'i.aster relieves rheumatic, %J sciaticn. hip, kidney. ehest, and mus cular paius aud weaknesses. l'rirr twenty-five cents. GOLD IZ3DAL, PABIS, 1878. Ï. Baker & Co.'s oí63KT3Sf Gocoa frora which the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is theref ore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cu}). It is delicious, nourishing, strcugthening, easily Digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorehesfer, Mass. HEAO&1ES for 25c CURED "'O Ti SAT.B Er EBERBACH & JO, KK iEFOK. TRUCK and STORAGE Xow we are ready with a new Iirick Storehouse for the stornge of Household Uoods, Pianos, liooks, Stoves, etc. PIANOS ASO HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS All kinds of heavy and light Draytng. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone 83. Res. and Ofliee 40 X. Fourth Aye. BAKIZiTOSf'B INSURANCE, REAL [SUTE and LOAN SGENCÏ No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Fire and Accident Policies written in First Class Companies. Rates Low. Losses liberally adjnsted and promptly paid. One hundred Lots n Hamilton Park Addition for sale on easy terms. Office Hours: From 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to Op m. A. W. HAMILTON. For twenty-five years the expe-ien -e of milliona of sufferers, old and youn:.', male a::! female, havj gratefuJly endorsed the üiiraculoua ;rtueb of This Pliannaceuticül Paradoz of the Igo A vitalizing etimulant witliout al cohoL A nerve sedativa witliouí narcotica. A. blood p-oriñcr without poisons. A liver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, prcinoting digestión, nutrition, secivtion, ejrcretion and respiration. Alife-giving tonic, puro cnd simple, without tho disastrous reactions cf the deadly eompounds of rum and elsobol U3ually sold as bittere. Was never taown tefore In the World. Ita discovery amone íhe medicinal fruits, rooi and herbs of Caüfornia WAS A MIRACLE, and their conibination into a phenomenal llfogiving tonic A TRIUMPH of the CHEMICAI, ART. Tho only chango made in the formula during twenty-flve yeara haB been to present it in two combinations. The old oriqinal pemain TlRrhanged, hut being etronger, moro laxativo and better. A netc J'orm more agreeable to tha taste and better adapted to delicate tvornen anrl rhiltiren, but cornprising the same tonic properties, is now made and tho firipjicti of the tcorld is chulUnyed to produce the equal of this TEULY & OXLY TEMPÉRENTE BITTERS KNOWN or to produceapurely vegetable bitters or medicine of any kind. whose action ia at once tso eafe, ao certain aud comprehensivo as the CALIFORMA TIMBOAB BITTERS, or any compound -whirh from its varied action Ufon the vital íunctions is equal to the CURE OF SO MANY DISEASES. Their name ia legión - Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Catarrh, Jaundice, Kidney Disease, Scrofula, Skin DiHeafes and Boila. Consuraption, JPilesand all disorders arisinR from indigestión, iiupure blood, nervous prostration, and dilnpidated constitutioa from ftuy canse pive way to it like mist before the sim, vhile its sinpnlar power over THE DEADLY MICROBE ASD OMKIPRESEST BACTEIilA indicatcs its nuperiority in all diseases of malarial origin, and rendtra it the BEST YERMIFÜGE KNOWN. INo family can allord to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STYLE VTNEGAR BITTERa In the house, as erpressed by thonsands of testimoniáis. Send for beautiful book, Addresa, R. H. JHcDONALD DRUG CO., New Yor Fargtfs Shoes Pamly _n farco's Tgg Í "Box Tip" School Shoes I Stv for Boys and Girls. ?-SÓ Heeled or Wed9e HeelP ÖVifiS Slzes-8tolOH 81.25 1 'ÖPtÏpTA. Htol3K 1-50 gr- ■- ' lirU Ito3 1.75 &WR FARCO'S )M $2.50 Calf Shoe vv for Gentlemen. i wAgb--Ny ti, Cnequalel by any plioe '"UF tSTy'Mn AiiKjiica at the samo BPq=yahU&' ■iapiico. f ti l'onicre- , Hut - ■flM -rv, ton and Iacc. Meu'saud Boy's.sizt1. Cn FARGO'S ll$2.50LADIES'BOOT f Ss . Dongola or Goat, Button. ■ Xve Opera, or Common Sense. Í Cftv&e Tackless and Flexible. t - .Btylish umi Bervtceablo 'öT JssiMa'lv'oLadiesaiidtosscï OUR NAME 18 ON THE BOTTOM OF EVERY SHOE. Askyour dealer for Fnrgo'a shoc. If he does not reïel "of" rfi'e "8 aud ,we v'iU L''r".isl. rou a iür od O. H.llpAIÍGOP&'ca,aChiIcao1Í'tÍU. DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANK AR130R. ;7m. & h: WRITING TABLETS. The Hitntlsomost. Most Kconomieal. and BEST inetliod of putting up Writing Papers for home and oflice use. Get them trom yonr htationer, or send direct to the Manniactnrers, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 536 & 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. X. b.- A Haudsome tablet suitable for Polite t'r)rri.'i;ioiKU'iK'(-1 malled for 7 Bntzd's Water Back ! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles ! of extrarting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoming dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvernent. Everybody cali and examine thia useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Plumbers and Steamfitttrs. ANN ARBOR. - - MICH 4% J% Jfc Jfc t A YEAII ! I undertake to brleflr II' "II Illenchaiiyfairlyintelliet-ntMtrsonofeilher X llui, lioxn r.iul and rite, and who, Illl! I lafliT inltruetion.ivill vvork induftriously, %r W V Vh,. 10 eam lhree Tiioutand Dollar a Year in theirown'-H aliñes. wherfvertheylive.I win alsofumilh the which youcan earn thatamount. No money fur me unlt-sa suceegsful asauove. Kasilyand quickly leamed. I deure hut one worker trom each district orcounty. I have already laugtit nnd provided with employment a largo notnber, who are making over #S(HM) a yrareach. ItsNEV and .SOI.II. Full particular Fit EE. Adtlrefs at once. K. O, AI.LE.V. Box Jïli, A iiiittu, Muii.i . Xrtoo3gs Cottoa Boot iËÊÊt COMPOUND I PiComDosed of Cottou Root, Tansy and % y y3 Pennyroyal- a recent discover? by an i_Jold physician. is succowfuUy used montlUy- Safe, Effectual. Price 81, by mail, eealed. Ladies, ask your drucjrist for Cook' Cotton Root Compound and take no substituto, or inclose 2 stampa for sealed piirticulars Ad-dresa POM) LILY company. Na. 8 Fiaher Blook, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mich. ■W"oo3L's Ph.osp!h.ocLirLe. THE GREAT F.(;LISH BEMEBY. Vaei for 35 years, -c. .fc of Youthful foliy by xyml and the exresses oessfully. Mf sStjf "t later yeara. tinteed lo cure 11 WJWTJ (Hvcs immedíate forms or Nervous CÜySJ strength and víaWeakness. KiflLjP. or. Ask drugRlsts slons, ■■■w for Wood's I'hosrhea. IniDotency.l"'1"'" phodlne; takeno andalltheeirei-ts'1 ''Oto from Life. y„tlcrn..,;„ 0n9 package, tl; sli, $6. by mail, Wrlte for pamphlet. Address TheiWood Chemical Co.. 131 Woodward ive., Uetruit, Jllch. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS, T AT.TTTQ TRY DR. LEDUC'S "PE■L-IXi.X-'XjllO RIODICAL" PILLS from Taris. Franee. Eatabllshed In Bnrope Canada in 1878. Kor sujipressions, Irri-jrnlaritie, and Monthly Dcrangements. A reliable monthly medicine. Theyalways relieve. Auy dmgglst, í'.'. American Pili C'o., Proprietors, Spencer, Iowa. Robert Siephenson & Co., WQOlesale agents.aud all othvr drugpists In A ii ii Arbor. These pills aie wurranted to bringon the " ehange. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURAHCS $29,000,000 Security held for the protection of the policy holders. CHHISTIAN MACK Represents th'e followinsr first-class companles, of whlcta one. the -Ktmi. has alone pald ító.uoo.000 flre losses in sixty-live yeare: JBtna, of Hartford $9,192,644 Frauklin of Philadclphia 2,118,718 Germania, N. Y -j.7U0,7á9 Germán, American, N. Y 4.0C5.968 London Assnrance. London 1416,786 Michigan F. & M., Detroit is-,608 N. Y. ünderwriters, X. Y ... -2.ri96,6T6 National. Hartford i.TVi.Mr. Phccnix, Brooklyu 3,759.036 Losses libernlh""a(1justi'(l and prompUy paid. Policies issued at the lowest ratee of premium. U91tf ' iSllt: rW"lil1' "ud hmiorably. by Ibm of IUi I I fU Ia Y ei'li.-r -e, vouuitor old.and ii. th-ir ■ VS I I 11 I I ownloc.liti,whre.nhcyliï.Anr III Wil U I one can do Ihe work. Knsy to Irurn. We furni!h evervthinp. We êtarl jou. No ribk. Yuu can devota yourspnre inonient, or all your time to the work. Thi is an "t-ntirrly new knd.Ainl brinca wonderful succew to every wiuker. Ucpimiers are earniiig fVom $ï to 50 ht week anti npwanta, and more after a lítele experience. We can fumith you the emplovment and teach vou KIIKK. Xo aace to explain here. Fuil iafonnatioii KKKK. TBIE A CO., iltilSTl, A1.ML. niíQ"i! i-üCöiS orothets.nowisn i . ,. . I IdCnO VM5P==,-lOrobt, n on advertising spaco when in Chicago, vill find t er. f il at 45 IO 49 Rsndolph S:., . fnn Q yjMgttf] ' r theAdveftisïngAeuncyol LUHE ffi 8 ld J Htó- jgM . 96000.00 a rear is bf inp made by John R. Êtti ya may not ninke al much, but v.e rn ■J V teach yutiuickly how to tam trom $5 to HEvaakk. aaB lu (lnr at the tart, and more ae you po Pot'h sexes, all ages. Innnyj.nrtof WK rBAmenca. you tan commence at home, giv. Wl IëAJÊ'" hI1 -vour time.or spare moments only to T Kw ctt' work. All is new. Great ay St RBf! r L-Sai every worker. We start you.'furnisliiiiij WJZJÊr evtrythinc. KASII.Y, ÖTEKDILY leu&M TNVi l'AIIIKLLAls FKEE. Address at once' JíL bítiKaV.. M1MN GO., 1-liilTI.AMl, Mil.Nt.'


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