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DON'T GlVË UP The use of Ayer's Sareapa...

DON'T GlVË UP The use of Ayer's Sareapa... image
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DON'T GlVË UP The use of Ayer's Sareaparilla. One bottle may not cure "rlght olï" a eomplsliit of years ; persist until a cure is etfeeted. Asa general rule, iinnrovement follows shorüy after beginning tlie use of this medieine. With many people, the effect is immedlatejy noticeable; but some constitutiona art susceptible to medicinal influences thau others, and the curative procesa may, therefore, in such cases, be less prompt, l'erseverance iu usini; thls temed; is sure oí its reward at last. Sooner or later, the most Btubboru bloüd diseases yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla "Tor several years. in the spring months, I used to be troubled with a drowsy, tlred íeeling, and a dull pain in tlie smalt of my back, so bad, at times, as to prevent my being able to walk, the least sudilen mot ion causing me severe distress. Frequently. boils and rashes wonld break out on varioug parts of the body. By the advice of friends and my family physician, I began the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla and contimied it till the poisou in my blood was thoroughly eradieated."- L. w. Bnglish, Montgoroery City, Mo. "My system was all run down; my skin rongh and of yellowish hue. I tried various remedies, and wliile some of them gave me temporary relief, none of them did any permanent good. At last I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. continuing lt exclusively for a considerable time, and ani pleased to say tLat it completely Cured BVSe. I presume my liver was very mueli out of order, and the blood impure in consequenoe. I feel that I cannot too highly recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla to any one afflicted as I was."- Mrs. N. A. Smlth, (lover. Yt. "For years I suffered trom scmfula and blood diseases. The doctors' prescrlptlons and several so-catted blood-purifiers belng of no avail, I was at last advised by a friend to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I did'so. and now feel like a new man, belng fiilly restored to liealth."- C. N. Frluk, Decoran, lowa. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED ET DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. 6old by DrugpsU. (l,als$S. M'orth $5 a bottle. The F&rmsrs & Mechanics' Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SUEPLIJS $10,000. AlliULlaliflesofStOGüioUens $50,000. Report of the eondition of the FARMERS & MECHANICS' BANK at Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close oí business, May 1. 1891. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $24-l."07 27 Stocks, bonus, mortgagus, etc 73,19107 Overdrafts 2,460 96 Dne from banks in reserve cities rj.iin 49 Bills In transit 4354 50 Furnlture and flxturee :■; . h kj ih) Current expenses and taxes pald 1,642 S7 Interest pald . 2,834 22 ís and cash Items 816 78 Nickels and penniea 53 19 Gold 7,713 20 Silver ]." U. S. and Xationnl Bank Xotes 10.415 00 Total $392,468 50 LIAJSHJXIKS. Capital stock paid in $ 50.000 00 Surplus fuiid 10, Undivided profits. 11,612 74 Dividendo nnpaid ercial deposita. 264 Savinga deposita 56491 7" Total $392,468 50 STA I E OF MICHIGAN, I Col'NTV OF WASHTENAW, i """' I. F. H. BBIiSER, Cashier, of the above Qamed Bank, do somenly swear that the above Btatement is trae, to the best of my fcnowledge and belief. F. H. BELSER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, thia llth day oí May, 1891. WM. W. WHEDOX. Notary Public. ' [rect- Attest : Reuben Eempf.A. Kearney, Chas. E. Greene, Directora. Th Farmers' & Msciiaiiics' BaDi haviflg dled theiT certlficate with the stfite Banking Departnent are now authorized to do j busiuess as a Savlnea Bauk, and iu pursuance thereof have oponed a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the Bavlnge department on all deposit8 of #1 and upwards, interest paid June lst and Ure tst, ofeacb year. The savings department is ojen Saturdav nights from 7 until 8 o'clock. Money to loan in sums of $35 to $5,000 seoured by uneuenmbered real estáte or approved eeurities. DIRECTORS- Reuben Kempf, Clias. E. Greeno, E. DulTy, .AinbroMC Koarnev, AVin. C. Stevens, . F. Breaker, J. E. lieal, Jolin Burg, 1). F. Scliairer. k. KEjirr, Pre. E. DUFFY, Viee-Pres. F. II. BELSER, Cashier. DEÜL DEEFFENBACH'S IVonrjK PROTAGON CAPSULES, fasFiïtfK SureCurefor Wenk Men, as ]y_ y proved by reports oí leadirig phyOJBt-CJB yj sicians. State age in ordering. Hpb áBL JiPrice, SI. CutaloRiie Frce. f% M i.lJ 1?fr O ti% 8ae ant' speedy BH hnh cure for &ieet ■■■. y Wl A wm Sti-Icture and all '.. Km nnnatural discharges. Price$, mW REEXSPECiF!C„ïll ■HS" wand Skin lïïsenses, Scrof nions Sores nndSyphllitlc Aflootlous, wiriioutmercury, Price, Order f rom THE PERU DRUG & CHEMiGALCO. L%, 189 Wisoonsin Street, MILWAUZES, WIS. ]WALL PAPER ML PAPER Of ;il! tlie hnteft De=irns. PEICES th.e LOWEST. AT OSCAR O. SOEG, Tlxe ZDec=ra,t=r. 70 S. MAIT ST.. ANX ARBOR. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Peajre and Grapes a Specialty AU kinds of Fruit, Trees and Flowers, from Ellwanger and Barry. Order early by mail. Syrups.Medlcinal Wines, Easpberry Syrup, Boneset, Dandellon nnd other Domestlc (.rape Wlnes, prepared especlally for Invalida. Pure I'lymouth Koek Kl"-. EMIL BAUR, West Huron St., Arm Arbor. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BSKERY. GROCERY, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep oonstantly on hand BREAD. CRACK ERS, - ■ .. tor Wholesale and retall trade. We shall also keep u supply ol SW1FT & DELBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBOKNS GOLD DCST Fr.OTR. BUCKWHEAT FLOÜR, CORN MEAL, FEED, otc, ut rholesale and retall. A general stock of GEOCERIES and PROVISIÜNS Constantly on hand, whlch will )e sold on as lier house in the city. Cash pald for B GG8, and COUNTRY PRODUCE eenerally. Goods deUvered to any part ol the city without extra charge. RINSEY Sc SEABOLT. FOR MEN ONLY! LWIMl!-ffiFcr L0ST or FAILIN G MANHOOD, il i ir'rTll'' ' an(i NERVOUS DEBIIIT Y, Fij'Jj, I rt f ! Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects i,.' ' T" ' " 'lf Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. ItwIJUül, Nobl 11 INHOOD fully Rcttorfd. llnvt to Knlunro and BlreHtkWUK,i:iiDETKUPKD0RGAN8 PARTS ofllüur ifcsolutolj nnriline IKUI! TSUTWUIT- II. ni-flli In dT Men (c-sllfj trom o Sl.,1,-, „,1 i-„r(.s„ c„u„ril.,. WrllMhtm. Urscrlptxe Boot, r,Innalln anj irooft ■nallril(iralrilirrrr. Adto38 ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N. Y.


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