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Tot twenty-five yeara tho exporisnco of milliona of sufferers, old and youiur, mal" and femalp, have grateiuuy enuorseu the rniraculuus virtucs of Tkis Pliannacentical Paradox of the Ag( A vitalizing Btimulant without al eohol. A nerve sedativa withou.1 narcotica. A blood purifier withoul poisons. A liver eleanser. A purelj vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, searetion, e cretion and respiration. A life-giving tonic, pure and eiraple, without the disastrous reactiona of the deadly compounda of rum and alcohol us. ually sold as bitters. Was nerer knotrn fcefore 5n the World. lts diecovery amonR the medicinal fruits. rooi and herbB of California WAS A SIIRACXE, and their combination into a phenomenal lifsgiving tonio A IRIÜMPH of the CHEMICAL ABT. The only changa made in tho formula during twenty-flva yeara has been to present it in two combinations. The ohl oTifjinal remain unchanged, but being stronger, more laxativa aud better. A. netv fortn more agreeable to tha taste and better adapted to delicatx tvomen and rhildren, but comprisiDg the sama tonic properties, is now made and the trlniceof the tvorld ia challengtd to produce the equal of this TRCLY & OSLT TEHPERENCE BITTERS KNOWS or to produce apurely vegetable bitters or medicina of any kind, whose action ia at once 60 safe, so certain and comprehensive as tho CALIFORNIA VINÏGAE BITTEKS, or any compound fhich from its varied action upon the vital íunctions 3 equal to the CURK OF SO MANY DISEASE3. Their n.ime is legión- Hhoumatism. Neuralgia Catarrli. Jansdioe, Kidney Disrase. 8crofula, Skia Dlseasesand Boils. Consiimptiou, Pups and all disorders arising from iodigestion, impuro blood r.crvous proRtration, and dilapidated eonstitution from any cause pive way to it like mist before th bud, wliile its singular power over THE DEADLY MICROBE AND OMNIPHESEXT BACTERIA indicatcs itq enperiority in all diseases of malarial origin, and renders it the EEST VERMirUGE KNOWN. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AXD NEW STYLE VIKEGAR BITTERS in tho house, as eipressed by thonsanda of testimoniáis. Send for beautiful book. Addresa, R. H. JUcDONALX DRUG CO.,' y e-w Yor Shoes H ifor the n remtly Tï FARCO'S TÍ5H' 'Box Tip" School Shoes Iwk for Boys and Girls. ; 5fee- Heeled or Wedge Heel. f' SöSiLv_ Sizes-tolO"3 S1.25 E, '&}rSÏZrK 11 to 1354 1.50 WP "- gy2to 5A 2.00 fUT FARGO'S JMV $2.50 Ca!f Shoe feMvik fer Gentlemen, fcwAinfc-y i Unequoled by any shoo itoJ.v K 5UrtC f n Anit'i-ica ac the same ■'ílUC-lAí'price. in Congres, Itut-i-' toH1, g ton and Tuce. luu'aaiid Boy'ssizes. r-gl FARGO'S mU$2.50LAOIES'BOOT cín . Dongla or Button, ■ jVSo Opera, or Common Sense. f JCrtH&g N. Tackless anl Flexible. I, CJr LiRr&SEi Wamurtea the most DUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOM OF EVERY SHOE, kSLëSLZ Ïm',0}''01" F'c' lioos. If he doaa not O. H. FABGO & CO., Chicago, Hl. DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANK ABBOR. "M. & H. WRITING TABLETS. The Handsomest, Most Economieal, and BEST method of putting up Wrlting Papers for and office tise. irt tlirni [rom your Stationer, or send direct to the MannfactureTBi HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 530 & 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. N'. 1'..- A Handsome Tablet suitable for Polite Concspondence raailed for Twenty-1 Hntzel's Water Back ! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot : water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great raany instances becomi ing dangerous. ; ' The outlay of dollars is reduced to ; dimes. No household using a range I can afford to be without it. ! j No more trouble by using city r water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask , your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this. useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Phtmbern and Steamfitters. ANN AEBOB, - - MICB V JM 11 Mch any fairljr intelligent perton of.ithei_1k TI I Í Mm, whomn read and write, and who. JJ il I Marter inatruction, wlll work industriouaij r " w Whotïto earn Three Tliousand Dollars a Teariii Iheirown Mcolitie!,,vherevertherliTe.I wlll alsofumish the aituation or which you can earn Ihal amount. ïio monejr tor meunless uccessful aa abore. Eaallyand qulcklr learned. I deaira but one worker frorn each diMrict orcointv I have alreadjr ttught and provided with emplovment larr i number, vho re making over ÍS000 jear eael'i. lts NE W ï!d $tif i'-Jg' rMulF)IM' Addressaton", Í,. O, A.L,L,Jfc.;N. Box 48O, Autatta, lUuine. N5oo!k:'s Cotton Tloo ■ SkÜ compound H Rf iOomtiosea of Cotton Ro'.t, Tansy and t%7 y3 PonnjToyal- a recent aiseovery by aa iJiold physicUn. Is succe&s'ull] used momhly- Safe. Effectual. Ptícp J1, by maiL. sealed. Ladies, ask your druist fur Cook'. Cotton Koot Compound and take r.n übstitute. or inolose 2 stamps for sealed partioalan Address POND tlLY COMFASY, Sv.ó Fiaher Blook, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. ■W"oo3-'s !Pli.osïli.o3Li33.e. THE GREAT EXGLISH BEMEDY. Tsed for 35 years ,■■ _aBl ot Youthiul folly MT and the eioesses uessfuUy. (BKJ ,f 1 n ter years. antced to cure all ij.IiB'J , ,,- s mmidiata irras of Íervou3 %93 st renal h and vigslons, jBSyí for Wood's l'hospackage, $1; slx, 5. by mal], Wrlte for pamphlet Address The.Uood Chemical Co., 131 Woudward ave., Detroit, Mích. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS, T ATYFTï'Q TKY lk ducs "PB ■Lj-ti-lJ-HitCi RIODICAL" PILLS froi Parts, Franco. Established In Europe Canuda in 1878. For Buppresslons, Irregularities, and Monthly Deraugements. A reliablenonthly medicine. Thuy alwaya r lieve. Any drngjtist, $2. Aniericau 'Pili Co., Proprietors.. Spencer, Iowa. Robert Siephenson & Co., vliolesale agenta, and all other clriis;s.'i! 11 nn Arbor. These pills are warráuted tobriiig on the " chauge.' CET "HE 6 FIRE INSURANCE L29.000. OOO Securlty held ior the prott-etion of the policy holders. CK ente the following ñrst-class eorapai f whlch one, the -Etna, has alone paid Jtó.OOO,uo flre lossea In Blxty-flve years: Etna, of Hartford $9,192,644 'ranklln of Phlladelphia . 8,118,718 ermania, N. T 2,700,729 ieniian. American, N. Y 4,066,968 xjudon Assuranee. London 1416,786 [ichigan F. & M., Detroit 98708 N. Y. Underwritere, N. Y 29E,67& Viitioiml. Hartford. 1,774,505 'hcinix. Brooklyn 3,759,03( Losa a liberally ad] usted and promptly paid. 'oiicies issue) at The lowest ratesof premium Hitltf B U Í 6 3 mm Si-nn liernmcdncourNElVlineofivork. affi 11 HE I V r"li'"-v l""1 '"""biy. h' "■ r VI l W !_ I o.vnlo,aütips,l,er,-verIl,,ylivl..A„y illUilla I oi ion do the ...k. l-'.asy to leun. Ve furnish evcri-thinp. We start you. No risk. You can devota ur ?piro momenis, or all your time to the work. This is atv ntirely newU-aiI.ainl bringtwondwfb] Ineeesa torry workav. lerlnnwi are eaniing from Í25 to #50 pwweek aiul iipwHiós, ná moro after a titilo eTpericnce. W can funiish you the emlovmont snii tPHch v.u HiKK. No st.nveto explai'n hn-. nformation KUÏK. TRIE A: CO., ALGLSTi, BiUili. HWBUÏÏ t tiimr.& tnis (p,cfObte.n ,„■ n n ad-crtiitng spaco w:-on In Chicago, wlll iirid t on i 5 tr40 Randoiph S:., ■ ■. ffl ""Hl SaA-,,.ncyofiLBL 1. gM f (iOOO.OO ft ypnr U hfip mndo br John R SvSÊJ GoodwintTry:ií-Y-ií ork tor us. lu-ader WÏ j '"" 'nn.v nil innkp ns much, bul W cm' mt Xmttcnrh y.'iKirk'kiy bow to MUm tcom 9t ta ftl imÉivIff 10 a '"' at thc start' atuI Illuie as you co Poth Sfxcs all acts. In nny mu i ( ■" - gAraerica, you can commen t home pivlX JüLr intr alt J"our time-or pare mumeuts onlv ro 3 éLl: WëW' the work" Allisnew. Girat pay SI 1U-.',, P VK every worker. IVe start voufurnijhinir ,mJÈm fvcrythinp-. EASILY, fcH'EKUILY learaeif AÊwi. l-Ai;iKI.LAV:s FliÈE. Address at OnCet


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