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MA80NIC DIRECTORY. Ann Arbor ('ommandery, No. 18, meets firs Tuesday of each inonth, B. F. Watts, E. C. John R. Miner, Recorder. Washtenav Chapter. No. 6, R. A. M.- Meet lirst Monda; eacb month. L. C. Goodrich H. P.; N. D. Gates. Secretar;. BUSINESS CARDS. MISE H. E BtTE&L, MODISTE, Makes fine Cos turnes. Tnilor Suits, also Misses and ChildreuV 8nits. Ladies' Wraps a Specialty. 11! NORTH Fli'TII STREET, AXN ARBOR 82 Chas. "W. "Vogel, Dealer in all kinds of Frefh and Salt Meats. Pouttry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 E. Ann Bt., Ans Arbor. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTIST. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savings Banks, Opp Court House Square. VITAL1ZED AIR. Alministered. It is agreeable and easy to take and no prostrating effect s follove, while teetfj are extraeted without pain. WILLUM HEEZ House, Bign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperiiis.'. Glazing, Gilding, and Calclmlning. and work oí every description done in the best styie.and warranted to glve Bfl-tisfactlon. Shop, No. 4 W. WashirFton St,, Ann Arbor, DPÜL DIEFFENBACH'S I1SBv PROTAGON CAPSULES: V Pure Cure for Weak Men, as m_r provedby reportsof leudinjiphyoJEal iö B'cians. State age in ordering. Kj jHp#S m&A 3'1 Prico, 51. Cataloarue Free. ImI-ÏS &i Í% O ffk A saie and 8Peedy 1 KbOeHSiS RH nl aB cure for O Ie ett IJlfcJIfJflJWi Strlcture and all ■n'UwiNKV unnatural discharges. PriceSÜ. wfP ftREEKSPECIFICïtT„9„ail Ji1 Wand Sbln niseasea, Scrof. nlona Sores onrtMyphllUlo AtTectlona, witbout mercury. Pnce, SS. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. SS!. 189 Wi3Loagin Street, KILWAUKEE, WIS. ■% H a ■ik"iFAIBSIS"gl're8ln9tant ■■relief and is an int'allible U B BL Cure for Piles. Price$l. Hy W, m ff" kl)ruiristsor mail. Samples I ■"ANAKESfS," ■ ■ ■■ BH Vtoi SÜO, St. York City. University Building - Tenders Wanted. ProposaU will be received by the Board of Regenta of the Dnlverslty ií Michigan up to and lnoludlng August lst lor the erection and completion oí an addition to the Law building, and an addition to the Engineering building, botli on the University grounds at Ann Arlor. Plansand Bpeclflcations can be seen at the office of the Secretary of the University, or at the oHice of the Architect, E. W. Arnold, 57 liulil Block, Detroit. I'roposals must be sealed and indorsed "Proposals for University Buildings," and addressed to Jumes II. Wade. Secretary of the Board of Regente, Ann Arbor, Mich. Separate proposals w i 1 1 be requlred for eacli building. and the work must be completed by the iïrst day of January 189S, iiat'li tender must be accompnnied by an appnived bond. or certitud check of ri've liuii ared dollars (SOO) as suretythat partieswil] enter into a oontmet should their proposals be accepted. Blank schedules wlll be suj plled by the Becretary on application. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all blds. JULY 8 TO AUGUST 2 SliirifctSale Everyone must go next week. ALL NEW IN STYLEandMATERIAL OUR GRAND 1HPB8VBHBIT SALE mm mui Bargains on Every Sirle. HiflKftiBHMIB Commissioner's Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte naw, The tmdersigned having been appolnted by the Probate Courtof saidcounty. Commissloners to recelve, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons agalnst the estáte of Francia Woodbridge, late of said county, deceased, hereby gire notice that sis mouths trom date are alloircd, by order of Bald Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims ixalnst the estáte of aaid deceased, and that Elny will meet at the First National Bank, In the city of Ann Arbor. in said connty, on Tueeday the S9th day of September, and oh Tuesduv the39th day of December, uext. at 10 o'clock x. in., of each of said recelve, examine nul adjust said claims. Dated, June29th, 1891. Chas. B.Davisok, ) „ . . I'kice, j Commissioners. I POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar balcing powder. Highest of all in leavlng strength. - Latett I'. S. Qovern ntt ni Food Il inri. TO KEEP THINGS MOVING MARKED DOWN T0 M Bottom Pnces ! AT j. j. mim PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Prescriptions a Specialty ! We desire }-our patronage and will give you satisfaction. Y M $ 10 yTcURED SCHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE Instantlr relieyei the most Tinlent attaek M iruree romfortable sleep. No WAITIKÜ Tor RKSCLTS. Etinfr used bv inhalatioa, ilsactiou a inimdiace direct and CERTAIN. and a cure is the result In all curable cases A single trial convinces the most sfceptical Prlce 50c. and (I, of Droggists or t)T mail. Bample Rïg for "bRRSOHirFMAITN, St.Panl, Minn. NOTICE TO CeEDITORS. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, ss. Notice ís hereby given, that by an order oí the Probate Conrt for the Connty of Washteuaw, made on the twentiethday of June A. J). six months t'rom that date "vere allowed for credltore to present tluár claims agalnst the estáte of Mary Ann Pebbles, I Peebles), late of sakl county. deeeased, and that all creditorsof said deeeased are reauired to present theii claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Oflioe in the city ot' Ann Arbor, for fxamination and allowance, on or before the nventy-first day of December next, and tbat snch claims will be heard betore sail cuurt.on Monday, the twenty-flrst day of September and on Monday tlie twenty first day of December next, at teri o'clock in" the foreñoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor. June 20th. A. D.1891. J. WILLAKD BA.BB1TT, Jndge of Probate


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