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FARM FOR SALE- The Bullock or Bverett farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station, and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, containing 109 acres; house and barnes, stock, and well water, timber; school and church within a mile. Land naturally the best and cultivntiou jtood. Prïce and terms (reasonable. Cali on or address Andrew E. Gibson, 9 South Ingalls St„ Ann Arbor. GENTS WANTED- Free prepald outfit to J. energetic men. Several of our salesmen have earued from po to $100 a weeK for years ;-ast. P. O. Box 1371. New YorK. STORE FOR SALE.- 22 South State st.; new brick. Second hand, one horse wagon for ■sale. Tar walks made aud repaired. J. P.Hi'i)SON, 22 S. State St. FOR RENT.- New house will be ready about August l.-t. 68 B. TuiviTsity ar. i'or rent.- Second Hoor of the store 22 South State si. FOR SAI.K- Two cows. Inquire No. 5 East Jeffersou street. IS8 OST- Tuesday a. m. lust, elthei Ín rniver j sitylmll or between there andlSS. State street, a lace bandkerehief. Flnder will be rewarded by leaving it at Xo. 13 Monroe street. For Sale. That fine residance property on the Southwest corner of State and Lawrence streets' Jately ownod by Mr?. A R. Hall, deceased. It fronts about' 73 feet on State atteet witn a depth of nearly 100 feet upon LawTence. The improvements "are a largo brlck dwelling of en rooms, with halls, in excellent condition, hipli ceillng and cellar, plenty of cl ;ind all other couvenieuces of a modern dwellLouse. For terini nnd conditions apply at the premïses No. 2S Nortn State ütreet. orto W.H. McDOWELL, Attorney at Law, 271 Main Street, Cinclnnattl, Dissolution Notice. The firra of Hiscock A Wood haa been dlssolved by mutual consent. Accounts düe hem wlllbe coliected by elther party. The busiivili 1)0 carried on by D. Hiscock. S. Wood. D. Hiscock,


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier