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For twenty-five years the experience of millions of sufferers, old and yoniin, aud female, have gratefully endorBed the miraculuus virtues of This Phannacenticnl Paradox of the Ae I A vitaüzing stimulant without al cohoL A nerve sedativo without narcotics. A blood purifier without poisons. A liver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, secretion, excretion and respiration. A life-giving tonie, pure and simple, without the disastroua reactiona of the deadly compounds of rum and alcohol usually sold as bitters. Was never known before ín the World, lts di8coveryamnn? the medicinal fruits, rood ' and herbs of California WAS A MIRACLK, and their combination into a phenomenal lifegiving tonic A TEIÜMPH of the CHEMICAL ABT. The only change made in the formula durine twenty five yeara bas boen to present it in two Gombinations. The old oriqinal remain uachanged but beins Btronger, more laiative and better. A. new tornt more agreeable to tha taste and better adapted to delicate tvornen and rhildren, but comprising the same tonic properties, is now made and the science of the wvrld ia challenged to produce theequalofthis TRCLY & ONLY TEMPERENCK BITTERS KNOWN or to produce apurely Tegetable bitter or medicina of any kind, whose action is at once so safe, so certaiii and comprehensiva as the CALIFORNIA VTNEGAE BITTERS, or any compound which from its varied actioa upou the vital iunctions is equal to the CURE OF 80 MANY DISEASES. Their name is legión- Rheumatism. Neuralgia Catarrh, Jaundice, Kidney Disease, .Serofula, Skin DiBeases and Boils, Cousumption, Piles and all disorders arising from indigestión, impure blood nervous prostration, and dilapidated constltutioa from any cause give way to it like mist before tha eun, wljile its singular power ovit THE DEADLY MICROBE ASD OMXIPRESENT BACTERIA indicates its superiority in all diseases of malarial origin, and rendera it tho BEST TERMIFÜGE KNOWN. No family can aÉford to do without a bottls of OLD AND 'NEW STYLE VIXEGAR BITTERS In the house, as expresad hy tliousands of testimoniáis. Send for beautiful book. Address, B.H. McDONALD DRC6 CO.,' New YorW Jmtcfs ohoes sa for the retnfly T5 [ "Box Tip" School Shoes Ova ior Boys and Girls. Jf ?J%e'. Heeled or Wed9e Heelff SviiLN Slzes-8tolOH S1.25 Ik ''OFíSTri Iltol3!4 l.öO Wgfa' TH lto3 1.75 Üfï FARGO'S }Hl $2.50 Calf Shoe fííJctvv for Gentlemen, i y. A I ïy Cncjualei by any Bhoo lnfev.. r CliAr7'n Amoriea ac the sauie iptegnUb Ljyprú-'. In Congres, ïïut"■-i.- ig ton and I.ace. 3Ienlöami lïuy's sizes. c-tfl FARCO'S % $2.50 LADIES' BOOT 1 O?„ V Dongola or Goat, Button, ƒ lAX Opera, or Common Sense. ÍORÍ1 S;e N. Tackles and Flexible. IfcXÍr LiSuT'&SÍWiirranted the most - - sizes. OUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOM OF CVERY SHQÉ. KtH;p them seud to us oud we will furnili vnn hM DOTY & FL-INER, AGENTS, - ANK" ARBOR. "M. & h: The Handsomest, Most Ecouomical, and BEST method of putting up Writing Papers for home and office use. Get them from your Stationer, or seud direct to the Manufacturera, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 536 & 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. N. B.- A Handsome Tablet suitable for Polite Correspondence mailed for Twcnty-Five Cent. Hutzel's later Back !. A very important nvention which wil] be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of ex-. perience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedk ments which accumulate in wateibacks, often making them useless. and in great many instances becom-. ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine thig, useful invention. HUTZEL & CO. Plumbers and Steamfittrs. ANN ARBOB, - - MICBr II" J II techairfir]jrntelllgeipeioiiofith41 Til lltei, whocan read and wrlte, snd who ■ IJ il II IJafter initruction.will nork ndintrioadj-," W w U w wliowto eara Three Tbousaad Dellarc Yearin theirovrn 'ocalltiei.wherevertheylive.I wülaliofumiih the ■ hïchyoucan earn thatamouot Nomoney for meunleü luceessful asábove. Eaíilyand quickly I leamed. I detirtj but one worker from each district orcountr I ! haro already laught and provided with emplovment a IdVro number, .ïta are making orer Í SOOO a year each. It'. IÏE W ijl SOI. II. Pull PMkllanFSKK. Addresalon" E. C, A I.I.IO.V. ox 48O, Auutu, Iluine, ÍCoo3s:'s Cot-fcon. Boot f COMPOUND ■ RJ Composed of Cotton Ro t. Tansy and Ly y3 Pennyroyal - a recent discovery by aa ijold physiolan. Is siuxetsfvüu used montldy- Safe, Eifectual. Prioe $1, by malL Bealed. Ladies, ask your drucKist for Cook' Cx)tton Root Compound and take no substituto or inolose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. AdL dress POND LltY COMPAXY. No. 8 Fisher Blook, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Micb. ■Wood's tPliosïlioa.ix3.O. THE GRBATJEJVGLISH BBMEDY. Teed for 35 years - m of Youthf ui folly by iC flf' and the exressea cessfully. (Hatiffiil .f later years. aníecti to cure all Oitvs inmediata forras of ervousJ X?Jts3 strenyth andvig eakness, Emls-'tfiíC ,lr. Askdrueslsta slons, jBBrf for w0od'6l%os. package, $1; slx, 5. by mail, Wrlte for pamphlet, Address Thel ood Chemical Co., 131 Woodwird -ive., Detroit, Mlch. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T ATYT"Ï?Q TKY LKDUC'8 -PE i-ijnL.JLi.HiO RIODICAL" PILLS from Paris, France. Eatabliahed in Eiiropr Canada in 1878. For Suppreaslong, IrregularU tiee, and Monthly Derangements. A rèliable montlily medicine. Theyalways relieve. Aujdrugglst, L2. Ameritan I'ill Co., Proprietors Spencer. Iowa, Kobert Sjephenson & Co.,' Wholesale agents,and all other dmggists in Ann Arbor. Tbese pills are warranted to, bring on the " chauge. ' CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE $29.000.000 Security held tor the protection of the pohcy.CHRISTÜn íVÍACK RepresentB the following fim-clase compi of wbich one, the .-Etna, has alone pi 000 tire losses in sixty-flve yeare : -ICtim. of Hartford i'.i.r.'J.iiH Franklin of Philttdelphiá 3,118,718 Germania, N. Y. .... 2.700.72ft Germán, American, N'. V. i.r. LoudoB Assurance. London 1.416,788. Michigan F. & M., Detroit 387,608 N. Y. Underwriters. N. Y.... .. .. 8,596,676 National. Hartford, ... .... l.77i0i Phoenix, Brooklyn . . ... 8,759,0Si i.m ges liberally ad}usted and promptly paidv Policiea issued at lowest ratés of premium ll'Htf We fumish everythinfr. We start yon. No rk. You can devota . vuur spare momenis, or all your time to tlie work. Thia is an , entirely new tead.and brings wonderfu) iuccess to every m ( iker. Bflfthuien are ejiming from Í2S to 50 pcrweek and npwardai and more arter a litlle experience. We can furnish you the tmployment and teach vou KIÍKK. Nu ■] acfl to eiplain here. Fuli. infonuition HiKK. TKli: ,i ( II., Ul,;sU,3.Ut on advertising space whon n Chicago, will find it on I 45 to49 Randoiph St., ■ Ain - - hAdWrttE=ngAsoncyof LUW ytfjLL... flHIB. flMM).Ofl a vcar ia bcinpmadobr John R JSm ■ Goodwïn,Troy,N.Y.,a. work for ut. Keader, ■"tiifc you may not make as much, but we eau Hl rt l9u l0tl yoiqckly bow toeuB (hmWM ■ftJMbrMÍVU a 'R" at the BtarI "nd mo1 svr-n po flf4FB Lon Poth exes, all ages. In any nart of W .. BAmerica. you can commence at honie, friv. 'H' ' JELxm1" a" -vour (iinp.or spare nutments on]v to C mBk tl 10 work. AU is new. (ireat pay S( KK'i, r every worker. Wc start voufumisliinamLjËm ev.rythinp. EASH.Y, Sl'EKIíILY learnt-.i 1 I I P I tO., 1'UKTLAJ.D, illí'


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