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Got. Wina.iie, being a eandidate for preetöent, in find -vise for that $1,000 extra and expenses, for aeampaign (and. He has an eye to business all rlght enough. Warto Davis is not proving a liowlbog succes in the ehoes of Warden Hatcli. HLs feet appear to be too email for the shoes, while hls hpad is eo enonnously largc tihat ie makea him top-lii'avy. It ia tlie democratie party that is afflictod -with au incurable malady, and not any of the republican statesmen, as the papers oí that party are eomtinually attemptlng to make out. Republican doctors wffl see that a proper BurgtoaJ operation is performed next yeair on the democratie anatomy. Recdproclty i.s a republiean policy. proposed by arepabUcau seeretaiy of state, and adopted by a republiean congrega approved by a republiean rmvdont, and carried out by B republu-an ailmim;ua.ti:)ii. Th ere Ia a teodency among democratie árgana to misrepresejii these Jacta.- Detroit Tlif onlianfi-inent ol property along the impTored hlghways (In Union Ccmnty, N. .1.1 ia Btated In varlous propor-. ranging iroui 10 to 50 per cent.; aml in ome case, wlhen au official ëstimatf -was made, the lncrease of valiu' due to tlie Improvement oí country poade was Judlelally found to be 15 per cent.- PitMburg Dlspatch. It -waii't anytliing out of the way for Grov. AVinans, n the interest of eeonoiny, to approvc a bilí, the provtetome of -which give himself $1,000 a year and expenses, but an pria.tion tío help entertain and care tor rthe Gnaind Army Veterans at their naitional meeting be vetoed! AVhat do tlie old aiuount to, auyway, Ciovei-nor? They are all growing old, right enough. The great reformers, who composed the aggregatkm that assembled as atoi-s at Lansing last winter, have gane in lar econoiny every time. They did away wit.h eeveral boards having charge of ïhe various penal institutious of the state, and iormed one board to control all ai tihem. The farmer (boards served -irítliout pay, but this dcnuocratic board is proviilcd with a i-alary of $1,000 ior each of lts members, besides expenses. All in the intei-osts oí eoononiy and reform!! To meet these democratie salarien there must be something dono, so they rcduced the salary of the gupurinbeaident oí the Bi fnin School at Lanfltalg, irum $2,000 to $1,500. The people wUl paaa judginwu upon sueh dastardly extravagant legislation as that, and it Will be in no uncextaln niannor. By tiliis same bilí the governor is made a member of vha board and receiveö a eool $1,000 extra and Bxpenses. üreat head, for figures, Gov. Winans has got, you Wtll lorceive. The next voting ín tliis state will be uuder The Australian system. The day ui electlon .slips has passed and gooe. Now, tlie aames of all the eandldates wlll be yrinted on a sheet of paper, one ol which wlll be given to a n elector by au inspector, and he must either vote ít or return it to the Inspector. No inore ward heelers, uo more toerding ol vqters and running them in like ho many cattle. A cross oppoeite the name ïindicates who you want to vote íor, and íí the name is not on bhe -áeket, you are at liberty to write it on, epace being a-eserved therefo.r alter each tltle. The ticket will neceeearily be a. very large ome. Tiie liíotli WB1 be used the same as heret-oiore. Now, if the law wiD prohibit any man from voting wlio oannot read the ballot he proposes to vote, it wlll accomplish a Btlll greater and mach needed reform. There Ia 110 need of ignorant voters ín tliis land oí school. No oue should be allowed to show any man how to vote, or to select mames ïor liim. It should be made a criminal oJfenae bo to do. Even the Adrián Preee, whleh usually ETwallowa anything democratie without even tasting to see -whether it is palatable ar not, doos uot take klndly to all the acts of the late squawbuck legislatura. Hear what it says, it is really ivfreshiiig: Tlve lostinastc.:' of the house reports blmeeli short $19.93 in niaking change. A reaolutkm was olfered to reimburse liim, and the house committee, A. S. WJiitv, J. D. huil, end L. Lowoea, reported in favor ol tlhe reaolution. The report wae a.dopted. Suoh action is ■wliolly indefensibie, and Is a mark of the most virious urul dang&rous yolicy. In' lirst place the jiostmaster has no 'business to be Bhort in making change. He sought the position, and he fthould have; heem held tn a rigld accoawit íor all stamps. TIkm'c -i;is aio excase far the dhortage, and the poople fihould not ])C called n])on to pay íot a man's Imsiness blaildera. AVe avé astonished that such a claim phould te jiibmitted, and still more ed tihat a coonmittee Mioma rocommcnd iniyint; it. We do not care under "sviuut cireumstanees thc sUorta?e occuiwd. It makes no difference how Mii.ill is íhc Bom. It ís eiK-oin-aiíin.ií r.ii-iics,:icss. U not actual ddaflxmesty. The Dommtttee mlght better liave recommettded proeeoiitloo lor rather i'han Bípproral ol ueglect, .'111(1 relmburspiiKint. On this theory Uthertate tiroaeurer maikes a "mintake ín clhange" umi i-i shn-i $100,000, 1 lie people ehonijd mata it ap. Ttte house deserves cciiwiire for t3xe act. Have -the grip- Bulldogs. If Mrs. Lleut. IV.n-y we&ra Wie costume n.lio papera array her ín, up in Groenland, she -ivill be quite apt to gel chilled. Slie -vill ilnd it us oold :is our Iriends, tho oncmy, will in the next election. One of the most corrupt, partiaan, aiMi conscicnceloss bodles that over assem'bled in any state, in any country, to legislate(?) for(?) the people, has just adjourncd at LanBing. Eequiescat en pvürgatory. Tho Adrián Prese ís so ïull of wool ití-ms that you can almost hear a blat every time you touch the paper. It is tearins itself all to pieeos in an ondeavor to pull the ■wool over the eyes of the farmers. Foul air and disease are nn ovil pair of twins. Cleanlincss and good hoalth iwe a desirable pair of twfois. Twenty thousand dollars and sewers bring us tbe lutter. Inaction and Btinginess ■viil lring us the former. Choose. Two exeitod New OrleaflM editor foiiRht a duel wlth rapier. A little bloxl ■■as dnawn, but aio seü'ious da.mage dono. If they liad really meant it tliey would have hired an Italian apieee to u&e stilettoe on each other in th dark. And iiow comes Venezuela and desires to enter into reciprocad trade wlth U. 8. All right. The more of the South American sister staties that desire in establlsh pleasant commercial relations wlth Drother Jonothan the liftte:-. The democratie papers do nol rennember that the last congress had to ]i:iy the bilis of the farmer democratie congrega, which that body left iimprovided ior upoo i;s adjournment. With them, that don't count. 'Jlow about the expendlturee of the laat. Michigan legisla ture? In Ioia tlie repul)"kans have nomiïiatrl a stroiiü' state tieket, -vith Hou. H. C. W'luv'.er, a prominent farmer, for govcviKir. and iiave gone into the eampaiíii wlth greater unity and vigor than ever before. It is to be hoped iiiat [owa aví'.I be redeemed from the tree trade, 'ree silver, and ïree -whisky gang now in control. The treasury surplus is 110 longer a .landing m-enace. The billion dollar congress did not lontc permit sucli h dnniicr to the vepublie. The treasnry lsn't rxactly empty, but the bottora is so clean, that aay hole in it can y.' onsily iliscovored "without the aid oí glasses.- Adrián Press. Tliore is consiilerably over $100,000,000 in the trea.sury yet, but of course such a little sum is nothing to the greed of the hungry üemocracy. If the treasury ís so low tliat "aay hole in it can be easily discovcred" there can )e no desire on the part ol the Press and its party to aesume control of it. The meeting between tho Kaiser of Germany and the Kaleer (in prospect) of Englnnd, the othor dny. was rei-v alfecttog. As the Germán Kaiser landed on the EngHsh 8hxre lic kissrd tho Prinee of AValos. and in return the Prince kissed the hand extended to htm. As -ve said bef ore it was au aifecting scène. Tien Albert Kdwn.rd took William to wc his. (William'si grandma, Victoria, who, by the way, is the mother of Aïbort Edward and at present his ouly stumbling block to England's throne, but a pretty solid one. Tlion Victoria brought out all her company siiver ware and gave afine spread for lier emiaent yoonggrandson and his wile. In Vos mcantimc France and Russia have been looking upon the iseene with glowerlng lnrowe. The visit m-eans more than a faniily reunión witli them, and they are eonsequently laylng in an extra Bupply oí íire mus and gunpowder. The plan of a Fanmere' AHiance trust to withhoM this ycar's wheat erop Erom the manket untll the tarmers gel their own price or it as tele(?raphed from Chicago, ís not novel. The lact that a similar movement, wlth cotton ,is the sta.ple of actioai, was attempted some yeaxa aso, -when the Farmers' Alliance had Jat begun its operationa ín the BOutuerD States, takes mviiy the Item oï arlgtaallty from the present sclieme. The reeults of that attampt may be instructivo to the manipulators of the present enterprfse. General John B. Gordon, ornar oí Georgia, eoncoived the cotton oiporation. He presentad it to English capitalista, who Btood ready to fui-uish nny amount oí capital necessary to liold the product liy makini; jülvamcee to those cotton garawOTB who noukl mot be able to hold it without finam-ial assistance. But the lmmmerable producent, whoae coneeat bo tin1 ])lan was iiecessary in order to put it toto effect, utterly }revonted it trom lx.inji earried out, 'vuil we have Bince geen cotton selling below the lowest record. We fancy that the projected Allianw trust in wheat wlll have the ending. It could lx put in operatioQbut only in Utopia. At last! At last! Yalc has had to fall in -vith the advancement of the times, nud has at last admitted a womD. A dispaU-h statrs: "The first certifícate of ackmiaskm whlch Yalo has ever granted to a womaa, has just 'been recelved by Miss Irene "VV. Colt, of this city. i'rof Seyniour, of Tale, ootified Miss Dolt yeeterday tha1 gbe bad paaaed the examiaatlon eatisí.ictorily and -svould lie admitted." Frpp Irado would briiiK the Canadiana to tlioir knees, while Buch meaaureg as the McKlnley JJill only serve to n.rousc a bitter spirit (jf vctn.liation and disliko. Pot Canadiaus are npt in belleve such leglelaitkHi i-i Intended bib e hnw to trade, and are nol aware of Iba true piotive; viz., the aqueeslmg of the purse ol fihe American consiiiiio.]' for the enrlchment of a clique of mllllonalre monopollsts. 1: is wel] to remember, in confllderlng ttoe future ol Canada, ihat Btemarok ed Germíun unity by weiding uil tlie etates into a commercial whole, Avhicii lic eaeily qooveirted into n Bolid empire. Ganada would elfcher have to dimmil coininorcial suicide or enter the Union, if J.he Ropublic declored lteell a Iree trade country.- From "A Iirii'f Ux Continental Unlty," by "Walter i'.iaekbm-n Harte, In New England Magazine ï'or July. By glvtng ('anadian fa.rmers and manufacturera our trade, and by building ttuem np and enrichinii thcm; by throwilng open to them the rlehest markets In the WOrM and allowlng tihem to come lo íioi-c aiwi tafee the Cfroam, to tflue detrimemt of our oivn people; by making ■tlicm wealthy and ind w-nilcm at the expense of our own cttlae&8, we would "brlng Oanadlana to their knees," would weT Now Mr. Haute, wouw not the oase rerersed, completelyf WouM not. a siiort seasn of tiiat sart of stateamanshipK?) brlng our own people to their knees, in 1 most abject mamner? The experiment -would be a dangerona one t try. It -would be aiiainst all -precedent, all reaaan and all eominon sense. The riter of that artifle is eviilently just rut oí college, wlth lus head full of theartee, ■tíb&t are beautiful to contémplate, but smash as easily as ■castles in Spain" wnen they come In contact witih practical lile, O" elae he is a shrewd ('anadian. The i-eference to miliionaire monopolista, belng fitcd by probectton, provea how llttle the wiitrr kniiws albout the subjeci he is wrltlog upon. He Bbould study politica! economy iroin the practical t-iiic awhilt' and Rain a llttle practical wisdom, l,'fi)rc he aeeumee too much. He has i-viiirmly been reading adennocnvtio Cobden club document and by "unconatouBly" absorblng lts vagarles glTea ; hem ou1 as liis own. "It is -well vo rememteT tha1 Bisinai-ck welded bhe Germaoi statee togetlher" by s'arcwd cliploaniacy and bj tlie iron hand oí military power. Does Mr. Harte pretend to i-ay -,hat conimerce had anythlng to do with the weWftng procese? Ií bo, he better reíd modera Germán htebory. The mms power that secoived Germán unity gecmred Alaace and LcKratne as Gerinan ata-tes and holda them to-day as a part of that solid empire. It wil! also be well iur this writer to remem'ber thai Biamarek was inüek to see the wisdom uï protectlon as praiuk-cd by ihc United States. Which be at once acKupted as tlio commercial policy of Germany, and under ib tliat natiün prosperad in a bueineee .and commercial way as ít never proepered beiane. Mr. Harte sliould throw aside liis democratie Iree trade prejudices and look at the commercial policy of thia country as a truc American Citizen.


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