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The grand jury of New York city indicted the. editors and publishers of all New York c.ty morning newspapera except the Tribune, charging them with misdemeanor inpublishing details of the execution of the four murderera recently killed at Sing Bing. Thk fifth anniversary of the murder of Kev. George C. Haddock, who was killed on account of his efforts to enforce the prohibitory law of lowa, was celebrated at Sioux City under the aaspices of the Law and Order league. A sen'Sation was created at Beatrice, Neb., by an announcement made by William Wymore, an old citizen of that countv, that he saw in southwestern Kansas John Cameron, for whose murder Jackson Marión was hangerf over four years ago. The treasury department reports that the total receipts from customs during the month of July were $8,485,232 less than the receip.ts during the same month last year. Thk iailure of A. B. Stockwell, once a noted millionaire speculator, was announced on the New York Consolidated ExcIkj R0BBKR8 who broke into the safety deposit vault in a bank at Kinsman, O., carried away sixty private deposit boxes. Sö.uoü in silver píate and a large amount of other property. The death of George K. Anderson, register of the United States land office at Folsom, Col., occurred at Trinidad, lie was once a wealthy operator in oil in Pennsvlvania. John G. Howklí,, a prominent California politician, killed K. .). ('olvin, a young stenographer who was an aspirant for the hand of his d&ugtiter. Catti.k men in the Indian territory, on the Cheyenne and Arapahoe inountains, were fined one do: ar per head for all cattle now within tlve lines. The trespassing cattle numbor between ÜOO.000 and 300,000. After robbing the mails for over a year, during wlik-.h his stealings must have amormted to several thousand dollars, Carrier Henry E. Barlow was arrested in Chicago. The president approved the finding of the retiring board that exarnined St. John P. Mcirrs, U. S. N., for rctirement on account of color blindness, and he was placed on the retired list of the navy. Later accounts from Lake Charles, La., place the number of killed in the recent riot at Locke, Moore & Co. 's tram works at fourteen, with sixteen wounded. At the second day's session of the Grand Army of the Kepublic encampment at Detroit, Commander-in-Chief Veazey in his annnal address recommended the establishment of separate departments for colored camps. Washington was decided upon as the next place for holding thcannual meeting. The White Star line steamer Majestie which reached New York made the trip across the A1 antic in five days, eighteen hours and eight minutes, the fastest time on record. Miss Nellik JJoisr, daughter of the circuit judge of Sitlern, Ore., and William Steel, son oí l'ostmaster Steel, of Portland, were drowned while bathing at Long Beach, Wash. It was reported that nine men wera killed and sixteen tvounded in a battle between cattlemen and outlaws near West Lake. La. Johx Ghavso.v, who di sd at La Grange, Ark., confessed to having murdered three men during his liiètline - a detective, a farmer and a book agent. Samuel Bbkkman, a prominent merchant at Lawranc ■. Kan., küled hii wife and 1-year-bld chi] i. and thenflred a bullet with fatal effect into his own brain. Domestic trouble was supposed to have been the cause. The east bound mail train on the ; Ogdensburg .c La! Champlain j road collided with a returning Sundayschool excursión train at Champlain station, N. Y., killing iive persons and fatally injuring ten or fifteen. A PASSENGER train was wrecked on the Grand llapids & Indiana railroad about 2í miles north of Kalamazoo, Mich., and sixty-two passengers were injured. JMhs. O. W. ('ass, wife of a merchant of Aurora, Neb., in a íit of temporary insanity saturated her dress with kerorene and then lire to it and was burned to death. A 0LOUDBUR8T near Ilarrisburg, Pa., inundated factoriesand flooded the surrounding countr di 1 dam age. Wir.i.iAM Anbersoï! dropped dead at the breakfast table in Passaic, N. .J., John Humphrey died in an electric car at Atlantic City. N. ■!.. and George MoAllistcr died in a bath house at Cape May. N. .). A TËRMFic hailstorm in the vicinity of Iloward, S. 1)., did great damage to the wbeat erop. It was estimated that from 40,000 to 00,000 bushels of wheat were destroyed. Robert H. Muhuay, who was recently released from the Jeffersonville (Ind.) penitentiary, was arrested at Louisville, Ky., charged with the murder of a sister of charity who had nursed him during1 an illness, and who refused to marry him. The twenty-flrst annual convention of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America convened in Washington on the 5th. At the Auburn (N. Y.) state insane asylum seventeen insane convicts overpowered their keepers, secured the keys and escaped. Five of them were recaptured. One of the keepers was stabbed and seriously wounded. Near Port Byron, N. Y., a passenger train on the West Shore railroad ran into some freight cars that had becoine detached from the train ahead, killing the fireman and ten Italian passengers and injuring a score of others, some of ■whom would die. Jamké . . Roche, ot i -., vas leete n Ier oí the Kt'gular Army and Navyunion at their annual moeting held at Bo At the üfty-second annual cónvention of the Beta Theta Phi fraternity at Lake Chautauqna, Prof. J. C. Gordon, i Vrasiungton, was cnosen presiaenc n. V.' Havdock, carviaiTif turer oí oí. jyouis, marte an assignmenl, with liabilities of S100.000. I'kksidknt Harhison restored to citizenship Levi Cioins, a veteran of Robison, 111. (oins had been wrongfully imprisoned for fraudulently endeavorin(? to obtain a pension. Gov. Buciianan, of Tennessee, iai sued a proclamation calling a special session of tlie legislature to take ac, tion in regard to the revisión oí the convict labor laws. Pibb destroyed the Ilutchinson cooperage works at Peoria, 111. Tfata was the thirii time the buildings had been destroyed by lire. The loss was over $115.000. At the third and last day's sessioo of the Grand Army of the Republic at Detroit Capt. John Palmer, of Albany, N. Y. , was elected commander in chief. The proposition to institute separate camps for colored veterans was defeated. Mrs. Wat.ter Beebe, of Council Bluffs, Ia., jumped from a carriage ai the horses veere running away and was fatally Imrt, An infrinffinent oí a patent was tha reason for attaching property belonging to the city Boston to the yalue of $800,000. Liberty Snooks, a farmer near Humeston, Ia., was shot and instan tly killed by Dick Gwinn, as the result of a family quarrel. A heavy hailstorm passed Crookston, Minn., laying waste and destroying grain from Marin to Hi.xon, a strip 5 miles witled by 14 in length. Everythinf,' was destroyed and there would be no harvesting in that belt of country this season. It was said that the village of Comanee, Ia., liad been entirely destroyed by fire. Father Quay, the Catholic priest of Bnohomish, Wash., was tarred and feathered by a mob of citizens. He was accused of immoral practices. lx the United States the business failures during the seven days ended on the 7th numbered 231, against 247 the preceding week and 208 for the corresponding week last year. James S., a veteran 60 years old, of Otisville, Mich. , committed suicide at Detroit while attending the encampment. The lilymer Ice Machine Company of Cincinnati has assigned. Liabilities, $320,000. Rev. Dr. Sherwood, an evangelist from Florida, was arrested at Omaha, Neb., for having six negro boys as slaves. It was said that they were treated with great cruelty. He would be charged with violating the fifteenth amendment of the constitution. For assaulting a child of 8 years, James Thoroughgood, a colored man, was hanged at Dover, DeL The secretary of the United States treasury was advised that an attempt was to be made during the present month to rob the treasury by an organized band of men. Whii.e shooting his brother, who was crazy and who had attacked him with a knife, a planter naraed Huff, of Willis, I. T., shot and mortally wounded his own wife. The crazy man was killed with three bullets from a Winchester rifle. Shooting and killing his prisoner was the cause of the arrest of the city marshal of Carbondale, 111., on the finding by the coroner's jury that the killing was unjustifia! Ie. The victim was the sun of Rev. O. X. Clark. The younfi man had been driuking and re; sisted arres!. Thbodors Dennis, of Boston, was electo! president "f the National Association of Letter Carriers. FreD LewICH, oiie of the editors of the Western Poultry .Journal, was drownoil at Cedar Rápida, la., while bathing in the Cedar nver. J. W. Showai.tkr, of Lexington, Jiy., vvon the Unitert ;-ta.tes Chess association's championship prize. Dk. W. W. Walkjüb, of New York, was elected president of the American Dental Association at Saratoga, N. Y. At Séneca, Neb., a train struck a killing A. il. Burnett and Miss Francés Fuller. Two nomen and two children were seriously Imrt. After about twenty-five years ol litigation the supreme oourt of California decided that the Sanpablo ranch af 18,000 acres must ie divided among severa] hundred owners. Nkaii Debeque, Col., a passenger train on the Denver t: Rio Grande railway swept l'roin the track and Dearly buried by a landslide. No one was hurt. Mrs. Sue A. Samders, of Delaware, 111., was elected national pnsident of the Woman's Relief Corps at the Detroit convention. A tp.ain" on the Santa Fe railway Itruck a buggy near Leavenworth, Kan., killing Mrs. Lonsdale and morially wounding Miss l'owers and Ray Powers. Louis liri.i.iMi, the wife murderer, was sentenced to death at Savannah, Ma, for the third time. The date was fixed at September 4. Two women' were instantly killed in an electrical storm near VVinnipeg, Man. Gus Brede, of Fort McLeod, N. W. T., was killed by on the Teton, about 5 miles from Fort Benton. [Ie had charge of a party of Chinamen, whorn he was suiuggling into the United States. The New York and Chicago limited express on the Fort Wayne road ran into an open switch near East Palatine, O., killing the engineer and flreman. The passengers all escaped uninjured. Indians have brought the report to Yuma, Cal., that the earthquake of July 30 materially changed the course of the Colorado river. The Grand Army of the Republic encampment at Detroit completed its labors on the Tth a ft er installing all the hewly-elected officers. 1 red persons ' il . Williams, iii.;ii'i Williams, Willis Lowe and Eliza Lowe were shot to death by a mob in I' arj eounty, Ala., for burning a house, and their bodies were thrown in the river. PERSONAL AND POLITIOAL. J. B. Mates was elected chief of the Cherokees. The death was annou.need of William V o burg1, au tuwu, pioneer, at Clinton He was captain of Company F Iowa oavalrv in the war. At Uartíord Coun., John and Isa bella Beecher Hoolser celebrated thei golden wedding. Late KLentuckT election returns in dicatc that the Farmers' Alliance party had elected amajorityof the members to the Legislature. Ex-Gov. Samuel R. Axteli. died a Morristown. N. .1. WrLl.lAM Uhkkn, aged 112 yeara an 9 montas. i im I at .loliet, 111. Di?cease was boro lo freland and np to the las retained bis raind. He had been blind several years. JOHN SeITZ, of Séneca county, va nomÍDated for governor of Ohio by the people'ss party in convention at Spring field. The platform demands the aboli tion of natioual banks as banks of is sue, government control of railroads liberal pensions for soldiers and elec tion of United States senators by pop ular vote. H.ON. Thomas S. Hancock died at his home near Lynchlmrjr. Va., aged 75 years. For a number of yeara prior to the war he was a member of conress He was also a member of the confed erate eongress and sp -;iker of the house FOREK3N. M. Eifff.i,, the ar uiteet of the great tower at the Freneh exposition, tele graphed to the boar of managers o the Columbian exposition for permis sion to erect a tower on the fair grounds. AuvicEj say Oial 5,600 Italians had sailed from ■. ina ior America. H.KA.VY rains in ; ra iroduöing state )1 Vera i'nx. lex., litive dainaifei the crops to such an t'xtoal that it was said that not . !-ioilrth of a erop would be Uarv Tuk Engiish parliament was prorogued to Ootober '. . The qseen in her .speech eongTatulates the county upon it.s pi'osperity and says measüres taken have resulted in marked abatement of agrarian offenses in Irelanc and a considerable advance in prosperity. A WATBBSPOUT on one of the Azores islands killed six persons and caused great destructioa of property. A memheií of the English parliament gave notice that at the next session oi that body he would introduce a resoltttion favoring a treaty of arbitration with this country. It was reported that Charles S. Parnell, the Irish leader, had decided to visit the United States late in the fall and conduct a campaign throughout the entire country. By the overflow of the river Yarra at Melbourne, Au.strilia, over a thousand families were rendered homeless and there was rauch sickness and fever among them. The damage caused by the Hood amounted to 82, 000, 000. AlïOTHKB woman was murdered in the Whitechapel district of London. She is believed to be a victim of the knife of "Jack the Ripper." On account of the scarcity of corn in Ru sia the government has decided to prohibit its export. It was reported frorn Persia that the shah ordered Abdullah Khan, the governor of Mazenderaun, charged with embezzling taxes. to be boiled alive, and that the sentenee was carried out LATER NEWS. and Washburn, Wis., were visitecl ■ :i tornado and several houses were blown down ana scores of buildings unroofecL Twenty vessels, mostl.v small yachts, were driven ashore. At Washburn Williams' circus tent was blown down and two children were killed and about fifty other persons were injnred, Dureno a row at Cedar Mills, I. T., Jolin llutt shot and killed his brother James and the latter's wife. In.vihi.ity to handle a yacht resulted in the of six persons in the harbor at Boston. The drowned were John Burke and two children, Thadue Manthorn and Annie and Thomas Carmody. In a quarrel over a money claim Hezekiah Arp shot and killed two brothers inl'annin county, Ga. Throi (ii the capsizing of a sailboat on Pewaukee lake Albert Barth and his sister Emma, Martlia and Helle Siegler were drowned. All the people were residente of Milwaukee. John i); ckett (colored) died in Washingt 106 years. lx the Seuond district of Tennessee John llouk (rep.) was eloeted to congress u' succeed his father, L. C. llouk, deceased. Thkee boys were drowned in the bay at West l;i. City, Mich.. by the capsizing of n Unit. A robbeu entered the bank at Columbus Grove, ).. shot ( basiei Maple and escaped with $1,800. Mr. Van Debark, wlio went to the bank about the same time, was killed, and another man met on the street was wounded. The robber escaped. CAXVtN Page, of Boston, has just recovered his two daug'hters who were stolen from him in Dakota twelve years ago by Indians. A tornado in Iowa unroofed rnany houses and outbuildings at Humeston, Corydon, Centerville, Bloomfield and Ottumwa. In the surrounding country crops were badly damaffed. The Masonic savings bank of Louisville, Ky., failed for 81,000,000. In the National league the percentages of the baseball clubs for the week ended on the 8th were: Chicafro, .595; New York, .5S0; Boston, .509; Philadelphia, .5O."; Brooklyn, .488; Cleveland. .406; Pitts burg-h, .40; Cincinnati, .400. The percentages in clubs of the American association were: Boston, .077; St. Louis, .(i:J5; Baltimore, .5S4; Athletic, .516; Columbus, .489; Cincinnati, .451; Washington, .340; Louisville ,316.


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