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Tidings From The East

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Johnstown, N. Y., July 13th '91. Editor of the Courier: - In the center of this oíd town, once owned prlncipally by Sir William Johnson, there wtands a moidiest, red briek, tile roofed Court House, with it.s recent coatthe beauttful and venerable elins xhat Hurround it. I nm led to speculate whether the Waehtenaw County tv Court House, -vith its recent eoatIngs, will one day iu.spii-e a visitor to Kwaik as one has wrltten of the John.stown Court House, TVhich I enclose, ns follows: "They teil me thLs temple of justice is 11!) yeare old. One hundred and nineteen! WSiat does it mean? It mciiis the coming down through four pr five generations of people who have Uved, flonrished and gone, but have more or less of their doinga recoröed here. It means the proffress of the country from n wilderneAs, disturbed only by the howllnga of tlio wild nnimals that roamed treely over the adjoining hills with no fear of disturbance, save froin the long since departed Indian. wlio had equal mdisturbed license along the shores of the classic Scandaga and the somewhat leswr Cayadutta. It meana that among the reaords surrounded by thoee ancient -valls may be found doings of men -whose very bones have long sincc gone to deeay aiud dust, whose v(irks live after them, preserved as riches to govern and guide those Avho might come and search for wisdom here. It incans that among the dusty records here prewrved, may be found a history of the many legal battles which throughout those long years, have taken place within these walls; preeided over, dlrected and decided by wise nuen, men feared in the law, it may be to a greater degree than those who are directing things in these walls bo-day. It means, in short, that the wort of men, althoaigh temporary and transicnt. vet sometimes Uw long after tJiose who were active in the oonstruction are gone and forgotten. No living being is living now, who witneased the erection of these walls so freso and sound, and we may well wonder at the lawe whlch allow the worke of man to stand for so many generations, but that there are no cerlain panaceas íor the ilLs of life, and n o way yet discovered tiirough which he can escape the ravages of deatn and the eertainty ol leaving mach of hte worka behind hlm. But auch Is the wlil and the order of flio Great Kuier, a mystcry to man, but evMently His l■;lt plan." TRAVELI.ER." There Is oo our desk a specimen tin shingle, made of American material. by Amerioan workmen, in the American city of l'hiladi'lphia, by the American firm of Taylor & Co., with American capital. It is a hingle to be proud of, very proad of. It doeen't cost any more than Tho Welch article did, and is wnrraiued to Ik exactly as good an article or the man who purchaaea it may return it to the eoiupaiiy and get liis money back. The billion dollar oongresB passed the law that made this result poeaible. The McKinley bill provUled for it. The tin imiustiy wiil fumtéh einploymcnt to thousaiulf) of men, and these men will keep the farmer's plow movtpg. Republiean : leglslation The Co-iirier undererfcanda the eonstiUition '.-is wil as the Argus, and the repubii&an party lias alwaya otoeyed, the constltutlon, bot the last legisla ture eltfhei did nol i.n nv that there wcis surh a document In exlstence, .udid not care anytbing about it. The law paesed by thein, consolidattag the bou r ds f i the relormetory insututiüiis of tiiis state ïnakcs thé Rovernor a member oï the nrw board, nol a mem'ber ex-offlcio, and givee eaeh member $1,000 per year and expenses, üf coure, tlie law is unconstitutional, and so are a large aunvber oï other laws ipassed by the Iniamoua Bquawliuc-ks. A lady in ClUton Springs, X. Y., a few ilays sint!' wrote Supt. Fall. enclosLng ;?l for a package oï Ann Arbor stroet car tickets, wblch were duly sent. In acknowledfelng the recelpt 0Í the same she says: "1 want to compliment the company on having tlie only artistic tickets in Michigan." Si,]ihen Adanis desires US to announcv that lie has no connection with Che couiing Sd of August Emancipation ceJet)patkn in tbls city, either lireei ly 01 indireetly, and that lus name bas been naed by the management! vitJiout iiis consent. -♦ Tlie antiseptic and liealing qualHics o! Dr. Sage'.s Catarrh Eemeiiy are unequalled.


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Ann Arbor Courier