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The Commencement concert to-night. Prof. C. L. Ford and family will sunimer at Wequetonslng, as usual. Senator Bayard, of Detaware, !ind wlfe are the gueats of Dr. and Mrs. Angelí. Prof E. F. Pay, of S. Ingalls st., wlH apead the summer at Gayden, Loulsiana. Six liundrcd and twonty student s reeeive diplomas thte year in the various dpartmenis. Trof. M. Levy left Mondey for the ruist, and expects to vlsit Europe before returninj? next f.Ul. Wm. A. Moore, lit. class of '50, president of the Dotroit & Marine ins. 0o., Ls in the city. Mrs. Prof. J. Y. Itanglejr, of Pittsburgh, Ba., wlll remain liere durinK the erommer, living on Forest ave. The -organ recital' at the Congregational ohurch last Montlay evenlng vrem a very quiet aftair. Dwl you hear it? The U. of M. team ■vill play the Michisan Athletic,iation team a game of base-ball thta p. m. on the fair groundö. H. I!. Dvury lit. clase oí '90, of Owoseo, is in th-e city. vlsiting old frlends. He is the present county secret ary oï schools for Shiawaseee county. J. H. ('curad, oí Chicago, lit 'il'), has boen the city during the wiek making arrangemeirta for hla son to attend eollege here next year. Ex Senator John J. Ingalls will probably appear before au Aun Arbor audience nex1 year, under the auspicea i: thi Student'a Lecture Associatlon. Milt on j;. i u-ree, vvho was appointed to a government posltlon, wille pursuing studies lieve two years ago, luis been in the city during the week, vis[ting old Irlends. Dr. J. N. Martin, accompanied by SUs. Martin lelt Mon-day for New York trom where tlxey sail ior Europe. The Doctor will pursue liis medical studies in Berün and Vlenna. Prof. Jolm X. Dewey and family, of Foreet ave., telt Monday ior Lapeqr. Aftel' vMtftng frienils thcrc for a few daya they will go to Kleene, Essex Co., N. Y, for Tlie eummer. Hon. f. il. Clitcheon and Asliley Pond of Detroit, inspected the nnivi'rsity in au official capacity as memben of the State Board of A'isitors last Thursday. ïliey (ound everythlng o. K. Hon. Benton Hauehett, ni' Sagina w, the othes menber of the Board could not attend. A bilí lias passed the legislature authorizing the organization of the W'oman's Auxi'laiy Assoeiation, the !1 of whieh is Bolteitiog and liold' the payment ;' women ttCtOTS in the iinieriiy, and j)roïldiog the sai 1 fund shall be free trom taxation. Governor Winana lias ;i]iproved of the bill by attaching hls fciguatUii'c thereto. ( [Mexcemb nt h-eek. Tlii.s week is, as usual, a beautjful tis far as -Mie weatlier is concerned. ' ons, commenoenient is nearly always pleasant, but one or s,i bad and anpleasant ones ever b i;.,1 remembered by city residents. The exereises of I ■ ; opened Sunday ]. m.. with the baccalaureate address by Dr. Angelí, which is given in full in t lus issue. Monday was class day for the law department, witii history, prophecy, etc., all ui "which eau be found ín full in the Commencement Annual. Tuesday was taken up with clase day exercises for the Uterary departnient in university hall ín tho niorning, and in the afternopn under the Tappan oak. The claas poem, hy Miss Hibbard, avüI lo fosad on the inside of iliis paper, and tbe other papers of the 'day wlll.all'be found ín Vuil in the Commencement Annual. The senior rweption last eventog was a brilliant afiair. and very Bucceseful. To-day is taken up largely wlth alnmi and business meet tafcs, tliis afternoon Ex-Secretary Bayard dellverlng the annual address before the law class, This ervenlng tho commencement conceri v,-:i be giren under 'tin' auspices of the ünlyersity Musteal .Society. The lit. classes of ';i, '71, and 'SI, are holding re-uniona wlth a gpodly nnmber of the old loys in attendance.


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