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Walter Macfk was in Detroit Sunday und Monday. Miss Nona O'Brien is in Detroit taking atrwo week's vacation. Walter S. Hfcks bas boon to Toronto. Out., during the week. Jaciii) Seabolt and family are spending the week al Zukey Lake. Mts. Lowry, oi Monroe si., is visittng friendte at Lafayette, lnd. Fredrk-k Sohmidt Ia antertaining his bou Fred and wlfe, ol Chicago. Prof. and Mre. E. D. Walker, of Dexter, wen' in the city Monday. Prof. E. Baur has boon on the inilisposod list during tilie week. Mr. E. Cood, who resides at Hamilton park, has gone to Georgia. Harry Douglass, Who lia.s boen on b trip strath, lias returned liüme. Judge liabbitt has returned from Jiis trip to the Upper Península. Miss Julia Sessions, of Kalamazoo, is the guest of Ann Arbor friends. TVm. G. Dieterle and family went to Manchester Saturday to visit friends. D. Cramer and family wlll speud the coming week at Whitmore Lake. Edgar A. Oooley, of Bay City, Sundayed wlti his father, Judge Cooley. Walter Seabolt is entertaining his young friend, George Cooper, of Chicago. J. C. Watts came down from fagiEaw Saturday to reniain for Bome time. Wm. Xo'ble and wife have gone to Albicra, N. Y., to visit with friends there. Thos. Beardon, of Midland, has been visiting Ann Arbor iriends during the week. Jay Keith anl sister Hattie, oí Dextex, Kpent Sunday with Ann Arbor friend. Kev. W. W. ."Wetmore, of V. Huron fct.. is eutertainlng his brother, from Chicago. Mrs. Moses Seabolt went to Marshall Saturday, called there by the illness of a sister. , Mre. Nellie Lake, of Howell, is yisiting Miss C. E. Corcelius and other iriends ín the city. James R. Anírell and Thos. B. Cooley hare gone tO the Lake Superior region for recreation. Mr. an-d Mrs. Ottmar Eberbach and Miss Clara Eberbach returned from Star Islaml Monday. Samuel Henine has gone to New York and other eastern cities for a Btay of severa 1 weeks. Gregory Dibble, of E. Washington st., left Monday for the west to be absent several months. Dr. J. L. Itose started for Kansas City, Mc, Monday, to attend to his business interests there. Mrs. E. C. Watson, of Grand Rapids, is the guest of her (nother, Mrs. Wateon, of S. University ave. John W. Hunt returned Friday from a 'visit of several wee with his brotJier, at Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Whitmarsh, oí Milán, aecompanied by Mrs. Wlll Watts, Sundayed in the city. Rev. J. W. GeLston g-oes to New Y'ork City, Aug. lst, to rematn during the month. on IiLs vacation. Morribt W. Blake and bride are taking in the rural beauties and pleasures of AVhitmore Lake thls week. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Fall and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Beyler were giueeta of Wm. Latsoai and family of Webster over Sunday. Titus F. Hutzel a.nd family go this week to Zukey Lake, where they wlll le jodned by Otto Bete and family, of Detroit. Mi-s Clara Arms, o.;? Fayotteville, N. Y'., has been visiting relatives and friend.4 in this ciiy and Dexter for eeveral days. Dr. J. A. Wiqfeslager will soon remove his family irom Howell to Ann Arbor permanently. Thoy will reside on E. Huron st. Miss Rena and Master Harry Stnfflet hcave gone to Pemnsylvania and Xow Jersey for a four week'a visit with relativos and friends: Mrs. Iiorrodaile, nee Sperry, left 8atiirday íor Detroit for permanent residenee, her husband havlng gone ín business tliere, on Michiagn ave. Lyman Davison, oi Adrián, carne to the city Friday, and will probably make his home hereafter wltb his son Ohas. B. Davison, on W. Huron st. Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Gibbs, oí Chickopee Falls, Mass., are expected here today to vlsit the Misses Giles, of Fuller st. Dr. Gibbs was formerly a student in the medical de.partment, and Mrs. Gibbs was formerly Miss Belle Chapín, of this city. Will Wetmore, of Jonesville, is expected at the home of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Wetmore, of W. Huron Bt., this weeik for a vacation visit. George Jacobus was prostrated by the heat Saturday, and carne near having a sun stroke, but finally tlie warm weatÈer safely by beeptog quiet for a time. A party of youngc lads consleting of Ward Howlett, Bert Doty, Omar Hall, Harry Pond, Pred Leas, John Parker and (Joorge Muma, lelt Friday moming for Cavanaug'h lakc to reiiuiiu two weeiks In camp. Prof. A. H. Pattengill left Thursday on horseback, for Detroit, from there he goes by boat to Cleveland, and from tJiere to StculX'nville, Ohio, and Uien goee down the Ohio river to the mouth ui t 1 1 ■ ■ Krn.iwaha river, then he rides aeróse Wvut Virginia, to the White Stilphur Springs. This route is through a wild country filled wlth aaiMinshiners. The National Educatkmal Associatioo meete in Toronto, Canada, on July 14th, to the 17th inclusive, in conjunction with the Ontario Educa■tiomal Association. Prof. H. N. Chute, of our high school, is already there. Prof W. 8. Perry left yesterday, and Prof. Montgomery will be there. Prof. Hinsdiale it is expected will be in attfndance aiso, he boing president of the Normal Bection. Harvey Corawell and wKe have gone KlIllOl. Don J. Root lof t Monday tor Savan11:1.. 111. i'iias. Baxter and famdly are at, Whitmioire Laike. GHlberi M. Monroe hae retumed to Pihilndclphia. Dr. D. V. McLachlin of York, was in fcown Prlday. Frank and Wlll Condón aro in Hancock far the suniinri'. Miss l.izzic and Clara Dean are visitImg irirnds in Green Oak. Judge Cooley was very ill last Sunday. lint is better now. Mr. A. '. Yale, of Monroe st., is at ('ascvillc vlsltlng fiiends. Miss Mattte Drake ís spendiag a tVw -M'ks at AVlii: in.:-,' Lake. Mi-s l'annic Gwlnner has gone to igo fOT a coopte of Avi'i-ks. Mrs. ('. W. Penny, -vlio lias Ix-en at Chn.rlevoix, Jias retnraed home. .las. R. Bach and wlte are at Whitmore Lalke lor a viHk or ten dayg. Julius O. ichlottoa-beok hae gone to CiTieimiati, Ohio, for a few week'd visit. Js. W. Rdbison and wlf are at WMtanore for iton day'sstay. Br of. I. N. Demmon and family liave gane to Charlevoix for the Bumrner. A. F. Freeman, of Manchester, was in the city Fridny on legal business. Miss Fannie Ford, of Washtenaw ave., is visiting friends in Chautuqua, N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Breakey have bee-n spending a few days at "Whitmore Lake. Mrs. Prof. H. Gibbe.s and daug-hter Bertha are at Xorth Lake for the slimmer. Mrs. B. G. Crookston has gone to Battle Creek, for treatment at the Samitarium. A. B. Richmond, of Grand Rapids, chief consul of the L. A. W., is in the city to-day. H. Randall left Monday for Xo-iv Yoi"k, Boston, etc, to enjoy liis annual outing. Mr, and Mrs. Scott, of Toledo, wera the gnests of Evart Scott and family over Sumday. Fred. H. Parsons, of Waahtenaw ave., left Saturday for a short stay at Bay City. Mre. Frank Miller, of Pitteburgh, Pa., ïs visiting her mothrr Mrs. Cole, of O1iutc.1i st. Elmier Allen, oí Ypwilnnti, was in the city Monday after gettiug browned up on a farm. It. S. Greenwood and family, of W. Huron st., 'were witu frionds in Howell over Sanday. Dt. Joseph Clark, who has been at Monroe for two weeks, left Monday for Wequetonsing, -vhere his family are. John Dwan and family, of E. University ave., have moved to Carsonville, -vhere he Wlll hang out his law liingle. James E. Carr, of tihe Dumlee Reportar, was a caller at the Courier office Monday, and as ever, a pleasant one. F. P. Sherman, principal of the Bay Otty hish school, is in the city. He wfll take a bicycle trip to New York from here. I. B. Bent has returned from a visit of eeveral weeks ainon his relativea and frionds at his old nome at Wareham, Mass. Mrs. Qnlgley and dauffliters Lillie and Flora, lelt Triday for their old home in Oadillac to remain during the svunmer. Mrs. Gen. Baxter and danghter Carrte, of E. Jefferson st.. are visiriiiü tlie iorincr's daughter, Mrs. HenderBou, in Masón. Thos". l!rrlt' has liouulil the fino ncw hoause of E. I?. Hall. on HUI street, and -vvill move thcrcti) with his family Bbont Sept. lsr. Mrs. Dr. James Stevens lias veturned to Detrodt, alter a two week's visit with her mot hor. Mrs. Hangsterfer, of E. University ave. Maj. Soule, ivhn lias been taking Ypsilanti weter and baths i'ov rheumatisni, is improvinjj;, and wil] be veady ior the G. A. R. eneninpmeet. H. P. Glover, who haa been to Iron Mountain, returned home Fridayevenlng, stopping off at this city and ridiag ti Ypel. over the Ypsi-Ann. Pro. Joton W. Langley, oí Pittsburgh, Pa., has been spending a few days dm-ing the week, wtth lii iamily, who in Aim Arbor for the summer. Dr. Yaughan will leave Ann Arbor Muiiday for New York, from where he will Rail ior Europe, spending much oí the summer ín pursuing studies in ElLglaTHl. On MomVlay Profs. de Pont and Fred Hifcks left lor the head waters of the Huron river and will fish ín all the laikes and streams back to Ann Arbor ogain. Albert E. Sclmmacher ainl family, Mr. mul 81T8. Albert Manu and Prof. E. H. Kemp and family leave ilonday lor Zuki'.v lake to rernain a couple of weeks in caonp. H. M. Boys, of the Farwell Register, was in tin1 city Friday, and a pleasant caller it the Courier office. Mi's. Roye end cliildrcn will remaln In the city for threë or tour weeks. Prof. John O. Reed was the guest of Dr. Darttng last Thursday. He :ias reslgned liis poeltlon as principal of the Kast SagiOAW hlgb school and will apend the coming year ín studjr at Harvard. Peter "W. Iloss, jiresident of the 8tule.nt'.s lyecturc Associal ion, who lias been vteltlng at his home In Mason, QhLo, will return to Ann Arbor this week, and will engage in canvassing for that excellent work "History of Free Masonry," by Henry L. Stillson and Wm. J. Hugban. Mis. A. J. Shively, of Brooklyn, N. Y., paesed through thLs city last Frilay en route for San Francisco, Cal., wliere ehe will Bpend two or three months in seajch of health and recreatioo. A few friends were invited to meet her at the train for a little hand shake. On her return trip sh5 will stop at Ann Arbor for a short time. Proí. Dentera hae gome to the northci-ii resorte for i te suanmer Jirs. C. Ii. I);ivisin went to Toledo l'ddny for a eek' 8 slay. Mrs. Duoater and daujfbters nave gome tu oíd Mission Bearh. .Mrs. Alteo Hatch has gone to Detroit to vleit rclativcs lor a time. Mr. and Mrs. ('onovvr. OÍ ColÜWater, are spentödmg the la,v Ín town. Mr.--, l'rot'. Morris and chlldren lelt Thuirs-day a. m. icw Oíd Mlssian. Mrs. Moioiu'.v aml daugbter Lena, have returned home from t luir Ohio visir. H. J. Brown Ifi expected homo from awee&'g stay at Oíd Mission Beaoh to-marrow. Alvin Wllsey and faniily are enjoylag thelT ycarlv encampment at Whltiii o r Iake. Prof. I. P. Jocelym and wlle ar visi'. ins Mr. and Mrs. Erneet Perry, Ín Bay City. Enhene F, Cooley, oí Lanalng, vas in town Monday. Mrs. and (lau.a'htcr AHeo left tor Bay Virw yesterday. 'T. H. GocKlMi'ed lias refcurned from Iiis vtelt to New York itate. Mairtin Hallor is tafeioj? a business tTip to Grand Rapids and Chicago. Mtb. Osboriw, of Qinincy, 111., rode through from Graad Rapids wlth tlu' Orín Stair, of Lanelng, formerly of the Siüine Ob'xver, was in the city yester.Swy. J. M. Sbaíford has gone to Bluffton, Inid.. briiiK oaUod t.liere by the death of a brother. Dr. Wood and family are entertaining the fonner's niece Miss Jennie Joyner, of Palo, 111. MLss Loma Purcell, of Toledo, is visitiniï (her jrrandinother, Mrs. Moloney, of Fourttain 8t. Miss Alice Calhoim, of Bay City, has been the guest of Miss Mary Clements duiring the ■week. George Alexander and family are pmtftT'taining his sister, Miss Ida Alexaöder, of Chicago. Mrs. -G. H. Khodes and Miss Zada Rhodes have returned home from tilioir vLsit np north. Mrs. Matas, of S. 12tli St., has returned 'home after a three week'8 yisit ■vltli friend.s in Dexter. Ma-s. Mairy L. Clement, of Brandon, Vt.. is the g'uest of her son Prof C. K. Clemejit on S. State st. Da-yid Foote, of Flint, has been visitInc lils daughtcr, Mrs. Chas. A. Muma, durinif the week past. Mr. ani;l Mrs. Jolhn R. Miner have taken up tlheir camp at Straight's lake, foir tule. glimmer campaisjn. Mrs. Chas. LeSoer, of Toledo, lias returned home aft-er a week'e visit with relativos in the city. Mr. and M,rs. J. W. Hangstwfrr, oí Detroit, have lx'on visiting friends in tihe city Boring tlio week. Evart H. Scott and family left Mon(lay ior Oíd Mission Beach to remata uiitil cold woather sets in. Mrs. A. F. Bournes and daughter HattLe, of Hudson, are "visiting Iriends and relatives in Ann Arbor. Burt Holmes, of Forest ave., -vlio hcis been tx Chicago, etc., íor the past six weeks, lias returnod home. Mrs. Wm. Condón and daughter Lillic. have goaie to their old home at Hancock, Mich., for the eummer. M.5. F. A. Howlett BBd childre.n left ilonilay for a two or three ivirk's ■ncainpnicnt ai ('avanauuli Lake. Mrs. Vandeningburg. forinerly Mrs. lockbower, oí thla city, how of Grand [laven, is vialtlng frii'iids in "tliis city. Prof. Ferry will go from the Toronto convention to the seashore and will mot return until about Sept. lst. George Sperry has gome cast íor i Bbori stay, after ■vhieh he will go to Iowa to veniain' several weeks. Julias V. Seyler leffc Saturday for iay View, after a week's stay with his larents. Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Seyler. Ex-Ald. Ftred Barker was in attendnince upon the K. F. meeting at Detroit ast week, acco'inpanied by Mis. Barcer. Dr. W. W. Niahols and ivife are ente.rtaining Miss Jeeeie Webster, of Cadillac, and Miss Georgië Palmer, of Hmteon. Miss Ora and Kate Hateli have gone to Jackson to visit relatives. From tliere they wül go to Kalamazoo and Oh ic a go. Miss Jennie M. Linaday, a teacher in the schools at Sioux City, Iowa, is viisitiTig lier brother, Fred C. Brown, of the EveniiiR Times. ■+ The following, from the Coldwater íourier, rights a man before the people, vho has been greatly wronged : " Last week Thursday, Gov. Winans recalled and revoked the warrant he had ssued agaiust Col. C. V. E. Pond upon a requisition from Kansas. The Governor beoanie satisfied that a gross outrage and wrong had been done our ownsman, and that the charges were nade by irresponsible parties, for blacknailing pnrposes. From letters received rom Kansas by Judge Shipman and rom every move that has been maJe by he parties making the charges against ,he Colonel, comes the strongest evilencethat wholly irresponsible parties. jeyond the reach of law, have attempted ,o destroy the character of, and cause icavy expense to, a man who is probaly as well known in the County of iranch and in the State of Michigan as iny other citizen, public or private, and i}riinst whoni not a taintof dishonor lias ever rested. That so great a wrong should have been done our fellow townsnan is regretted by all, and the sym)athy of a host of friends goes out to 3ol. Pond, who through the trying and 'inbarrassing hours of the past few veeks has not even permitted the vounds received to interfere for a noment with the great work imposed ïpon him as Secretary of the National Encampment, G. A. R. To those of us vho have known the man for years it ïas beenno surprise tofind him sinking all thought of self in the terrible attack upon his character, and working day and night for the success of a movenent that means benefit and pleasure to lis fellows. The Colonel'a attitude hrough the trying ordeal has won him ïiany more friends."


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Ann Arbor Courier