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A SCROFDLOÜS BOY Running Sores Covered Hia Body and Head Bones Affected. Cured by Cuticura Remedies. When six months oíd, the left hand of our little grandohlld begaD to BwelL and had every appearanee of a large boíl. We ]ioilticed it, but all to no purpose. About flve months af ter it became a ruiming sore. t-oon other #ores ■■ fqrmed. He then had two -ISS&U of tDem ou each hand, and ÜPB as liis blood beeame more rlk a"d more impure, it took W tnB li's time for them to break H vBj out. A sore carne on the M 3 ?JEJ Jm- chin, bêneath the under lip ít tw)} whlch waa ?ery ofTensive. S '- 9y Hi-ilu'iid isonesolidseab, - jS dischargiiiK a great deal. fc This was his condítiou at yv X twenty-two months oíd, f rC3' wlienl undertook tlie care _J Wm of liim.liis mother haying m-j, 'Si úiei when be wiis a little more tlian a vear oíd, of eonsumption (scrofula, of coursc). He COuld walk u httle.but could not pet up if lie foll lou il, and could not move when iii-bt'd, having no use of liis hands. 1 lmmedlately cqmmenced wlth the ('uticura Remedies, uslng all treely. One sore after another healed, a bony matter forming in each oue of these five decp ones jnst before bealing, whlch would titiallv Krow loose and were taken out; then tiit ■■ would heal rapidly. One of these ugly boue foriïiations I preserved. After taking; a dozen and a half bottles he was completely cured, and is now, at the age of six years. a strong and heal thychild. Msa. E.8.DEIGG8. Mav 9, 1885. SISE. Clay St.,Bloomington, 111. My grandson remains perfectly well. No signs of scrofulaand no sores. JIrs. E. S. DRIGGS, Fee. 7, 1890. Bloomington, 111. Oia.ticu.ra, ISesolvent ThenewBlood Purifier, internallv (t9cleansE the blood of all impurities aud poison elements and thus remove the cause,) aud Cutícura, the great Skin ('ure. aud Cuticura Soap, an exquisite skin beautifler, externallv to cleai the skin and scalp aud restore the hair. ('ure every disease of the skin and blood, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, Outicura, 50c; Soap, 25c. ; Kesolvknt, $1.00. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. Send for " IIow to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, öOillustrations and 100 testimoniáis. DIDV'Q ski" inid Scalp purified and beautiDflDI 0 fied by Cuticl-ra Soap. Absolutuly pure. jjT RHEUMATIO PAINS. f JW In one mínate the Cuticura Anti IJ 1'wN Plaster relieves rheumatlc, .# Bclátlca, nip,kidney, ches t, and mus cular paius and weaknessea. Price twenty-flye cents. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. Ï. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa from irhich the excess of oil has been removed, ia Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more econoruical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers overywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. HEADACHES fox 2Ec. CURED NíiGasLMEniciNE úfí ííiMt.ií.."' y )h VOR SAT.E BV BBERBACH & ÍOS, AKIí AEEOR. ÏRÜCKandSTÖRAGE Kow we are ready w-üh a new Brick Storehouse for the storage of Household Ooods, Pianos, Books, stuvi's, etc. FÍANOS AIÏB HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Caxefvilly aTo--ad_ All kiuds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone bi Kes. aud Office 46 N. Fourth Ave HAMILTON'S INSURANCE. HlBIlIfjiifflllHB No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Tire nd Accident Policies written in First Class Companies. Eates Low. .Loases liberally adjusted and promptly paid. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addition for sale on easy terms. Office Hours : From 8 a. m. to 12 m. aud 2 to 5 p ín . A. W. HAMILTON. For twenty-fivs years il:o CTperance of mffllona of snfferers, r.ld and -otuik, m! ■ and témale, havo gratefully endoi-sed tht mlraaaloua Tlltues of TMs Plianaaccniical Parcdox of (he Ap-a A vitaliaing stimnlaat V7ithout, al cchcL A nerve sedativo -withoui narcoties. A blood purifier Mritliout poisons. A liver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissuomakor, promotin ; digestión, nutrition, secretion, ercretion and respiration. Alife-givinfj lome, pura ana simple. WitJiout thj disastroua reactiona cf fio deadly compound3 of ruin ani alcohol U3ually sold aa bitters. Was nevor knovrn tefore ín t'ne Worli. It3 cl:3oovery amonj? tho medicinal fruits, root and herbs oí California WAS A MIRACtE, ancl their conibination into a phenomenal lifegiviug touic A TEIUMPH of the CHEMlCAt ART. The only change made in the formula dnring twonty-five yeara has been to present it in two combinationfi. TheoJd oriftinrrl remain TlHchangetl, but being stronger, more laxativo aud better. A neto J'orrn more agreeable to tha taste and better adapted to delicnteiromen nnrt c}tiltr-n, but comprising the Fime tonic prnperties, ia now made í19 trienrenf the trurld ta chaUcnted to producá the equal of thia TKÜLÏ 4 ONLT TE5IFERENCE BITTEES KNOWN orto produce a purely vegetable bitters or medicine of any kind, whose action is at once so safe, so ctjrtain and comprehensivo as the CALIFOBITIA YINEOAR BITTEHS, or any compound which frm its varied action upou tlia vital iunctions is equal to the CURE OF SO MANY DI3EASES. ThPir name is legión- Eheumatism. Neuralsla, CaUrrh, Jaundice, Kidney Dtoeue, Scrofula, Skin iJiKenses and Boils. Cousumptiou, Piles aud aü i orders arising from iiidicesticm, impure blood nervous prostration, and dilapidated constitutinn froni any canse rive way to it like mist before tha sim, whilo itR Lin-ul?.r power over THE DEADLY MICROBE AND OMXIPRESEXT BA.CTSBIA Indicaío3 its in aU cuacases of malarlal origin, and rendera it tho BEST VERMÍFUGA KNOWN. No family can afford to do withont a bottlo of OLD AXD NEW STYLE YIXEGAR BITTEE3 in the house, as erpressed by thousands of t63ti monials. Beud for beautiful book. Addresa, It. H. JUcDOKALD BRUG CO.,' New YorM Shoes saaa lfor-the m Fam#ly 4-i FARCO'S T "Box Tip" School Shoes M for Boys and Girls. B &yfea . Heeled or Wedge Heel. Ê ÍVX Slzes-8tolO!4 81.85 hh, ■.. '3gr itoa 1.75 B gtO 53 3.00 IHT FARCO'S J1V $2.50 Calf Shoe fgist5&v fr Gentlemen, 5ünC J,"1 America at the samo WnUWprice. IiiConifrossÜiiiBtt ■ H(gi" ton and Lace. Meu'saud Boy'ssizes. m ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT h&lá X Don9ola or Button, Jf J N. Opera, or Common Sense. f Rfl3Í N. Tackless and Flexible. ICÍliruivíSie. Warranted the most O, H. PAB.ÖO & CO., Chicago. IU. DOTY & FEINER, AGENT8, - ANN ARBOR. "M. & H." WRITINQ TABLETS. The Handsomest, Most Ecouomical, and 3EST method of putting up Writiug Papen or home and office use. Get thera from your Stationer, or send direct o the Manufacturera, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIJ?, 536 & 538 PEARL ST., NEW YOEK. N. B.- A Handsome Tablet suitable for Polite Correspondeuce malled for Twcntij-Five Cents. Hutzel's Water BÉ ! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro i ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoming dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more troubie by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Plumbers arid SteamfitUm. ANN ARBOB, - - MICH 4jfc 0% A #% A A ÏP.AR ! I tiniïertake to brlídr V J II lclinyfrljrliitelleiitpenonorithe Tk Hl I 3 ■ jeex, who can read and write, and who, üü U U UsríSfsaPiBSaasn Yearintheirown ''jealities.ivliereverthevlive.I will also fumiah the sicuation oremp] hih jou can earn thatamoum. No money for me unlcss succf-sslul as abo ve. Kaüily aiïd quickly learocd. 1 deuru liut one vurker ÍVom each district orcounty. I hare already lauglit and provided with em[ilovment a laree numbi'r, lio are making over #:I(MM1 a veapeacli. It'iXEW nd SOI, II. Full particular. FICfeE. AdJre.a at One, C. AI.l.i:. ISov l'u, A iiM-ia, Maíllo. gfoo3s's Cot-fcoia. TïOO E COMPOUND S Sp Comnosed of Cotton Rort, Tansy and 7 sJ Pennyroyal- a recent discovery by aa CJoU physic-iiin. U nuxasfvüy used monthly-i?&íe, EiTectual. Price L1, by malí, sealed. Ladies, ask your drucírist for Cook'a Cotton Root Compound and take no substituto, or melóse 2 statrms for seuied Dnrticíulara. Ad. dress POND LILY companï, No. 8 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mich. "Wood's PhosplLOdiiie. THE GREATENGLISH RKMEDYüscd f or 35 years - _T1. of Youthr ui f olly by FWL and the exnessea ueesfully. JR-&MB&T ' later years. anteed to cure al! ü.aWB aJ (íítva immediata lorms of Nervous jriyjv sírenofi atuivíj; Weakness, )lax.rjw ur. Ast drupKlsts Blons, ■■kWBBMI for Wood'sPhoflthoa, ImDotency.!"'1"';' "'L Viïr' mhodine; takeno and all the effect 'Photo from Life. lj,lhitti„;A Ona package, tl; Blx, J6. by mail. Write for pamphlet. Address ThelWood Clieinical Co., 131 HQudward ave., Ketroit, lUcli. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A TYn7"Q TRY DR. LEDUC'S "PEi-IXi.XJXHjÍJ KIODICAL" PILLS froin l'ari.s. France. BstabllBhed in Burope Canada in 1878. For Suppressions, Irregularities. and Monthly Derangements. A reliable monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any druggist, t'2. American Pili Co., Proprietors, Spencer, Iowa. Kobert S)ephenson 5i Co., Wholesale agents, and all other drnggists in Ann Arbor. These pills, are warrauted to bring on the " chauge. ' CET THE BEST FIRE IISURAKC5 $29.000,000 Security huid for the j.rotection of the polier hoIdiT-; CHRISTIAN MACK Representa the f ollowing flre t-class companles, oi w-hich one, the -Kt.), has alone pald $65,000,' ÜOO lire losses 111 sixty-fivL' VL-ars: jEtna, of Hartford $9493,644 Frauklin of Philadelphia S.lis!713 Germanla, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán, American, X. Y 4.065,968 London Assurauee, Londou 1.416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608 N. Y. Uuderwriters, N.Y 2596.676 National. Hartford 1,774,605 Phcenix, Brooklyn ; 8,759.036 Losses liberallyfadjustcd and proinptly paid. Polieies Uraed atjthe Ion est rates of premium. ■ ■ rt ft I %#c"n be'"ii'O"r!II!Wlineofwork, ■ S I I R! _ WrufMIv ..d hunonbljr. by lbon „f I III H W iibiT,p,,voutot o] ii, their llfll I "inl"li''.heteytttl.ey}iït. Anr ■ ■■ . ' ■ ■■ ■ " lo ihe vork. Emiy to lm. Wc furnuh everrtbinp. We ttrt vou. No risk You can devut your tpare momcnlt. or II yuur time to the work. Thil il in entirelY new ld.nil bringt wonderftil luccets lo eyery w orktr. Befnnnen are earninp from t-5 to Í 50 per wee k and 'upwardi and more after a little experíence. W can fumiih you the etnploymentandteachyuKKll!. Xo Inaceto eiplain hr. Full ioformation rKKK. TKUE d: CO., iltilöU, MiUlf. JD VFSTKif RQ cr o'"".who wth to ,r. HUI tn I laCnd,,o,obUm e.timt on dvertising pace when n Chicago, will find it on fila t th.Adv.rti.ngAgencyo( LORD RTHOMfiSn mm K% -ooil"-in,Tro),K.V.,t work for ui. Heailr S?0U ■"-" n0! mk' " """'. but w cao' IHfe'MüV d"-v " ""■ "'"" and ■"■ vou ia ■VBKn' Both icie., 11 s„. i„ ,nr - -, ■ rJAraenca, you can comnieiice at home, giy. TgaTL 1-AKnri.LAliS FKÈE. A.klro., .""r,


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