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Saline merchants have formed n branca of the "Merchante' Retal! Commercial Agency, of Ghieago." Jamea .1. Huetora vu ejected trom the Toledo and Ann Artor Et. 1!. and Bommenced snit in the 'Livingston county court agalnsi the rood, olaimIng $5,000 damagea.- Tri Co. PUïket, WhHe culUvatlmg corn reeen tly, ( h-o 'ge Walker, oí Sliaron, was knocki' 1 senseless, amd remained eo lor severa! minutes, by a boíl ol Ughtotng that sirur-k the earth Jast alicvd of hls team. He Jcnowa whai the old saylng ■Sharper üxan chaln ligbtnlng," meana 110 W Milan Leader: "Last Friday, .Tune I9th occurred the tlfty-seventh blrthKlay of A'.iïcmI Lewls and over do relatlves and frienda (■.■uní1 to celébrate the occasion with htm. Frlendelrom Detroit, Adrián, Holloway and a brother f, om Iowa were present, öh, yesj t was a surprise on AH, bul in1 stood II pretty well, consldering the weather and tli' presenta he got." I . i Snnilay was Ilower (lay ai the coumty poor farm and a brighi spo1 is this anmial meeting In the tlvea of the uinfortunate lnmates. Abont 8i ol i h.' neigh'bors and parties Irom Howi' i assembled ín the aiternoon laden with flowera; a bouquel tor each ■pi.iiic ui wit li a tilt oí white ribbon nu 1 a card bearlng ,-i teil oí BCrtpture, and over 1200 pages oí reading matter. Devotiooa'] gervicea were held and an Imereertlng program of exercisee carried out. - Howeü Republlcan. Ni-aily every lHage oí aofe in Micli[gan can a puMíc Boldiers' monument. A yeair or two ago there was .-ome talk of ralsing the necessary fnn '.a td ereel one in o.nk Grove cemetry, lint the project met such ; i ' ■ .■ i i - ; ■ 1 encouragemeni thai it was the tune atoandomed. Our southern triends ol bhe "Ioe1 r.iusc" are more ley al bo their dead, and monuments without number dot the suniiy BOUth. Are the gpeople ol the noi-th leae gratetul? Few oounttes in Michigan have a in-t íw record ihan Washteaaw. Can anythlng be done? Thíuk irt over. - Chelsea Herald. It le evident that another draw back in wheat presenta itaell. l.ast Thursday .Mr. Ben]. Monroe brought nstwo smal] i)uii(iii's of wheal heade, picked from the different field.s in liis nelffhbor liooil. . These heads present a perfect, full and even appearance, are plump riiid nice nbut'Upon shelling a kernel (or lathor Avhat ought to be a kernel) we fínd only albulk of smnt, paeked in there in a manner liy which one would think it meant to stay. So we go thi'ough the entlre head and flnd in every chaiwher only a roll of Binut. Only one diead in the whole tvo sniall bundies contained a bit of wheat and that was fairly wvll filled. To look over the field carelovssly you will not find it. Shell a head in your fields and aee if your wheat Is thus ruined. - Saline Obwerver. Another fafctr in town last Saturday night. He trled to dron-n out the ïimslc of the tand. who were playing at tliat time, but AVi'.l, who pounde the basa drum was too much for li Lm and he had to stop hls liazoo for a short t;me. The chronic klcker never made a 'kiek about the fakir thk-i time, but caiiu' uto our office the iicxt day. wheii the mercary w-aa way up In the iiinili-s in the shade and demanded to of us when thls Infernal pension lmsincss w.-is golng ; n slop. We kimlly intcwmed liim thai we couüd nol i ril the cx.uM time. We'.l, he said that it was the greatgt outrage tiiai was evei pi&rpetrated upon a taz-ridden and sultering Sixiy-fivc Michigan p o[u were graoted pensions In one day and we were a!l gotng to tlhe demnltion liow-wows. 'l'iiis was too mach for a hoi day and wc tlmidly Intimated pérhapa it was a good way to get the moncy in cirofllation among the people; and farther that bhere were somo alire vet That are halt' and lie.-iriy. wlio, apon ■xamination wlii'.c war was in progresa, won1 ïound to ' ■ affUcted with heari dteease and all the illa whieh the lniman flesh is to and to-day cannot set a pen■-iui. At this point the e. k. became red in the lace and said that he tliouslit ilio mail mtwt be in and o left us to our own


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Ann Arbor Courier