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"Aunt" Millie Blackbürn (colore'I) died near Elliston, Va., aged lü year. She leaves a son aged 82 years. The republicans of Iowa held their convention at Cedar Rápida and nominated Hiram C. W-heeler for governor, George Van Houten for lieutenant governor, S. M. Weaver íor supreme judge, Henry Sabin forsupiTiutendentof public instruction. and Frank T. Campbell for railroad comraissioner. The platform indorses the Me Kin ley tariff law, eommende reciprocity, favors liberal pensions to sohliers, indorses the present sil ver law. indorses President Ilarrison's administraron, declares against a resubmission of the prohibition question and favors protection. Dr WllXIAH JIoti ::a.m died at Kalamazoo, Mich., ap-ed 84 years. i le was the oldest practici -g physieian in the state. James M. Lovk, of Keoknk, la., one of the oldest United States district judges, died at his home, aged 72 years. He was appointed juilge by President Pierce in L856. PKBStOENT HABRTPON hps íippointod William E. Simaioi . . of Connecticut, commissioner ■■ FOr GN. Acconni7G to ths ; test Uaytian advices President te ha quelled the insuvreetion at Port au Pi Two hundrea and eighty persons have been killed. The Italian province of Verona was visited with a series of severe enrthquake shoclrs, whieli greatly alarmed the people, but no oí tred. Lady Macuox.'. i '■■ widow of the late Canadian premier, - raised to the peerage, her tftle being eountess of EamsclifEe. VVhilk a party was sailing aeross the bay of Ajt, in Scotland. the craft suddenly capsized and eight of the occupants were drowned. Vic ;ias president of Chili ■ succeed ida, Thï ', olution in L'atamarca, Ar tine repablic, has bi :o suppressed and the regular provincial governinent reestablished. Tuf, governor of Annam, China, reported the decapitation of tv.enty-five of the ringleaders in the recent rebellion at Lichu. Pbikcb Dor.GOKorr:oiF, for many years governor of Moseow, died in Paris. He hitd been disinissed by the czar and exiled because of his leniency to the Jews. Mant Jews were arriving in I'nlestine - fr'ii.i 200 to8.)U families weekly. They wer destitute, and the distress ainong thara was siiid to be terrible. Dr. Silva Jardín, a ürazilian journalist, made the ascent of Mount Yesuvius and while gazing into the cráter suddenly feil 170 feet into the glowing1 lava. The Jrish bishops at a meeting at Dublin denouneed J'arneil as unworthy the confideuce of the Iri-b people. The death of Vv:i. l'allcir. the redeiuptorist priest ■ ' devóted his life for the past I : y-eight years to nursing the f Dutch Guiana, was reported at isorinam. Rhenish Prussia was visited with a terrible cyclone and scores of people were killed or injured, and the damage to property amounted to hundreds of thousauds of dollars. LATLR NEWS. HannebaIi II who was vice president of the United States from 1860 to 1805, died Buddenly at 6:15 p. m. on the 4th at Bungor, Me., of heart disease, aed 82 years. He was a United Suites senator irom 1847 to 185G. In Jammry, 1857, he was electad g'overnor of Maine, and a week af ter his inaugnration he was again chosen sejiator; in 1860 hc became viee president, and in 18(39 he again took his seat in the senate and remained until 1881, when he rpt.irpfl t'rnm niiltlip life. The team of James Tilley ran awav at Boone, Ia., and Tilley, lus wife and child werë instantly killed. Thb fust express train on the New Vork, Lake Erie & Western railway was run into while standing at the depot at Ravenna. ()., by a f ast freiffht train aml nineteen pursons were killed and twenty-threc badly injure.l. Carelessness of a brakeman was the cause. Foun blocks of bnildins at Lag-i-ando. Ore, were burned, the loss being $125,000. A terripiC storm swept the entire Texas coast and overa dozen sa were drowned. (Jalveston was partially submerged and several buildings were wasl W. F. Lake. tb bardware ■ a1 Port Worth, Tex., luis failed for $230,000. Foi rsons were killed and fiíty-eijfat injured.-several fatally, by the two coa ihes oL an exp train plunging I ■ ■■ ;i trestle 35 feet hiyii at Farm, W Chaiíi.ios Staffold, a f armer living near Kfapiersville, 111.. lost sixteen. he ad of eattle by on stroke of lightning. White and negro mlners at Stunter, Ala., quanvled. and in th ■ row which followed one aeyro svas illjd and five others fatally hijur d. Two Yorxi; men aamad Kane. of Roseville, III., and Thomas, of Galesburg, 111., Hyere drowned whilc boat at Lake George, near Galesburg. The letter carriers unveiled at New York a statue of the late "Sunsef Cox. The percentages of the baseball clubs in the Mational league for the week ended on the th were: New York, .614; Chicago, .590; Boston, .557; Philadelphia, .500; Cleveland, .484; Brookl.yn, .483: Pittsburgh, 400; Cincinnati, .370. The percentages of clubs in the American association were: Boston, .661; St. Louis, .04:5; Baltimore, .597; Columbus, 404; Cineinnati. .463; Athletic, .449; Louisville, .383; Washinffton, 328.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier