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ís Farmers' Si Múi lú CAPITAL $50,000. SUEPLÏÏS $10,000. AiitaalLialtíesofStoctlioliers $50,000. Report of the condition of the FARMERS & IECHANICS' BANK at Aun Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, May 4, 1891. RESOURCES. joans and discounts $244.507 27 tocks, bouds, mortgages, etc 73,19107 Overdrafts '2,460 96 )ue f rom banks in reserve cities 39,42i 49 Bills iu transit 4.854 50 'urnitiire and flxtures 3,000 00 }urrent expenses and taxes paid 1,642 37 nterestpald 2,834 22 Jhecks aud cash items 816 78 Nickels aud pennies 68 49 Gold 7.712 20 ilver 1,564 15 U. S. aud National Bank Notes 10,415 00 Total $392,468 50 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50.000 00 surplus f nnd 10.000 00 .'ndivided profits 11.612 74 Mvidends unpaid 30 00 'ommercial deposita 264,634 01 "avings deposita 5(1.19175 Total $392.468 50 STATE OF MICHIGAN. I COUNTY OF WaSHTKNAW, S SSI, F. II. BELSER, Caahler, of the above named Bauk, do BOxnenly Bwear that the above tatemeut is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. BELSER, Cashler. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this llth day of May, 1891. WH. W. WHEDOX. Notary Public. Correct- Attest : Reuben Kempf.A. Kearuey, has. E. Greene, Directors. The Farmers' & MecMcs' Bank ïaving died their certifícate with the State iaukiug Departnent are now authorized to do usiness as a Savings Bauk, aud in pursuance thereof have opeued a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savincs department on all deposits of 1(1 and upwards. interest paid Tune lst and Dec. lst, of eacli year. The savings department is open Saturday nights f rom 7 until 8 o'clock. Money to loan in sums of $25 to $5.000 secured )y unencnmbered real estáte or approved securities. DIRECTORS- Reuben Kempf, Chas. E. Greene, E. Doffy, Ambro.s Kearney, Win. C. Stevens, TV. F. Breakey, J. È. Beal. John Burg, D. F. Schairer. 11. KESIPF, Pres. E. BUFFT, Tiee-Pres. F. H. BELSER, Cashier. ■V ■ D KB Jk " A VAKESIS" pi vo= instant ■■relief and is an infallible UI Ka m c'nrefor Pricc$l. By B Hf 'DruííistPor mail. Samples I ■Wfree. Addnss-ANAKtSIS." ■ ■ Wêê ■■ HF iox WO, New York City. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Of all the Latest Design?. PEICES tlie LO"WEST. AT OSCAR O. SORG, Tli.e Decorator. 70 S. MAES ST., AN ARBOR. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACK ERS. CAKES, etc, for wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep a supply of SW1FT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORVS GOLD DUST FLOUR, BCCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, I'EED, atc, at Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES ani PEOYISIÜNS Constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms a at any other house in the city. Cash pald for BUTTER, EGGS, and CO'UNTRY PRODUCE eenerally. Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. IAIAKINC A BEAUIIFUL HOME IS not a Qitestion of money. Taste, expertence and skill have much to dowlth It. If you intend to buüd, it wlll be a mistake not to send for our books of Sensible Lovv-cost Housks, Dow arranged in three volumes. In thcin you will flnd perspective views, floor plans descriptlons, and estlmati's of coats for 105 tasteui, ncw design for kousen. They also glve oar Íricus for complete orking Plans. Details, and Spccrtcation8, whieh enable you to bulld without delays, mtstakes or gvarrsis wltli your builder, and whicn any onecan understand. Good bullders reccomend these plans. Testimoníala f rom all parts of the country, vol. I contalns 35 copyritfhu'd ilesipns of houses costing between 85U0 and flHUt. Vol. II contains 35 copyriglited designs, ilHilü to 3)0(1. Vol. III contains 85 copyrighted designs, v&i) lo $yOUO. Price, by mail, il .00 eacK or $3.00 for the set. Wealsopubllsh "COLONIAL HOUSES," a volume showing Perspectlves and Floor Plans of houses arranRed In the inimitable style of the Colonial Architecture, and havlng all modern arraugements for comfort. Price 2.00 PICTUKESQUE HOUSES FOR FOREST AND SHORE:- This shows Perspectlvefl and Floor Plans of new designs for Summer Cottages, whlch are romantic, convunienr, and chcap. Price 31.00 by mail. Addvfss NATIONAL ARGHITEGTS' UNION, 130 K. Seventh Philadelphla, St., Pa.


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